INTREPID 1st Action Workshop and WG meetings (Lisbon 25-27 November 2015)



The workshop(25-26th) focuses on presenting and discussing:

1)our collection and review of the diversity of definitions of interdisciplinarity,

2)tracking interdisciplinarity in both funding schemes and scientific literature -with a focus on urban literature- and

3)synthesizing our joined understanding on interdisciplinarity within the INTREPID consortium.

We will thus alternate between keynote presentations with panel discussions and smaller break out groups. We will frame around the workshop two runs of questionnaires to track whether the definition of interdisciplinarity of the consortium members changed during the workshop.

During the workshop we will benefit from the critical input of international scholars intervening as keynote speakers. We intend to publish our findings in 1-2 joint publications the details of which will be discussed at the workshop.

Friday 27th will be a crucial day for meetings for each WG and for the Core Group.

Workshop Day 1 (25 November)
9:00 / Welcome (Olivia, Andrea & Marta)
9:10 / Introduction to this Workshop of WG1 (Henrik von Wehrden & Catherine Lyall)
Aims & Purpose
9:30 / Introduction round with a focus on specific aims
1) Typology of Interdisciplinarity – hand out sheet with potential definitions from the literature, and an evaluations sheet
2) Review of scientific literature –present results of interdisciplinarity and it’s rooting in disciplines etc.
3) Review of calls – Create classification of calls and cluster the integration and evaluation of interdisciplinarity
10:00 / Pratical Exercise (Roderick Lawrence)
Individual Assignment & Interaction between participants
Mapping definitions of interdisciplinarity of INTREPID participants
11:00 / Coffee break
11:30 / Keynote: Olga Pombo (tentative yes - tbc)
History of interdisciplinarity in philosophy of science
12:00 / Keynote: Julie Klein (confirmed)
Interpretations, Typologies of Interdisciplinarities
13:00 / Lunch
14:00 / Keynote: Policy funding for Interdisciplinarity (Katri Huutoniemi, tbc)
15:00 / Coffee Break
15:30 / Group Assignment 1 : What is interdisciplinarity?
What do we share as common ground?
What could be our working definition during INTREPID?
17:00 / End
20:00 / Dinner
Workshop Day 2 (26 November)
9:00 / Keynote: UskaliMäki (confirmed)
10:00 / Keynote: John Robinson (confirmed)
11:00 / Coffee Break
11:30 / Group Assignment 2 – Linking literature and calls through the typology of definitions
13:00 / Lunch
14:00 / Plenary Session ( panel format?)
Linking WP1 & WP3: Interdisciplinarity in Urban Planning
Achievements, Limitations & Looking Ahead (including publications)
15:30 / Coffee Break
16:00 / Synthesis Session (Chair: Daniel Lang)
Has my interpretation of interdisciplinarity changed: handing out the same sheet like in the beginning
What have I learnt?
What is new?
Is there an important take home message?
17:30 / Conclusion & designation of future tasks (e.g. minutes, syntheses etc.)
Next steps
18:00 / End
WG Meetings Day 3 (27 November)
9:00 / WG meetings
11:00 / Coffee Break
11:30 / WG meetings continued
13:00 / Lunch
14:00 / Wrap up session for each WG
14:45 / Plenary: next steps for all
15:15 / Coffee Break
End of the Meeting!
The remaining sessions are for IAG and Core group members only
15:45 / Core group and IAG meeting
16:15 / Core group meeting
17:00 / End

Programme v.4