Minutes meeting 25 February 2017

Present: Dominique, Caroline, Rob, Carla, Salilla

  1. Meeting Salilla Kulwirottama

Main reason of meeting is to meet Salilla, who we are welcoming as a member of the board of Learning Compass. We are really happy that she will devote her time and energy to the foundation.

In our last meeting we choose Caroline as Secretary. However, she has to give prove to the notary for living in Thailand. However, all documents are in name of Dominique. That’s why we decide that Dominique will take the position instead.

Chair + treasurer: Rob Rijnders

Secretary + vice chairman: Dominique Boucher

General board member: Salilla Kulwirotamma

We will have to arrange formalities, to have changes in the board formalized with the Chamber of Commerce. Dominique and Salilla make appointment with the notary to arrange documents. Carla will take these to Netherlands and have everything changed.

Caroline Routhier will act as assistant secretary, Carla Rijnders will be assistant treasurer, as we will have a Dutch accountant and bank account. Both will have no voting rights.

An officer is appointed for a maximum term of 4 years, we have to set up a rotation schedule.

  1. Set up meetings recruitment children

We will meet Mr Keith (who’s job is to recruit English speaking teachers for government schools in North East) to see if he has interest in offering his experience and connections to Learning Compass.

Rob has met Mr Sallo Polak, who connects charities and will also be able to help select children. He is based in Chiang Mai. We will make appointment with him.

  1. Website/logo

Carla received quotation via BeenInAsia web designer. This is far too expensive

Tailor made program (Webbler) € 4860 excl. 21%VAT

Standard template (WordPress) € 2950 excl. 21%VAT

Salilla offered to look out for someone who could do this at a better rate.

Caroline asked their designer for a logo. He made several. Tonight we decided on this one.

Caroline will ask for final design.

ACTIONS / Due date / Person in charge
Paper work/stamps done
Registration Chamber of Commerce of 3 board members with all formalities / 17.3.2017
31.3.2017 / All – Rob & Carla
Set up rotation schedule board members / 15.4.2017 / Board
Open bank account Netherlands / 15.4.2017 / Rob & Carla
Formation of Committees
- meet Mr Keith
- meet Mr Polak / 1.3.2017
1.3.2017 / All
Website domain registration / 15.4.2017 / Carla
Logo design
Caroline will ask fial design / 15.4.2017 / Caroline
Website design
Salilla will inform costs
First set up
Finalize website / 15.4.2017
1.6.2017 / Salilla
Work on ‘business’ plan
Apply for ANBI status / Ongoing
To be decided / all