WEB: CH. 3, Salvatore’s Introduction to International Economics, 3th Ed.

1. The Top U.S. Exporters

The following table gives data on the top U.S. industrial exporters in 2008. They range from General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, Ford, and IBM, each of which exported more than $67 billion in 2008, to Alcoa with $12.6 billion in exports. As a percentage of total company sales, Hewlett-Packard, Dow Chemical, Coca-Cola, and IBM came first with exports exceeding 64 percent of total sales, while Alcoa was last with exports of 46.7 percent of total sales. Note that most U.S. top exporters also have production facilities abroad, so their total sales abroad are much higher than indicated by their exports. With parts of components of many products being imported, however, it is impossible to determine the net value of exports.

TABLE. America’s Top International Exporters in 2008


Value of Exports Percent of
Company Major Exports (billions of dollars) Total Sales

General Electric Electrical & electronic equipment 97.5 53.4

Hewlett-Packard Electrical & electronic equipment 81.4 68.8

Ford Motors Motor vehicles 75.9 58.7

General Motors Motor vehicles 73.6 49.4

IBM Electrical & electronic equipment 66.9 64.6

Dow Chemical Chemicals 39.1 67.9

Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals 31.4 49.3

United Technologies Aircraft and parts 30.7 52.3

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals 27.9 57.7

Coca-Cola Food and beverages 21.3 66.8

Kraft Foods Inc. Food and beverages 20.8 49.2

Alcoa Metal and metal products 12.6 46.7


Source: United Nations, World Investment Report (New York: United Nations, 2009).