Proposed Thesis

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of

Doctor in the Philosophy of Education

University of Toronto

Composedby G. LynneM. Alexandrova

CCL (c) January-December, 2012

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1)ES as a Phenomenonis ubiquitous, emotional/mental/physical/spiritual…, (non)human and

(a)biotic relationality(or: co-ordinated “vibration”) that makes up Existence.

Etymological derivation:

eco-son-ance = eco(logy) [< Gk oiko(s) “house”] + sound (as proxy for vibration) [Lat son “sound”] + -ance =>

“ecological attunement” of self, other, (non)human, (a)biotic, and ultimately the micro- and macro- multiverse

NB!Ecology = cross-section of EvolutionEvolution = Ecology in historical perspective =>Eco/Evo-attunement

2) ES as a Philosophy studies conscious, purposefulH (human [agency] as one variable of ES [in]-

Felicity), along with other modes of H, in its/their interaction with non-H variables. ES Philo-

sophytreatsFelicityasthe fulfillingof(non)humanpotentialecosonically.Itseeksfirstforemost

Hvaluesthat predictecosonic(hence,ecological-evolutionary)FelicityoutweighinginFelicity.

(non)conscious Be/com/ing  (non)H (Thinking/ActingSensing/FeelingBelieving/Habituating...)

ES (in)Felicity(non)H<function of>(non)conscious (Be/com/ing);E.g.,Thinking/Acting(non)H<function of>ES(in)F(non)H

=> for ES F(non)H ESinF(non)H H=? for H = x,y,z ES F(non)H? ESinF(non)H

3)ES as Practice actualizes ES Philosophy as humanity’s 3a)lived ethics, and 3b)generalized

(self-)education.At its core ishuman be/com/ingfor felicitous ES, for (non)humans alike.

See illustration:physiological-linguistic actualizing of preferred possible realities (PPRs)

Note: The triadic ES thesis can be paraphrased or translated in any natural or formal language as long as the conceivableeffects/uses (a.k.a., pragmatic meaning) of the expressions used are commensurate with those above.


everything theauthor hasever read and/or “read” by any medium, and all sheever will

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Appendix I

everything the author has(n)ever felt| thought | done | believed …, and all she(n)ever will

Appendix II

everything anyone elsehas(n)ever felt | thought | done | believed …, and all they(n)ever will

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everyone the author has ever communicated with by any means, and all with whom sheever will


Building human(sub/non)conscious-habit for an ESshift in planetary Be/com/ingin the process ofeco-evolution of H as related to (non)H:…–thought/action–(newinfo)–(change in)belief/habit–T/A–(NI)– …

Anywhere, anytime, in any posture/mood/language, alone or in a group ...,one can improvise with(extensions of) the coreBISingredientsbelow,in order tohabituate and live byESattune-ment(physical-physiological and affective-[supra]mental)to Self, Other, all Existence:

Breatheinout as deeply and tension-free as possible(cf.neuro/psycho/physio/logy; Eastern traditions)

Imagine believe invalues of H that go withES F(non)H, and states of ES F(non)H fulfillment (see 2))

SAy (aloud/silently)“names” of such values/states:love (of) life, care for me/you, eco/evo-sonance…


T on your attuned beliefs and habits!

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