August 05, 2015
The regular monthly meeting of the Livingston Planning Board was held August 05 2015and opened at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were Chairman Philip Schmidt,James McFarland, Bernie Stickles,Robert Bellinger, Chip Keil, Sal Cusumano, John Ross andStephen Thibeault.
Attorney Theodore Hilscher
Engineer Jay Trapp.
Absent: None.
A motion to accept the minutes of the July 01,2015 meeting with the correction on the Suarez Brewery Resolution was made by Chip Keil and 2nd by John Ross.
All present voted AYE.
Correspondence: None:
The public hearing for Phil Massaro representing Klein’s Kill Fruit Farm Corporation a subdivision application opened at 7:04. The applicant intends to subdivide the property into two parcels of 2.253 acres and 158 acres plus or minus in size. Property located 945 County Route 10. Notification of neighbors was received.
No comments from the public.
A letter was received from Judy Harp in favor of the subdivision.
Public hearing closed 7:05.
Attorney Hilscher prepared the short form SEQRA. The Board answered NO to all questions.
A motion to approve a negative declaration was made by James Mc Farland and 2nd by Chip Keil. All present voted AYE.
A motion to approve the subdivision as presented was made by Robert Bellinger and 2nd by John Ross. All present voted AYE.
The Board has received and reviewed a proposed lot line adjustment based on a survey map by Frederick HaleyPLS. According to the map Brian and Lindsay Shea (Tax Map Number 150-1-47.1) will convey 5 acres to Hochstetler and Kenney (Tax Map Number 150-1-52). No new lots will be created and no inferior size lots will be created. The 5 acres will be added to the existing Hochstetler/Kenny parcel and the result in a 7.65 +/- acre parcel Hochstetler/Kenny and 105.6+/- acre parcel for Shea.
The Board has no problem with this and the Chairman will stamp and sign the maps to be recorded with the County Clerk.
John Ross has stated that he does not agree with lot line adjustments coming to the Planning Board.
Attorney William Better representing Hudson Park, LLC the owner of Sunset Meadows submitted a Special Use and Site Plan for JenniferStrodl, who intends to conduct a private school at the facility under the name of Liberi School.
The applications includes the following:
- Site Plan and Floor Plan
- Short Form Environmental Assessment form
- SPEDES Permit.
- Health Department letter
- Pictures of the existing facility
- Education Department letter
- Signed and notorized authorization and consent
- Attorney Better gave an overview of the application
Jay Trapp submitted the following.
After a review of the listed documents, his office has the following comments:
- This will be an Unlisted Action, but with a Coordinated Review (County Planning, NYSDOT, & Town of Greenport).
1. Provide limits of black topped area on the site plan.
2. Provide A.D.A. parking space location and requisite pavement markings, with space dimensions.
3. Provide A.D.A. signage location and signage detail.
4. Will there be a vehicle / bus drop off area? If so, show how the vehicular circulation is proposed.
5. Provide graphic for any signage proposed, with dimensions.
6. Is there any proposed change to the existing building footprint?
7. Is any site lighting proposed? If so, show locations, type, heights, lumens.
8. Is landscaping proposed?
1. The existing building was granted approvals for an A-2 (Restaurant) with an additional approval for the sale of beer and wine. Should this be rescinded, prior to any additional approvals?
2. If this proposed project is approved by the Planning Board, a building permit will be required prior to the commencement of any renovation.
These comments are provided for your consideration.
Crawford & Associates Engineering, PC
James W. Trapp Senior Engineer
Jennifer Strodl reports that the school will have 10 students (ages 5 to 10 years) with 3 employees for the first year with a maximum of 60 students and 5 employees. Students will bring their lunches. The school will be tuition based.
The ice cream building will only be open after school hours and on weekends.
Attorney Hilscher reminded the applicant that if the school is approved the restaurant application is disqualified.
This application will need a 239m review from the County Planning Board. As the property is also in Greenport the Greenport Planning Board will have to be notified. Parking and ADA signage are also needed.
Attorney Better agreed that the parking lot curb cut in the Town of Greenport will be blocked and rendered unusable.
A public hearing will be scheduled for September 02, 2015 at 7:02. To be advertised.
A motion to give the Town Clerk a draft copy of the minutes to keep in her office and once approved by the Board the approved minutes will go up on the web site was made by Robert Bellinger and 2nd by James Mc Farland.
All present voted AYE.
There being no further business before the Board a motion to adjourn was made byChip Keil2nd by Sal Cusumano. All present voted AYE.
Next scheduled regular meeting will be held September 02 2015. Meeting closed at 7:58p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Yandik
Secretary Livingston Planning Board