Unapproved MINUTES
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Present: Heather Kahler (Academic Staff); Kathy Pykkonen (Academic Staff); Ephraim Nikoi (Comm Arts); Mei Cao (DBE); Mary Churchill (EdL); EleniPinnow (HBJD); Jim Geidner (HHP); Steve Rosenberg (MSC): Norma Stevlingson (Music); Lorena Rios (NS); Eric Edwards (SI); Tim Cleary (Visual Arts); Virginia Donovan (WLLC); Yvonne Rutford (WLS)
Guests: Interim Dean Liz Blue; Mark McCoon (DBE); Deborah Schlacks (WLS/WAC)
The meeting of the University Undergraduate Academic Affairs Council was convenedby chair Ephraim Nikoi at 2:30 p.m. in Swenson 1058.
Motion to approve agenda. (Pinnow/Edwards).Approved.
Motion to approveOctober 22, 2013, minutes (Pinnow/ Rutford). Approved.
- Faculty Senate is current with the policies and curriculum items we have sent forward. There has been discussion that committee chairs provide a written report at the end of theirtenure. Senate Exec is examining that suggestion.
- Mary requested further information/discussion about the timeline for submitting catalog copy. She also provided UAAC with a list of policies currently TABLED:
- AP 1120: Second Baccalaureate Degree
- AP 1204: Transfer Policy
- AP 1302: Academic Standing (remove 14 cr limit) AND its corresponding 2012-14 catalog copy
- GPAs for Majors
General Education Committee:
- No business has been brought forth to the GE committee. Members are currently discussing philosophy.
- We welcomed Barb as the Interim Registrar. Two items were reviewed that were placed on the agenda prior to Barb taking the position; both items were presented with their associated department minutes.
- Students will be allowed to repeat SPAN 339 (study abroad) six times, or a total of 18 credits.
- Catalog changes for ESL course descriptions.
Old Business
- Motion to move from the table Catalog Copy Review #12 Residency (Churchill/Rutford). Motion to approve Catalog Review #12 Residency (Churchill/Rutford). The Registrar will be revising this policy to align with System policy. Both motions rescinded.
- Motion to remove from the table Catalog Copy Review #13 Retro Credit (Geidner/Churchill). Motion to approve Catalog Copy Review #13 Retro Credit (Pinnow/Edwards). In addition to mechanical corrections (spelling, punctuation, etc.), the term “retroactive credit” will be reflected throughout the policy. Additionally, 2.1 is to be rewritten as per suggestions of WLLC.Friendly amendment to approve Catalog Copy Review #13 Retroactive Credit with these changes (Pinnow/Edwards). Approved. This will be sent forward to Faculty Senate for consideration. Attachment File: 2013_11_12_UAAC_CatalogCopyReview_13-REV.
- Motion to remove from the table Catalog Copy Review #15 Veteran Students (Rutford/Pinnow). Motion to approve Catalog Copy Review #15 Veteran Students (Churchill/Rutford). In addition to mechanical corrections (spelling, punctuation, etc.), this policy will be amended to differentiate policy from procedure. 2.1 will be background; 2.3 will be policy; and 2.2 and 2.4 will be procedures. Wording related to DD214 information will be moved to 2.3. Friendly amendment to approve Catalog Copy review #15 Veteran Students with these changes (Churchill/Rutford). Approved. This will be sent forward to Faculty Senate for consideration. Attachment File: 2013_11_12_UAAC_CatalogCopyReview_15-REV.
New Business
- Motion to approve AP 1403 Post Enrollment Requisite Checking (Pinnow/Edwards). In addition to mechanical corrections (spelling, punctuation, etc.), “faculty” will be replaced with “instructor” throughout the document. Additionally, the drop-add form will be submitted – it need not be a hard-copy. Friendly amendment to approve AP 1403 Post Enrollment Requisite Checking with these changes (Pinnow/Edwards). Approved. This will be sent forward to Faculty Senate for consideration. Attachment File: 2013_11_12_UAAC_DRAFT_AP 1403 Post Enrollment Requisite Checking- REV.
- Motion to approve Writing Certificate of Excellence Proposal (Rutford/Pinnow). Members will bring the proposal to departments for input. Motion to table Writing Certificate of Excellence Proposal (Pinnow/Donovan). Approved.
- UAAC reviewed the change of FIN 110 to FIN 210. This is a numbering change only.
- Motion to approve articulation agreement between UWS-DBE and Lake Superior College (Cao/Pinnow). Approved. Two articulation agreement forms are needed – one for Wisconsin and one for Minnesota; the information contained within each is the same. This agreement will facilitate the transfer of LSC’s AAS to our BA program. This will be forwarded to Faculty Senate for consideration. Attachment files: 2013_11-12_UAAC_LSC UWS Articulation Agreement MN; 2013_11-12_UAAC_LSC UWS Articulation Agreement WI.
Motion to adjourn (Pinnow/Stevlingson).Approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for November 26.
Minutes submitted by Mary Churchill.