Ch 9 Groundwater
I. Earth’s Water
______of the water on Earth is ______in the oceans
Ocean contributes water to the water cycle everyday through ______
< 3% is ______
Where is the usable freshwater?
A. Hydrosphere
all the water of Earth’s ______
Includes: ______
B. Water Cycle = ______
Main Parts of the Water Cycle
1.______– any form of moisture falling from the sky
EX. ______
2.______– water going from the gas to liquid state
3.______– water going from liquid to a gas
The process by which water is added to the atmosphere from the ______& from ______
______water turns to ______
C. Water Budget
______– when need for water is greater than the rain fall & the soil water storage is gone ex. ______
______– when rain fall is greater than the need & soil water storage is filled ex. ______
______– rain
______- when plants or animals draw water from the groundwater supply
______– water that flows over land because the soil storage is full & can not absorb anymore water
II. Water in the Ground
•______- % of a materials volume that is pore space (has holes)
Depends on:
1. particle shape
- ______particles fit together ______and have ______pore space
- ______have a lot of space between them
2. Sorting of Particles
porosity is best in ______, because materials are all the same
where materials are ______, smaller particles fill the space between bigger particles
III. Can Rock Transmit Water
•______– the rate at which water & other liquids pass through pore space in rock.
•Permeability ______with grain size
•sand & gravel = more ______; thus water passes through easily
Permeability Cont’
•Silt = finer flat material with ______space; water passes slowly
•Clays & shales = very fine grained; ______
PUMICE is porous not______
GRANITE is not porous, but maybe permeable because of ______
IV. Parts of the Water Table
•______– surface of the zone of saturation
•______– part of the ground where all pore space is full of water
•______– area of soil that still has empty pore space with air in it
D. 3 Parts of the Zone of Aeration
•______– area where some water rises up through fine pores against gravity (capillarity)
like a ______sucking water up if dipped in water
dry except during rain, located above capillary fringe
•Soil Water – film of capillary water
V. What Determines Water Depth?
** The water table is at the surface for: ______& ______
VI. Ordinary Wells & Springs
•______– well dug into the ground until the water table is reached
1. Contains water from its ______
2. Dug in areas where the water table does not reach the surface
3. Bottom must reach below the lowest expected level of the water table in case of ______
B. ______where the water table meets the surface on a hillside
•[ draw both diagrams from p 155]
VII. Artesian Formation – (definition)
-______(aquifer) sandwiched between two layers of ______(cap rock)
•cap rock is usually ______
•most famous artesian formation in the USA goes from the Rocky Mts. to the ______; Aquifer is Dakota ______
A. Aquifers (definition)
best are : ______
B. Artesian Wells
•drilled in rock
•water is under ______because formation is usually on an incline
•as distance from the source of water , depth of the Artesian formation
C. Artesian Spring
•water comes up through a crack in the cap rock; may form an ______(hint picture on 157)
•Groundwater temperature 50C – 150C, stays cool in ______& doesn’t freeze in ______
______-permanently frozen ground
below 20 m temperature rises ____ C for every ______m of depth
Deep artesian wells & springs maybe ______than ordinary wells
VIII. Mineral Content of Water
A. Rain water contains almost ______matter
B. 3 Things That Effect Mineral Content of Groundwater
•Kind of rock water passes through
•Distance water travels underground
•______(warmer water dissolves rock better)
C. Hard Water
contains a lot of minerals that are dissolved in water as ions
ex. ______
·Hard water makes soap scum instead of suds
Hardest Softest
Water in Groundwater Rivers Rain
Artesian in soil
D. Mineral Springs
•– ______
•Some are used as ______
IX. Water maybe hot from volcanic activity
A. Paint pots = ______, hot water coming up through sticky ______
B. Geysers ______
ex. ______
Geysers have one or more ______that interfere with ______, water is under ______
C. Travertine
D. Geyserite
- ______
E. Petrified Wood
•– when ______in ground water ______
F. Fumaroles
•– ______
•Hot spring with ______
X. Karst Topography
•– areas with underground ______that may have ______&______
•______– cracks or caves eaten in limestone by carbonic acid ex. ______, ______, Carlsbad Caverns
•Sinkhole – forms when part of a ______
XI. The River Valley
______– The land area from which a stream or river gets its water
ex. ______
Largest in the USA
XII. Stages of Stream Development
A. Young Streams
Stream that flows swiftly through a steep valley
- ______
- ______
- ______
ex. ______
B. Mature Streams
•Curves form called ______
1. Meander - ______
a. Inside of curve
b. Outside of curve
2. Floodplain
C. Old Streams
1.Oxbow Lake Formation
Oxbow Lake Formation
D. Water Gap
Ex. ______in the
______ Mts.
E. Preventing Floods
______- decreases runoff
______- stores excess runoff
______- prevent overflowing
______- drain & store excess water