Legislation Mentioned in the Report to the
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
following the publication of the List of Issues
The Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus
Article 28
1. All persons are equal before the law, the administration and justice and are entitled to equal protection thereof and treatment thereby.
2. Every person shall enjoy all the rights and liberties provided for in this Constitution without any direct or indirect discrimination against any person on the ground of his community, race, religion, language, sex, political or other convictions, national or social descent, birth, colour, wealth, social class, or on any ground whatsoever, unless there is express provision to the contrary in this Constitution.
3. No citizen shall be entitled to use or enjoy any privilege of any title of nobility or of social distinction within the territorial limits of the Republic.
4. No title or nobility or other social distinction shall be conferred by or recognised in the Republic.
Article 64
A person shall be qualified to be a candidate for election as a Representative if at the time of the election that person-
(a) is a citizen of the Republic;
(b) has attained the age of twenty-five years;
(c) has not been, on or after the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or moral turpitude or is not under any disqualification imposed by a competent court for any electoral offence;
(d) is not suffering from a mental disease incapacitating such person from acting as a Representative.
Article 169
Subject to the provisions of Article 50 and paragraph 3 of Article 57-
(1) every international agreement with a foreign State or any International Organisation relating to commercial matters, economic co-operation (including payments and credit) and modus vivendi shall be concluded under a decision of the Council of Ministers;
(2) any other treaty, convention or international agreement shall be negotiated and signed under a decision of the Council of Ministers and shall only be operative and binding on the Republic when approved by a law made by the House of Representatives whereupon it shall be concluded;
(3) treaties, conventions and agreements concluded in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Article shall have, as from their publication in the official Gazette of the Republic, superior force to any municipal law on condition that such treaties, conventions and agreements are applied by the other party thereto.
Decision of Council of Ministers establishing
the Ministerial Committee for the promotion
of issues for persons with special needs
Decision No. 81.229 of 30.08.20016
The Council decided
(a)To approve the establishment of a Ministerial Committee comprising of the Ministers of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurances (President), Education and Culture and Health (Members) which, with the contribution of the Commissioner for Volunteerism and NGOs , shall deal with the following:
- The promotion of issues concerning children with special needs.
- The solution of problems of persons with disabilities who graduate from the education system and need to be integrated in special habilitation settings.
(b)To approve the establishment of a services committee set up by representatives of the Ministries of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurances, Education and Culture and Health, the coordination of which will be undertook by the Department of Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.