Dear ______,
Thank you for your cooperation and time to complete the ODP AWC FMS Provider Monitoring on-site review. As you are aware, from FIRST DATE OF ON SITE REVIEW through LAST DATE OF ON-SITE REVIEW, your organization was monitored to ensure compliance with ODP policies, regulations and waiver requirements.
____Your agency was found to have no areas of non-compliance. Continue your ongoing efforts to operate according to ODP requirements.
____Your agency was found to have areas of non-compliance. Our findings of non-compliance have been listed on a corrective Action Plan (CAP) form is enclosed. Your organization is expected to identify how these areas will be remediated as well as strategies to prevent future recurrences of the noted non-compliance. In accordance with ODP Announcement 093-13 “Corrective Action Plan Process,” all instances of non-compliance must be remediated and an improvement plan is required for each question where there are two or more instances of non-compliance. Wherever possible, corrective actions should occur prior to submission of the plan and, if appropriate, the completed date should be indicated. Remediation of non-compliance is expected to be completed within 30 calendar days of the date of this letter. If the corrective action is completed prior to submission of the CAP, indicate the completed date and submit the supporting documentation that confirms the action was completed along with the submission of the CAP form to the Lead AE. All supporting documentation to confirm corrective action activities completed after submission of the CAP must be forwarded to the Lead AE immediately upon completion.
The completed CAP should be returned to this office within 15 calendar days of the date of this letter. Information on completing this form will be available on the website under URL link
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact REVIEWERS NAME AND E-MAIL for more information.
Name/Title of Lead AE
cc: Regional AWC FMS Lead (only if no CAP)
Reviewing AE
AWC AE Review Report Cover LetterLast updated: 10/26/16