Crook County School District #1
District Wide Student Handbook
This handbook has been prepared for the students and parents of the students who attend Jr./Sr. High Schools of Crook County School District # 1. It is intended to be a guide as well as a reference of secondary school policies, regulations, procedures, expectations, and philosophy that make our schools a positive place to learn.
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. This includes plagiarism, cheating and any act by a student that gives him/her an unfair advantage. Plagiarism is the copying or using the ideas of another without giving proper credit through the use of quotation marks, footnotes or other forms of reference.
Cheating involves making unauthorized use of answers to examinations, tests, quizzes, homework or any other assignment as well as copying from fellow students or submitting work that has been done by others. Academic dishonesty of any kind will result in a score of zero on the assignment or exam. It may also result in suspension from extracurricular activities and/or failure of the class. College credit classes will follow CCSD #1 and EWC policy. Students using a cell phone or electronic media inappropriately during a test will be considered guilty of cheating.
Assemblies are a regularly scheduled part of the curriculum, and as such are designed to be educational as well as entertaining. Attendance is required. Students are expected to show courtesy and respect at all times and are to refrain from talking, whispering, whistling, stomping feet, booing, or other rude behaviors. Applause should be generous, courteous, and in keeping with the occasion.
The grade point average is computed by dividing the total number of grade points (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) by the number of courses taken. All courses for which Carnegie unit credit is given are used to compute the average; courses failed are included. The class rank will be the relative position of a student’s GPA compared to the rest of the class.
Transfer students must meet “required course credit” but not the specific 24 credits for Crook County if graduation requirements in their previous school were less. Other graduation requirements may be waived by the Board if, upon evaluation by the principal, the transcript and the previous School's graduation requirements, the time element is such that the student cannot feasibly complete the district requirements and graduate in their normal class year. Varsity sports and cheerleading are worth ¼ credit per season. Student aides can earn ¼ credit for each semester of satisfactory performance. Student aides must apply and interview for a position and be approved by the principal.
Graduation requirements are based on a dual system of Carnegie units of credit earned in grades 9 through 12 and proficiency as measured by the district’s body of evidence (BOE) assessment system. A minimum of 24 units of credit will be required for high school graduation. Credit requirements are as follows:
4 Units of English
3 Units of Math
3 Units of Science
3 Units of Social Studies. Students must satisfactorily pass an examination on the principles of the United States Constitution and the Wyoming State Constitution. (W.S. 21-9-102)
2 Units of Physical Education and Health. One unit must be obtained in a regular P.E. and health class. One-fourth credit may be earned for participation in varsity sports and will be limited to a total of one unit of credit.
1 Unit of Computer Applications
1 Unit of Fine Arts
1 Unit of Foreign Language
6 Units of Electives
BODY OF EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS (Graduating Class of 2014)
The district’s body of evidence (BOE) assessment system is based on student performance standards in the nine content areas (language arts, math, science, social studies, foreign language, PE, health, fine and performing arts, and career/technical education.)
Proficiency Requirements:
The school district, in consultation with the Wyoming Department of Education, shall establish requirements for students to earn a high school diploma as measured by the school district’s body of evidence assessment (BOE) system and the Carnegie Unit requirement. Each high school diploma shall be awarded based on one of the following endorsements, which shall be stated on the transcript of each student:
· 28 Carnegie Unit credits and advanced proficiency in five content areas as measured by the district’s BOE system
· 4 language arts (English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12)
· 4 math (Algebra or Applied Algebra, Geometry, Standards Math or Algebra II, 4th Year Elective)
· 4 science (Physical Science, Biology, 2 Science Electives)
· 3 social studies (US History, World History, Government)
· 2 physical education/health
· 1 career/vocational (Computer Applications)
· 1 fine arts
· 1 foreign language/culture
26 Carnegie Unit credits and proficient or above in nine content areas as measured by the district’s BOE system
· 4 language arts (English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12)
· 3 math (Algebra or Applied Algebra, Geometry, Standards Math or Algebra II)
· 3 science (Physical Science, Biology, 1 Science Elective)
· 3 social studies (US History, World History, Government)
· 2 physical education/health
· 1 career/vocational (Computer Applications)
· 1 fine arts
· 1 foreign language/culture
24 Carnegie Unit credits and proficient in five content areas as measured by the district’s BOE system
· 4 language arts
· 3 math
· 3 science
· 3 social studies
· 2 physical education/health
· 1 career/vocational
· 1 fine arts
· 1 foreign language/culture
GRADUATION REVIEW PANEL (Graduating Class of 2014)
A graduation requirement appeals committee meeting is held for each student at risk of not graduating. This committee consists of the principal, counselor, teacher(s), parents, and student. The purpose of the committee is to design an individualized plan where the student has a final opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in the common core of knowledge and skills. Individualized plan could include: interviewing the student and any pertinent faculty members, watching a demonstration of the student’s knowledge and skills, reviewing additional assessment information, examining appropriate records of student performance, or requesting the student to complete additional assessments.
Students who wish to take courses not offered in the district curriculum, which includes on-line classes and WEN video classes approved by the principal. Two units of non-district credit may be used to meet graduation requirements.
College courses, with the approval of the principal, may be approved for high school credit. Transfer students entering the Crook County High Schools must meet the required course regulations of the district in order to graduate. Other graduation requirements may be waived by the Board if deemed appropriate. Students must be within two credits of the requirements to participate in the graduation ceremony. The Board reserves the right to waive any of the above requirements in cases of extenuating circumstances.
If a student fails one semester of a required subject, he must repeat that semester the next year and will be allowed to take the next consecutive class. Students may use correspondence courses to make up a failing grade as spelled out in board policy IKF concerning outside credits.
The following grading scale will be used for student evaluation.
A+ 97-10 B+ 87-89 C+ 77-79 D+ 67-69
A 93-96 B 83-86 C 73-76 D 63-66
A- 90-92 B- 80-82 C- 70-72 D- 60-62
Students who receive incompletes on their semester grades for not handing in required assignments or finishing tests may be given up to 10 school days to complete the course. The teacher will determine how much time they will allow based on the amount of work that needs to be completed. Students who fail to complete the work will be given a grade based on the work that was turned in during the semester. A grade of INCOMPLETE should be reserved for those students who have not handed in work because of absences.
Students who are excused will be allowed 2 days to make up work for each day they are absent. However, long term assignments due the day a student is absent, will be due the day the student returns to school. Work that is not completed will be counted as an “F”. The responsibility for finding out what is due and when it is due rests with the individual student.
Parents may contact the school and pick up student assignments when students are absent.
Students in junior high (grades 7 and 8) must pass the 4 core courses; Math, Science, English, and Social Studies. A semester grade of F will mean that the student must repeat that semester course. In terms of credits (1/2 credit per semester), students need 8 junior high credits, 2 in each of the core subjects. Students have the option of satisfactorily completing summer school instead of repeating a failed class.
Students will be allowed 3 school days at the beginning of each semester to make schedule changes. Proposed schedule changes are taken first to the counselor and then need to be approved by the principal. Quarter credits are not given, therefore students may not drop classes in mid semester.
Study halls are provided as a work period for students. Homework assigned in other classes should be worked on during this time. No student has the right to interfere with another student’s ability to study during these times. Rules for study hall will be posted in every room. Students may register for only 1 study hall.
The Valedictorian and Salutatorian for a graduating class will be the two students that have the highest cumulative GPA on the first Friday in May.
In the event of a tie, the students’ highest ACT scores will be used to break the tie. Any student that has a 3.75 or higher grade point average on the first Friday in May will “graduate with honors”. These students will wear a sash designating that honor during graduation exercises.
Students may not drive their own vehicles on any activity trip. Students must ride home on the bus or with parents unless pre-approval, in writing or by phone, has been received from the principal and the coach to ride with another adult (another adult must be 18 years of age and not a student in Crook County).
All eligibility rules are in addition to the Wyoming High School Activities Association Rules.
Eligibility will be based on the previous week’s performance. A student who is failing any subject will be ineligible for that week. Eligibility runs from Monday through Sunday. PowerSchool generates a list of failing students on Monday morning at 11:00 AM. A student who fails two or more subjects at the end of a semester is ineligible for the following semester. Classes failed because of absences will count toward ineligibility. Eligibility will be based on running quarter grades.
There will be no eligibility list until the first Monday after there have been 5 student contact days after the start of a new quarter.
There are two exceptions:
1. If the student feels the teacher has made a mistake in their grade they are free to contact that teacher and verify that the grade is correct. If the teacher made a mistake in entering a grade, did not enter a grade for a paper that was due and handed in on Friday, transposed a grade, i.e. entered 56 instead of 65, the teacher can then notify the office that the reason the student had a “f” on the list was the teacher’s fault not the students fault and the student will be taken off the list. Work that was due on Friday and handed in on Monday is late work, the teacher is under no obligation to grade or enter that paper until he/she has time during the week to grade and enter it. If it is discovered that the “f” is legitimate and the fault of the student the teacher cannot “make” them eligible. They would not be eligible until the next Monday when the list comes out.
2. Resource room students may contact their resource room teacher to see if their work and their work ethic during the week has been exemplary. If the resource room teacher feels the student has been working to their potential the resource room teacher can make them eligible for that week only.
Membership in the National Honor Society will be determined from full time students who meet the criteria (set down by the national organization) and complete the membership applications and forms. From that list, a group of five staff members will collect data that addresses the national guidelines and vote on admission. A simple majority will be used to approve membership.
Students participating in athletics are required to obtain a physical and leave a copy with the office, as well as complete the concussion course. Physical forms to be used are furnished by the office. Physicals are good from May 1st to May 1st of the next year. Students must provide a written excuse from a doctor to be excused from PE. Written approval must be obtained from a doctor to resume PE.