LJIC Trend Vision 2017Total LookCompetition Guidelines
- Competitors can enter all3 categoriesbut must have separate models and entries for each.
- Categories; New Norm, Defying Gravity, and Metal Elements
- A Total Look Team may consist of 2 or 3 members: Captain, Assistant, and Model or Captain and Model. All team captains must be Cosmetology Students.
- This is a Total Look competition but the focus is on the hair. Make-up, nails, and
wardrobe are important and count as part of total score but they should
compliment the look not over power. The competition is all about your artistic
interpretation of the trend so let your imagination run wild,try not to get too
theatrical and costume like. Looks should be unique and avant garde but not
raw and unpolished. Think polished high fashion runway glamour.
- Only ONE prize winner will be awarded per entry. Therefore, if a team is entered a captain consisting of one individual must be chosen to accept the prize. Captain should be named on the entry form.
- Model will need to come competition ready. Competitors will complete the total look prior to arriving.
- Arrive at the competition area at least 20 minutes priorto the category judging.Any competitors with model that arrives after the judging starts will be disqualified.
- Sign in at the registration table to receive your competitor number and further instructions.
- Artificial hair maynot cover more then 50% of the head. No full wigs allowed.
- All products MUST be Wella, Sebastian, Rusk, Ofra, or CND. Extensions, body paint, and glitter can be used. Failure to comply will be a disqualification in the competition or category.
- Although body paint is allowed and must be pre-done all models must be appropriately clothed. No inappropriate body exposure. College Administrators need to approve model wardrobes.
- You will go with your model to a staging area where you will be allowed to pose your model for judging.
- Once the judging hasofficially started your model will not be allowed to leave the judging area. Competitors will not be able to re-enter the judging area.
- Each model must stay dressed and participate in the model walk at the end of the day before announcing the winners. Failure to participate in model walk will result in disqualification.
- Contestants and modelsare required to sign a Release From Liability Form and LJIC Trend Vision 2017Entry Release Form that must be uploaded on Bloom.com.
- Each model must be at least 18 years of age.You can not be your own model.
- You cannot use the same model for multiple categories for the Total Look Competition.
- The same model must be present at the competition that was used in the Bloom.com entry.
- Family and friends are not allowed at the student conference.
- If you submit your entry/entries and later choose not to compete in any or all categories, we ask that you notify your College Administrator 48 hours prior to the competition.
- Clothing/Costumes/Props: All must be appropriate for public presentation. Indecent attire is not permitted and will result in disqualification. Props are allowed. Neither costumes nor props may extend beyond a 2-foot radius from the model’s assigned station.
- All competitors are judged using the thirty (30) point International System. The judge chairperson’s score will be used to break any ties that may occur.
LJIC Trend Vision 2017Entry
- LJIC Trend Vision 2017 Entry & Release Formsfound on Bloom.com.
- A Vision Statement is required on your Bloom.com entry.
- Upload entry photos via Bloom.com between September 1st-30th, 2016 using applicable category #EscapingReality, #ObjectOfMyInspiration, and #AlmostFamous.
- Entry must include a photo of your inspiration, a before photo of your model, and an after photo of your model to include a front profile and side profile view.
- No photo retouching is allowed.
- With photo entry include “HOW TO” create look under add caption and using applicable cateogy # EscapingReality, #ObjectOfMyInspiration, and #AlmostFamous. You must include products used under add products.
Submission for entries: September 1st-30th, 2017
Submit to Bloom.com