Small Group Text-Based Discussion Protocol


This small group text-based discussion protocol supports collaborative discussion of important ideas, themes or other important aspects of a selected text. Students read individually to identify sections of the text that they feel meet the identified criteria and bring the questions raised for them by the excerpts to the group for discussion. Students take turns presenting excerpts and associated questions and others comment on connections and evidence in the text that may help answer the questions. CCSS Note: Collaborative routine that supports close reading and evidence-based discussion of a selected text. (Adapted from the Save the Last Word for Me strategy developed by Patricia Averette and Daniel Baron.)


Use during and after reading to

  • To support students’ interaction with text
  • To promote reading comprehension
  • To clarify text-based questions, strengthen ability to find text evidence to support answers and deepen thinking about the text
  1. Divide students into groups of three to five. Give each student a copy of the template.
  2. Assign a text to read. Ask students to identify excerpts throughout the selected text that correspond to specific criteria. Examples of criteria might be:
  3. That correspond to a specific line of thinking, argument or character
  4. That involve use of specific words or phrases
  5. That correspond to shifts in the piece of tone or perspective or context
  6. Ask students to select and write in each of the three boxes an excerpt from the beginning, middle and end of the selected text. For each excerpt 1) how this fits the criteria and 2) questions it raises.
  7. After everyone is finished reading the selection and filling in the template, the first person in each group shares one excerpt, how it fits the criteria and the questions it raises.
  8. Others in the group take 1 minute to think about an answer to the question and find text support for their answer. Each person in the group takes a minute to react/respond to the question, either 1) sharing an answer to the question(s) raised with evidence for the answer or 2) responding to an answer provided by another group member by countering with contrasting evidence or agreeing and providing additional evidence. Once everyone has spoken, the person who shared the excerpt selects one of the answers provided and shares why this answer makes the most sense to him/her.
  9. Discussion continues with each person in the group taking one to three turns as time permits.
  • Have the group debrief the session, evaluating what types of text evidence were most compelling.
  • Have each person select one of the excerpts selected and create a short burst piece of writing.
  • Ask each group to share an interesting excerpt from the text, questions about it and answers that the group discussed.
Small Group Text-Based Discussion Protocol Template

Name Date

Title of reading selection______

Criteria for selecting excerpts______

Directions: Fill in the three boxes below with excerpts from the text that meet the criteria provided by the teacher. Make sure to copy the excerpt accurately andnote the page where it is found. Then, below each excerpt, write how the excerpt meets the criteria and what questions it raises for the reader. Bring the completed template to the meeting with your small group.

First Excerpt
How this meets the criteria:
Questions this excerpt raises:
Pg #___
Second Excerpt
How this meets the criteria:
Questions this excerpt raises:
Pg #___
Third Quote

How this meets the criteria:
Questions this excerpt raises:
Pg #___