Señora Peña/Mrs. Peña-Escuela Católica Inmaculada/Immaculata Catholic School

Projecto del libro del Mes de la Herencia Hispana-Hispanic Heritage Month book Project-2014

Objetivo/Objective: to write and illustrate a bilingual book about Hispanic Heritage Month and to review basic Spanish vocabulary.

Materiales/Materials: a blank book;markers; Hispanic art; Spanish vocabulary, book decorations, student illustrations,etc.

Procedimiento/Procedure: La Señora Peña will explain the project and will show you some samples. We will discuss the details of the project in class and students plan the content, decoration and illustrations. Please use pencil for the decorations and the vocabularybefore you color. Show Señora Peña the draft of your book before your color and decorate. You will have some time during Spanish class to work on your book but you will also need to take it home in order to finish it by the deadline which is the week of September 22.

Fecha de presentación/Presentation date: Week of 9/22 or earlier if ready-according to each class schedule for Spanish class.

Fechas de decoración/decoration dates: Weeks of 9/1, 9/8th and 9/15th

Please note: Students in grades PreK-1 will be graded on their effort and creativity. Students in 2-5 will be graded on their effort; presentation and content (they should have at least 15-20 phrases or words in Spanish. Mrs.Peña will assign the Spanish vocabulary to each grade level.)

Please read back of this handout for the content of each page.

There will be prizes and recognition for the best 3 books from each class.

We will display the books during the Hispanic Celebration Fiesta on October 9th of 2014 from 5:30-8:30 at the Emily K and school Gym.

Parents, siblings and other adults are welcome to participate in the book project with ideas and vocabulary. The goal is to have fun while doing the project and to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month together as a community.

Ideas sugeridas para la decoración/Suggested ideas to decorate:

Spanish phrases from your workbook

Name of animals in Spanish and from the Spanish Speaking world

Spanish Speaking countries and flags

Spanish vocabulary (numbers, colors, shapes, pets, the family; foods, places, transportation; action verbs; pronouns; the house, the body; school; the calendar; prayers, etc.)

Spanish art/artists/songs, sports, teams, etc.

Maracas-piñatas-cactus; flamenco dancers-; guitars. Mariachis, tortillas, tacos, etc.

Sé creativo(a)-be creative-come up with your own ideas.

Please writeyour plan/ideas to decorate your serape and show it to Señora Peña for prior approval

Contenido del libro-book content

Portada/Cover: Copia lo siguiente/copy the following:

Libro del mes de la Herencia Hispana/Hispanic Heritage Month book

Escuela Inmaculada-Immaculata School



15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre-September 15 to October 15


(decorate the cover any way you want with a Hispanic theme)

Página 1-page1

Dibújate y rotúla tu cuerpo-draw yourself and label your body parts in Spanish

Página 2 y 3 -pages 2 and 3

Write and color or print and paste the names of the 21 Spanish Speaking countries -make sure that they all can fit on the pages.

Página 4 y 5-Pages 4 and 5

Dibuja y colorea 4-5 de tus animales favoritos y rotúlalos en Español

Draw and color 4-5 of your favorite animals and label them in Spanish

Página 6-page 6-

Escribe ó copia y pega tu oración favorita en Español.

Write or copy and paste your favorite prayer in Spanish

Páginas 7 y 8-Pages 7 and 8

Escribe tu vocabulario favorito en Español

Write your favorite Spanish vocabulary:











Páginas 9, 10 and 11-Pages 9, 10 and 11

Escribe 15-20 de tus palabras ó frases favoritas en Español

Write 15-20 of your favorite words or phrases in Spanish

Las últimas páginas-the last pages-tú decides/you decide

Choose your favorite Hispanic foods; art; flags; etc.

101 Most common Spanish Phrases

/ 1.Hola. / Hello.
/ 2.Adiós. / Goodbye.
/ 3.Hasta la vista. / See you later.
/ 4.Hasta luego. / See you later.
/ 5.Buenos días. / Good morning.
/ 6.Buenas tardes. / Good afternoon.
/ 7.Buenas noches. / Good night.
/ 8.Mucho gusto. / It's a pleasure.
/ 9.Por favor. / Please.
/ 10.Gracias. / Thank you.
/ 11.No gracias. / No thank you.
/ 12.Muchas gracias. / Thank you very much.
/ 13.Me llamo... / My name is....
/ 14.De nada. / You're welcome.
/ 15.Discúlpame. / Excuse me (while getting someones attention).
/ 16.Perdón. / Excuse me (beg my pardon).
/ 17.Lo siento. / I'm sorry.
/ 18.Creo que si. / I think so.
/ 19.Creo que no. / I don't think so.
/ 20.Espero que si. / I hope so.
/ 21.Claro que sí. / Of course.
/ 22.Claro que no. / Of course not.
/ 23.No hay de que. / Don't mention it.
/ 24.Con permiso. / With your permission.
/ 25.Tengo hambre. / I'm hungry.
/ 26.Tengo sed. / I'm thirsty.
/ 27.Qué bien. / How nice.
/ 28.A mi también. / Me too.
/ 29.A mi tampoco. / Me neither.
/ 30.Estoy de acuerdo. / I agree.
/ 31.No cabe duda. / No doubt about it.
/ 32.No tengo idea. / I have no idea.
/ 33.Puede ser. / It could be.
/ 34.Por otro lado. / On the other hand.
/ 35.Espero que no. / I hope not.
/ 36.Tengo prisa. / I'm in a hurry
/ 37.No sé. / I don't know.
/ 38.No entiendo. / I don't understand.
/ 39.Ya entiendo. / I understand.
/ 40.Estoy bromeando. / I'm just kidding.
/ 41.No se preocupe. / Don't worry.
/ 42.Te amo. / I love you.
/ 43.Me olvidé. / I forgot.
/ 44.Está bien. / It's okay.
/ 45.No importa. / It's not important.
/ 46.Tengo sueño. / I'm tired.
/ 47.Estoy cansado. / I'm exhausted.
/ 48.Estoy aburrido. / I'm bored.
/ 49.Con gusto. / With pleasure.
/ 50.Que tenga un buen día. / Have a nice day.
/ 51.Quiero más. / I want more.
/ 52.No lo quiero. / I don't want it.
/ 53.Vámonos. / Let's go.
/ 54.Escúchame. / Listen to me.
/ 55.Tengo...años. / I am ... years old.
/ 56.No hay problema. / It's not a problem.
/ 57.Un momento, por favor. / One moment, please.
/ 58.Solo un poquito. / Just a little.
/ 59.Trabajo Como... / I work as a...
/ 60.Aquí tiene. / Here you go.
/ 61.¿Bien, y tú? / Good, and you?
/ 62.¿Qué pasó? / What happened?
/ 63.¿Qué tal? / How's it going?
/ 64.¿Qué pasa? / What's happening?/What’s up?
/ 65.¿Qué te pasa? / What's happening to you?
/ 66.¿Cómo estás? / How are you?
/ 67.¿Cómo te va? / How's it going?
/ 68.¿Cómo te llamas? / What's your name
/ 69.¿Cuánto cuesta? / How much does it cost?
/ 70.¿Donde está...? / Where is...
/ 71.¿Entiende? / Do you understand?
/ 72.¿Hablas inglés? / Do you speak English?
/ 73.¿Hablas Español? / Do you speak Spanish?
/ 74.¿Puedo usar el baño? / May I use the bathroom?
/ 75.¿Dónde está el baño? / Where is the bathroom?
/ 76.¿Puedes ayudarme? / Can you help me?
/ 77.¿Puedes repetírmelo? / Can you repeat that?
/ 78.¿Puedes hablar más despacio por favor? / Can you speak more slowly please?
/ 79.¿Qué hora es? / What time is it?
/ 80.¿Qué tiempo hace? / How's the weather?
/ 81.¿Qué es esto? / What's this?
/ 82.¿Como se dice...? / How do you say...?
/ 83.¿De dónde eres? / Where are you from?
/ 84.¿Dónde vives? / Where do you live?
/ 85.¿Listo? / Are you Ready?
/ 86.¿Verdad? / Really?
/ 87.¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? / What is your phone number?
/ 88.¡Por supuesto! / Of couse!
/ 89.¡Salud! / To good health! / Bless you!
/ 90.¡Socorro! / Help!
/ 91.¡Tenga Cuidado! / Be careful!
/ 92.¡Llame al médico! / Call a doctor!
/ 93.¡Cállate! / Shut up!
/ 94.¡Felíz cumpleaños! / Happy Birthday!
/ 95.¡Buen viaje! / Travel Well!
/ 96.¡Espere! / Wait!
/ 97.¡Venga para acá! / Come over here!
/ 98.¡Que lástima! / What a shame!
/ 99.¡Buena suerte! / Good luck!
/ 100.¡Mira! / Look!
/ 101.¡Basta! / Stop! / That's enough!

Spanish Speaking Countries and their Capitals

Spanish is spoken in many countries around the world. In fact, it is the second most commonly used language in the United States. The following is a list of countries where Spanish is an official language and therefore the most commonly used language in those countries:


Spain (España) / - Madrid

Central America

Guatemala / - Guatemala City (Ciudad de Guatemala)
Honduras / - Tegucigalpa
El Salvador / - San Salvador
Nicaragua / - Managua
Costa Rica / - San José
Panamá / - Panama City (Ciudad de Panamá)


Cuba / - Havana (la Habana)
República Dominicana/Dominican Republic / - Santo Domingo
Puerto Rico / - San Juan

North America

Mexico / - Mexico City (Ciudad de México)

South America

Venezuela / - Caracas
Colombia / - Bogotá
Ecuador / - Quito
Perú / - Lima
Bolivia / - La Paz
Uruguay / - Montevideo
Paraguay / - Asunción
Chile / - Santiago
Argentina / - Buenos Aires


Guinea Ecuatorial/Equatorial Guinea / - Malabo
  • Las Frutas/Fruits
  • la cereza(lah seh-reh-sah)(cherry)
  • la ciruela(lah see-ro-eh-lah)(plum)
  • el durazno(ehl doo-rahs-noh)(peach)
  • la fresa(lafreh-sah)(strawberry [Mexico, Central America, and Spain])
  • la frutilla(lah froo-tee-yah)(strawberry [from Colombia to the South Pole])
  • la guayaba(lah gooah-yah-bvah)(guava)
  • el higo(ehlee-goh)(fig)
  • la lima(lahlee-mah)(lime)
  • el limón(ehl lee-mohn)(lemon)
  • el mango(ehlmahn-goh)(mango)
  • la manzana(lah mahn-sah-nah)(apple)
  • el melocotón(ehl meh-loh-koh-tohn)(apricots [in Spain])
  • el durazno (doo-rahs-noh) peach
  • el melón(ehl meh-lohn)(melon/cantaloupe)
  • la mora(lahmoh-rah)(blackberry)
  • la naranja(lah nah-rahn-Hah)(orange)
  • la papaya(lah pah-pah-yah)(papaya)
  • la pera(lahpeh-rah)(pear)
  • el plátano/el banano(ehlplah-tah-noh)(banana)
  • el pomelo(ehl poh-meh-loh)(grapefruit [in Mexico])
  • la sandía(lah sahn-deeah)(watermelon)
  • la toronja(lah toh-rohn-Ha)(grapefruit [in Mexico])
  • la tuna(lahtoo-nah)(prickly pear)
  • la uva(lahoo-bvah)(grape)
  • la piña (lah-pee-nyah)-pineapple


  • las acelgas(lahs ah-sehl-gahs)(swiss chard)
  • el aguacate(ehl ah-gooah-kah-teh)(avocado)
  • el ají(el ah-Hee)(hot pepper [South America])
  • el ajo(ehlah-Hoh)(garlic)
  • el brócoli(ehlbvroh-koh-lee)(broccoli)
  • la calabacita(lah kah-lah-bvah-see-tah)(zucchini [Mexico])
  • la calabaza(lah kah-lah-bvah-sah)(pumpkin [Central America and Mexico])
  • las cebollas(lahs seh-bvoh-yahs)(onions)
  • el chile(chee-leh)(hot pepper [Mexico and Guatemala])
  • el chile morrón(ehlchee-leh moh-rrohn)(sweet pepper [Mexico])
  • la col(lah kohl)(cabbage [Mexico])
  • la coliflor(lah koh-lee-flohr)(cauliflower)
  • la espinaca(lah ehs-pee-nah-kah)(spinach)
  • la lechuga(lah leh-choo-gah)(lettuce)
  • las papas(lahspah-pahs)(potatoes);patatas(pah-tah-tahs)in Spain
  • la palta(lahpahl-tah)(avocado [South America])
  • el pimentón(ehl pee-mehn-tohn)(sweet pepper [Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay])
  • el repollo(ehl reh-poh-yoh)(cabbage [Argentina and Chile])
  • la zanahoria(lah sah-nah-oh-reeah)(carrot)
  • el zapallito(ehl sah-pah-yee-toh)(zucchini [Uruguay and Argentina])
  • el zapallo(ehl sah-pah-yoh)(pumpkin [South America])