
October 10th, 2017- 7:00 pm

In attendance:

-CSCC– Corrine Rybchuk (Chair), Morin Arong (Vice Chair), Shaunna Schindel (Treasurer), Debbie Johnson (Secretary),Tamara Dale (Director), Angela Rieger (Director)

  • Missing –Tasha Briere (Directors)

-Staff– Liza Donnelly (Principal), Sandra Mann (Teacher Rep)

  1. Call to Order - Corrine called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
  2. Opening Prayer –Corrine read a prayer
  3. Welcome and Introductions –Corrine lead the round table introductions
  4. Review of Minutes from May 1, 2017 Regular Meeting

-Minutes were reviewed again for information only as they were approved at the last meeting.

  1. Chair’s Report

-Corrine got a message from the Catholic School Board trustees asking for input on agenda items for the Nov. 16th Fall Linkage Meeting. Last year, for example, they talked about budgets and the court case involving public/separate schools.

  • A suggested topic was the new grading system at the elementary level. There is a move away from grade percentages to Achievement Criteria (eg. E for Excels at Outcomes, M for Meeting Outcomes, B for beginning to meet Outcomes, etc.)and how are we going to help students transition.
  1. School Report

-SRC Representative report – no attendees tonight but the plan is for them to attend the next meeting.

-Faculty Report

  • Opening Mass was on Sept. 29
  • We beat our fundraising goal for the Terry Fox run on Sept. 29th by raising $4,008.23.
  • Orange shirt day Oct. 2nd - Elder Noel led Miller staff and students through our first Traditional Pipe Ceremony. Over 23 staff and students from the multicultural group attended at 7:30 in the morning
  • Honor RollPresentations and Academic Awards were on Oct. 3rd. It was very well attended. Anyone can attend but invites are sent to the winners and their families.
  • Cross Country team is going to Turtleford
  • Beauty & the Beast Musical will run from Nov. 16-19th
  • New school website discussed
  • Upcoming:
  • Recovery day for students Oct. 19th in the morning
  • Parent/student/teacher conferences Oct. 19thin the afternoon
  • Staff retreat on Oct. 20th – no school for students that day

-Funding requests from faculty

  • Reviewed the funding request form that Liza used last year. Liza will bring a summary of requests to the Nov. 7th meeting
  • An update on last year’s funding requests was given by Liza. All items are complete except the bike racks. They have been made by our students but not installed yet as they have to get the right equipment to install the bike racks.

-AP Five-Year School Score Summary:

  • % of Total AP Students with Scores 3+
  • Miller 68.6% (48 out of 70 students with scores 3+)
  • Saskatchewan 71.7%
  • Global 60.3%

-Miller CSCC Constitution – Liza will have to submit on our behalf by the end of October

  • Action: everyone to read and Corrine will poll all members in the next few days via email

-Turn It In software licensing is due again. The program identifies grammatical errors and things that students can improve in their writing skills. Grades 10 & 11 English AP classes and all the grade 12 classes use this program. We have to pay per seat. Liza asked if the CSCC would be willing to pay half the costs for it this year. Last year we paid 100% of the costs.

  • Motion made by Tamara to approve funding half the cost of the Turn It In software program which would be approximately $1300 (Liza to confirm final cost to us). Seconded by Shauna. Motion carried.

-French immersion program will come to Miller next year. There are 31 grade 8 students at St. Elizabeth this year that we will plan to have at Miller next year. We are requesting 2 French immersion teachers for next year.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

-The balance in the account from last year was $1,116.73

-School fees from this year received so far = $5,789

-As there are no expenses approved so far that leaves us with $6,905.73 to spend this year.

  1. New Business

-We will start discussingpreparations for the upcoming Teacher appreciation week at the next meeting. The week is from Feb. 12-16

  1. Old Business
  2. Adjournment – 8:10 pm
  3. Next meeting - Tuesday November 7, 2017, at 7 pm at Miller

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