AOHT Civics & Economics: A-dayMs. Paxton
Unit 6: The Judicial Branch & Unit 7: Civil & Criminal LawSpring 2016
Please read:
- For this unit, it is imperative that you come to class ready to work. Instead of having a test at the end of Unit 7, we will instead have a group project that will be graded as a test. It is expected that your project is high quality and well organized and reflects your best work.
- It is YOUR responsibility to keep up with all make-up work and to schedule times with Ms. Paxton to make up tests or get missed work!
- Ms. Paxton is available during Bull B Monday-Friday for help in class or open study. Feel free to come whether you were assigned or not. Bull Time resume February 1st
- Notice: All daily assessments, in-class activities, and extra credit are due the day of the test. The daily assessments can be taken twice. Ms. Paxton will use your highest grade. Failing to turn complete daily assessments or to make adequate/reasonable progress on in-class activities are reasons you will be assigned Bull Time tutorials; in addition to receiving low daily assessment and test grades.
Date / Class Topic/Activities / Assignments
Wednesday 1/20 / Gideon’s Trumpet
Friday 1/22 / Finish Gideon’s Trumpet, Notes: Supreme Court at work, daily assessment, finish Supreme Court Cases chart
Tuesday 1/26 / Review Court Cases, Review Bingo / Study for test; complete all work & assessments
Thursday 1/28 / Review, Unit 6 Test, iCivics
Monday 2/1 / Notes: Sources of Law, daily assessment, Movie Court Case Project / Continue working on project
Wednesday 2/3 / Notes: Types of Law, daily assessment, Movie Court Case Project / Finish flowcharts
Friday 2/5 / Notes: Court Procedure, Types of Crime, & Rights of the Accused, daily assessment, Movie Court Case Project / Continue working on project
Tuesday 2/9 / 12 Angry Men / Continue working on project
Thursday 2/11 / Finish 12 Angry Men, Movie Court Case Project / Continue working on project
Monday 2/15 / Notes: Juvenile Justice, daily assessment, Project / Finish project; it’s due tomorrow
Wednesday 2/17 / Project Presentations!
I have read and understand my responsibilities for this unit.
Student Signature:Parent Signature:
Extra Credit: You may submit ONE of the following activities for up to 5 points on your Unit 7 Test depending on quality.
- Persuasive Essay: Write a 500 word persuasive essay either for or against the death penalty or mandatory sentencing.
- Letter to a Justice: By using Judicial Review, the Supreme Court of the United States can declare federal laws to be unconstitutional. Research a law that you believe is unconstitutional and write a 500 word letter to a Justice of the Supreme Court and convince them that the law is unconstitutional.