Article I – Purpose
The California High School Football Booster organization, here forth known as the CAL Boosters, shall operate as a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization exclusively for the support of theCalifornia High School Football (CAL Football) program. Accordingly, CAL Boosters’function is tosupport the goals and effortsof the CAL Football programcoaching staff and meet program’s financial shortfalls. Our mission statement:
"To assist the California High Condor Football program achieve its' goal in providing a safe team environment in which Condor player's may grow in character, academic, and athletic development so that they may achieve excellence both on and off the field".
The CAL Boostersconsists of three bodies:
- Elected Officials
- Advisory Committees, and
- General Membership (composed of Silver, Gold and Platinum Condor).
The goal is to increase parent, guardian, alumni, and community support through membership, donations and volunteer efforts to support the football program. Theorganizations’ core values set forth consist of:
- Stimulating and sustaining an enthusiastic interest among football players, coaches, thestudentbody, parents, alumni and community members.
- Stimulate and sustain a level of respect between booster members and coaching staff.
- Engage and supportactivities set forth by the CALFootball programin accordance tothe Whittier Union High School Districtguidelines. These activities may include financial and nonfinancial support.
- Provide cooperation, participation and supportto the CAL Head FootballCoach and/or designated coaching staff member(s) in activities designed to promote the CAL Football program.
Article II – Membership
CAL Boostersmembership is open to any person or organizationinterested joining our mission in supporting the CAL Football program. Annual membership levels and related fees willbe determined annually by the Elective Officials. In addition to annual membership, the CAL Boostersmay provideother opportunities and forms of sponsorships through advertisement at different levels. Annual advertisement levels are to be determined annually by the Elective Officials and the Advisory Committees.
Article III – Voting Members
Voting members include all three bodies, which havevoting rightsin the removal or appointment of an Elected Official and Advisory Committee Members. Voting date(s) will be announced via the CAL Football official website at on or about March of each year.
Only Elected Officials and Advisory Committee Members will be authorized to voteon budget amendments, includingfundraising activities, approval of meeting minutes,bylaws or standing policies needing revision.Booster President will have “tie braking” vote.
Article IV – Rules of Conduct
All Board members shall: use good manners when dealing with other members, coaching staff, students, parents; be considerate, courteous and accurate in statements, exercise sound judgment an treat all concerns fairly and equitable in the performance of office.
Rules & Regulations applicable to all members are as follows:
All CAL BoostersSHALL:
- Be voluntary
- Strive to meet the Booster’s organization mission statement
- Provide unified support to the CAL Football program
- Organize and promote team events
- Work closely with Board members and coaching staff to meet the program’s needs
- Encourage all students’parentinvolvement through example
- Engage in ongoing recruit of new members and sponsors to further CAL Football goals
- Promote and support the CAL Football fundraising activities
- Promote the function of theBoard,as outlined below,in the recruitment of new member
- All members must conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner at all times, failure may result in removal of Board privileges
- Believe in the cause...... Volunteering will be rewarding
In addition, CAL Booster Elected Officials and its Advisory Committee shall also:
- Listen and work closely with other Board members and coaching staff to meet the program’s needs
- Obtain prior approval from school officials to use school facilities.
- Work and interact with school employees in a professional manner
- Abide by the Whittier Union High School District guidelines and policies
- Make financial balance reports available to any Booster memberupon request
- Maintain a current directory of name, address and phone number for current Board and Committee members
- Pay all taxes and debits incurred by the organization
- Comply with administrative regulations and bylaw policies when donating or receiving money or gifts
- Avoid conflict of interest, or appearance thereof
- Respect individual Board member’s duties and responsibilities
- Remember we are a nonprofit organization of volunteers; our purpose is to support CAL Football players and its coaching staff.
Elected Officials and Advisory Committee shallNOT:
- Direct or influence school employees in the administration ofduties.
- Discuss performance or review any coaching staff performance; coaching staffs evaluations are solely the responsibility of the Whittier Union High School District
- Discuss playing time issues
- Behave in manner that discredits the CAL Booster Organization
- Conduct themselves in a manner that is unbecoming of a CAL Booster Member
- Give any gift (including award) to any student without full Board support and only after approval from the Head FootballCoach
- Give a Booster member any gift without the unanimous approval of the Board.
- Employ or pay any Booster memberfor services rendered to the organization without Board approval
- Employ, contract, compensate, or supplement a salary in any way for the services of a consultant, clinician, paraprofessional, etc., forany work oractivitiesperformed in connection to the program without priorapproval from Board
- Sign contracts or pay expenses directly from the CAL Boostersaccounts for anyarrangements made without prior approval of the CAL BoosterBoard
- Use the CAL Boosters tax identification number for any business other than for the CAL Football program related administration
- Have serving elected or appointed Board Membersthatdo not have an activeparticipating player in theCAL Football program concurrent with their serving term, unless authorized byArticle V – Administration below
Article V – Administration
This organization shall be governed by the Board composed of ElectedOfficers andappointed Advisory Committee Members.
To serve on the Board, a candidate must be a CAL Booster member and have acurrent active child in the CAL Football Program. However, if for any reason an Elected Officer or appointed Advisory Committee Membersdoes not have an active studentinthe CAL Football program, but would like to continue to hold office,an approval of a two-thirds vote from the remaining Board members is required.
The Elected Official Officesshall be as follows:
- CAL Football Booster President
- CAL Football Booster Vice President
- CAL Football Booster Secretary
- CAL Football Booster Treasurer
The Advisory CommitteeOffices will be appointed by the Elected Officers and will have full voting rightsas a member of the Board, these shall be as follows:
- Varsity Coordinator
- JV Coordinator
- Frosh Coordinator
- Varsity Game Day Meal Coordinator
- Merchandise SalesCoordinator
- Social HUBCoordinator
- Marketing and Sponsorship Coordinator
*Additional positions may be added by Board approval in response to growing needs
Any Board Office may be held by a single individual or a parent couples. A serving Board Member may be removed from office and duties for cause, which includebut not limited to:
- Willful neglect of duties
- Unbecoming conduct that reflects poorly on the organization
- Conduct that discredits the organization
- Not upholding the organizations core values and mission statement
- Conflict of interest
- By a two-thirds vote ofthe Executive Board.
The responsibilities of a vacantBoard office will beassumed by the Vice President until a successor is appointment to fill that office.
Only Elected Officials and Advisory Committee Members will be authorized to voteon budget amendments, includingfundraising activities, approval of meeting minutes,bylaws or standing policies needing revision. Booster President will have “tie braking vote”.
Each BoardOfficer will have one vote, whether held by an individual or a parent couple. A Board member may assign his/her vote via a signed proxy to another Board member. The majority of the Elected Officials must be present to have a quorum.
CAL Booster Meetings:
The Board shall hold a minimum of two scheduled meetings per month.
- One meeting will be reserved for Board Members official business; however it is open to all booster members. This meeting will serve to discuss, organization’s goals, progress evaluation, event planning, budgeting and other administrative items.
- One meeting will be reservedfor formal Board item approvals of any business item; allBooster Memberswill be formally invited. Date and time for this meeting shall be posted on the CAL Football’s official website at
Board Member may hold independent meetingsas needed to resolve respective Board assign projects with Booster volunteer subcommitteesas needed. Board Member is, however, required to report its project progress to the governing Boardduring regular Board meetings.
Article VI – Elections
Voting members include all three bodies, which have voting rights in the removal or appointment of an Elected Official and Advisory Committee Member. Voting date(s) will be announced via the CAL Football official website at on or about March of each year.
At the conclusion of each regular football season, the Board will proactively pursue individuals who would consider serving. A general invitation will be made via official web site for new Board member recruitment.
- Interested members must submit in writing which “Board Office” he or she is interested in to any of the Board Member by a specific deadline that will be provided in the announcement.
- Once “Board Office” interest request submission deadline closes, the Board willprepare a list of candidates for the elected positions for the upcoming year.
- The list of candidates will be posted. A special meeting will be called by the President, for Booster member vote.
- The Board will contact nominees for their acceptance of the nomination foroffice.
- Board Member may be elected for up to two consecutive years,each term being voted on separately. The Head Football Coach and the Athletic Director may override the Board selection with cause.
A joint meeting between all new and outgoing officerswill be held within 10 days of the election. New officers will begin their term onMay 1st or sooner pending Board approval.
First term elected officer will have theoption of serving a second consecutive. If he/she electsnot to serve a second year, then they must give notice to the Board within 60 days of theexpiration of their term so that the process of filling the office may begin.
Article VII – Elected Offices and Duties
Board office duties, in part, are as follows:
- Call and preside over all Board and Booster membership meeting
- Serve as point of contact with school officials/employees, (cafeteria, security, concession, field staff, etc.)
- Appoint standing committeemembers
- Assemble event committees
- Authorized and issue payment for authorized goodsrendered behalf of CAL Football program (all disbursed checks mustinclude a secondary account authorized signaturefor the assigned BoosterTreasure members)
- Annually review the structure and organization of the Administrative Committee and Advisory Committees and recommend changes, as necessary, forAdministrative Committee approval
- Direct, assist, guide and help the Advisory Committees as necessary
- Other duties deemed necessary by the coaching staff as needed
Vice President
- In the absence of the President, the Vice President will preside any meeting at which the President would normallypreside
- In the absence of the President, is authorized and issue payment for authorized goods rendered behalf of CAL Football program (all disbursed checks must include a secondary account authorized signature for the assigned Booster Treasure members)
- Carry out duties assigned by the President
- If he or she will have a child in the football program the following year, he or she may be considered as a Booster President candidate the following year
- Other duties as assigned by the Booster President as deemed necessary
- Take minutes of the Board meetings and distribute the minutes to theElected Officials for approval
- Take minutes of the General Booster Membership meetings
- Maintain current contact information list of all Elected Board Members
- Make Board and Booster Meeting minutes available for member review, upon request
- Other duties deemed necessary as assigned by the Booster President
- Keep accurate records of all receipts and disbursements, showing each activity separately, aswell as complete records of all funds
- Provide “financial report” at each Board meetings, and make it available upon request to Booster Membersupon written request of a Booster member
- Provide secondary signature to all authorized disbursed checks issued in lieu of payment for authorized goods rendered behalf of CAL Football program
- Arrange for an annual independent review of the prior year’s financial record
- Assist the Booster President in filing tax returns and other legal documents as necessary
- Maintain secured records pertaining to the tax exempt status of the organization (during his/her term in office)
- Supervise the financial operations of the CAL Boosters.
- Arrange services of an outside firm that specializes, and is qualified, in preparing tax returns and/or audits that may be utilized with approval by the Board Members
- Other duties as assigned by the Booster President
Article VIII –Advisory Committee Duties (Governed and/or Approved by the Elective Officers
The duties of the Advisory Committee will be as follows:
Varsity Team Coordinator:
- This Member is a vital link that provides a relationship between the Varsity Booster Parent members, the Board and coaching staff
- Responsible for the overall coordination with Varsity Head Football Coach
- Disseminate timely information to all Varsity parents
- Assist in fundraising efforts to include concession stand, event coordination and merchandise sales
- Seek other fundraising opportunities to help develop the CAL Booster
- Must coordinate all Varsity related business to include:
General notices
Change in schedules,
Insure/coordinate that water and oranges for game half-time is available on time
All other Varsity related issues
- Coordinate “Senior Walk”
- Coordinate the Varsity Banquet Event
- Approve and provide vendor invoices to the Treasurer for payment
- Promptly deliver all monies received to the Treasurer or President for deposit into the CAL Booster bank account
JV Team Coordinator:
- ThisMember is a vital link that provides a relationship between the JV Booster Parent members,Board, and coaching
- Disseminate timely information to all JV parents
- Assist in fundraising efforts to include concession stand, event coordination and merchandise sales
- Seek other fundraising opportunities to help develop the CALBooster
- Must coordinate all JV related business to include:
General notices
Change in schedules,
Insure/coordinate that water and oranges for game half-time is available on time
All JV other related issuesdeem necessary
- Responsible for the overall coordination with JV Head Football Coach.
- Coordinate the JV season banquet
- Approve and provide vendor invoices to theTreasurer for payment
- Promptly deliver all monies received to the Treasurer or President for deposit into the CAL Booster bank account
Frosh Team Coordinator:
- This Member is the link that provides a relationship between the Frosh Booster Parent
- Disseminate information to all Frosh parents
- Assist in all fundraising efforts to include concession stand coordination and merchandise sales
- Seek other fundraising opportunities to help develop the CAL Booster
- Must coordinate all Frosh related business to include:
General notices
Change in schedules,
Coordination of water and oranges for all game half-time
All Frosh other related issues
- Responsible for the overall coordination with Frosh Head Football Coach.
- Coordinate the end of season banquet
- Approve and provide vendor invoices to the Treasurer for payment
- Promptly deliver all monies received to the Treasurer or President for deposit into the CAL Booster bank account.
Merchandise Sales Coordinator:
•Together with the Board, coordinate an overall strategy for the upcoming year, including products to be offered, planned selling locations, and pricing considerations.
•With support from the President, discuss spirit wear strategy with the Head Football Coach.
•Oversee aspects of the concessions stand. Including but not limited to inventory control, budget, and recruiting volunteers to work.
•Secure vendors and pricing for all apparel and non-apparel spirit items, including yard signs and decals and submits recommendations to the Board for selection.
•Once approved, order products from vendors and follow up with vendors as necessary to ensure timely delivery and quality assurance of all items received.
•Organize the sale of all spirit wear at all home events and each football level, Varsity, JV and Frosh.
•Seek other Fundraising opportunities to help develop the CAL Boosters.
•Maintain an ongoing account and descriptions, quantities, and costs of all items ordered.
•Upon receipt of spirit wear items from vendors, check quality and quantity of items received and provide approval to the Treasurer to pay invoice for such products.
•Report inventories to include descriptions, quantities, and total costs of items used the day of sales to the President and Treasurer no later than 24 hours after game or event.
•Promptly deliver all monies received to the Treasurer for deposit into the CAL Booster bank account.
•Coordinate with the Social HUB Coordinator online ordering and staffing of the store with all the other booster groups.
Varsity Game Day Meal Coordinator:
- Responsible for the overall coordination of game day meals provided to players and coaching staff.
- Identify meal vendors and solicit bids (quotes) for meals as needed.
- Seek other fundraising opportunities to help develop the CAL Boosters.
- Discuss meal plans or providers with the Head Football Coach for approval and then provide a recommendation(s) to the Board for approval (including pricing and cost information).
- Coordinate volunteer staffing for meals
- Coordinate decorations and setup for serving of meals.
- Coordinate food serving.
- Coordinate the pickup and/or delivery of meals.
- Approve and provide vendor invoices to Treasurer for payment.
- Promptly deliver all monies received to the Treasurer for deposit into the CAL Booster bank account.
Social Hub Coordinator: