Research Grant/Contract Employee Information - Staff
This form is for research employees who are not students at TWU. Please complete all the information below and email to Sue Funk.
Please note: only the Principle Investigator for the grant can sign as supervisor on staff contracts and timesheets. If you will be away and can’t sign, you must first submit a written delegation of signing authority to the Research Office. The form is at .
Employee Personal Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
Postal Code/Zip Code:
DaytimeTelephone Number: --
Canadian: Permanent Resident: Foreign:
If foreign is selected a copy of their work permit must be included with this information. See Guidelines for Hiring Research Assistants and Payroll Processing for important information about hiring people who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents. There are regulations that the University must follow.
Note: Someone who is not a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident must have their work permit before they start working for you.
Position Title:
Tri-Agency Grants Only
Does the person you’re hiring have an appointment at another university that would enable them to apply as a PI or Co-Investigator for a Tri-Agency research grant?
Yes: No:
Note: Tri-Agency regulations state that we cannot pay wages to someone from a Tri-Agency grant when their “status would make them eligible to apply for grants from the Agency.”
Is the person you’re hiring a co-applicant or collaborator on the grant this is being paid from?
Yes: No:
Note: Tri-Agency regulations state that we cannot pay any form of compensation to co-applicants and collaborators of the grant.
The following information is required for financial reporting for Tri-Agency grants (all SSHRC, NSERC and CIHR grants).
Is the person you’re hiring is currently a student at another university?
Yes: No:
If yes, please indicate the degree they are currently enrolled in.
Bachelor’s: Master’s: Doctorate:
Is the person you’re hiring currently a Post-doc?
Yes: No:
Research Grant/Contract Details
Name of Grant/Contract PI:
Name of Funding Agency:E.g. SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR, TWU, etc.
Name of Grant:E.g. Discovery Grant, SSHRC Institutional Grant (SIG), etc.
Title of Research Project: Give title from grant application
Grant Account #: 35-
Employment Contract Duration
Start date: MonthDay, Year
End date: MonthDay, Year
Type of contract:
Probation Period
Complete this section only if this is a new contract with the employee. If you are renewing a contract with a current employee under the same grant account continue to “Type of Contract.”
For new contracts there is a standard 3 month probation period in which the ability to fulfill the responsibilities and duties of the position is evaluated. If the person you are hiring has worked for you on other grants or in your department,and you are satisfied with the work that they have done for you in the past, you can waive the probation period.
Waive probation period due to work performance on other grant/department employment:
Yes: No:
Type of Contract
See Guidelines for Hiring Research Assistants and Payroll Processing for information on rates to use and methods of payment.
Method of payment:
Rate of pay:
Do not include the following in the amounts below:
- Vacation pay. That is paid out at fiscal year end and at end the employment contract for hourly/stipend payments. For salary contracts they will receive vacation days.
- Benefit costs (CPP/EI/WCB/medical/RRSP). This category from your grant budget isan expense for the employer and not part of what is paid to the grant employees.
Fill out the applicable option below (based on your selection above):
- Hourly rate: $
- Stipend/pay period: $ (based on $/hr for hrs/week)
Note: usually the first stipend payment will be on the first payday after the employment contract start date and the last stipend payment will be on the payday following the employment contract end date (or on the contract end date if that is the same day as a payday).
- Salary/pay period: $ (based on $/hr for hrs/week)
Note: Salary is only to be used when the contract is for 24 hrs/week or more and for a term of more than one year.Please refer to the guidelines document for the additional benefit costs this will incur.
Maximum hoursto work (for full term of contract):
Total wages budget for contract: $
Employee Setup
Please selectthe items that are needed for the person you are hiring.
Trinet Access (computer logon ID):
TWU email account:
Library access:
Photocopy/printing code:
December 2015