(Remote Access) FOR STUDENTS

Accessing Your Files

1. To gain access to remote access, go to

IMPORTANT – if you don’t put in the https, it will give you the error like this…

Once you type in the correct URL, this security box might come up.

  • If so, just click <Yes> to proceed. It is just asking you if you are sure that you want a secure connection with the umasd website.
  • If you don’t get the box, don’t worry about it, its not important

2. This is the login screen.

  • Use the same username and password that you use at school to access your H drive.
  • Click <Login>.
  1. This is what you will see after you login.
  2. To access your files, click on the link that reads Student Data

4.On the next page is the screen you will see when you click on Student Data. This is a listing of all of the students in the district. You must find your name in the directory to access your files. The Usernames are in alphabetical order using the first initial of your first name

In the upper right corner there is a little bar that looks like this. 

The most important thing about this toolbar is the little picture of a house (third icon in). This will always bring you back to the screen above. This toolbar will always be visible as long as you are signed into the remote website. So, if you ever get lost and want to start over, just click on the house icon.

Using Your Files

5. This is the box you will see when you click on a file. Here are your options:

  • OPEN--The open button is used only if you want to use the file without making changes.
  • SAVE--If you want to change it, you’ll need to save it locally to your home computer and make changes.
  1. To put the file that you have worked on back up in your umasd network drive, you should click on the Copy File to Server button that is located at the top of any folder you are in.
  • Once you click the Copy File to Server button, your computer will want to copy the file into wherever you are browsing at the moment.
  • Fill in the Copy File to Serverdialog box.
  • In the Local File to Use box, browse to the file on your home computer that you want to upload to your umasd network drive.
  • In the Name After Copy box, you can give the file a new name or you can just leave this the same if you want to overwrite the old file on your network drive.