Savannah Early College
Electronic Career Portfolio
School Information
Student Portfolios can be found at
The tab labeled “Student Portfolios” contains links to all student portfolios, by year.
The password for the Savannah Early College portfolio is SEC
Course Projects
Administrative Support Pathway
- Intro to Business and TechnologyCareer Research Paper
- Business and TechnologyPlanning budget & Career Action Plan in Excel
- Business CommunicationsAll About Me PowerPoint
Criminal Justice Pathway
- To be determined
Historic Preservation
- To be determined
Savannah Early College
Electronic Career Portfolio
An electronic career portfolio is a purposeful collection of work that tells the story of an applicant including achievements, growth, vision, reflection, skills, experience, education, training, and career goals. It is a tool that gives employers a complete picture of who you are – your experience, your education, your accomplishments – and what you have the potential to become – much more than just a letter of application and resume can provide.
Students will create an Electronic Career Portfolio that can be used to obtain a position in a college or career they have researched.
BMA-IBT-1Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry
BMA-BT-3Develop organizational communication skills through professional leadership, personalethics, and customer/business relationships.
BCS-BCP-8. Students will demonstrate a variety of written and oral skills in the pursuit of employment in the communication and multimedia fields.
ELACC9-10SL1:Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions … building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
ELACC9-10SL2: Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source.
ELACC9-10SL4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
ELACC9-10SL5: Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence to add interest.
This link includes several sample electronic career portfolios made by various college students at Clemson University:
Using Google Sites, you will create an Electronic Career Portfolio using a website template. The following page lists the requirements of your portfolio.
To create a basic Google Site using the webpage template:
- From your Gmail account,
- click on the Apps link at the top of the screen,
- chooseSites.
- Click the red Create button, click Blank Template,
- Give your site a name, using your first and last name. This will be the link to your site.
- click Select A Theme and choose one of the listed themes (you can change this later),
- click the Red Create button at the top of the screen.
- This creates a one page site for you.
Use the following link to learn how to setup and format your Google Site.
Setting up your site:
Google Sites are very easy to use.
- click the pencil button at the top right to edit a page
- clickthe + button to add a new page. (New tab) The page can be at the top level, or under one of the other tabs. For each new tab, click “add page.” You can add the page at the top level of your site, or as a tab under one of your existing pages.
- use the More dropdown list for more in depth formatting and adding other features.
- Use the share button to make your site public or private.Whether it is public or private is your choice, right now, but you will make it public for colleges and employers to search you.
- Share and add your teacher’s name, and counselor’s to sharing. (see board)
Main Tabs (Pages)
The following requirements should be tabs within your Electronic Career Portfolio (website) which means they should each be separate pages:
- Home page (created automatically)
- Mentor: Dedicate a page to one person you know personally, who has encouraged and inspired you.
- Career Page
- Career Interests/Career Summary
- Career Action Plan / Future Plans
- Resume and References
- Contact Me,
- Projects: projects which highlight your best work, in school, and in extracurricular activities.
- Insert aprofessional setting picture into the sidebar
- At the top left of the Google Sites toolbar, click More and select Edit Site Layout.
- On the top left side of the screen you should see a black box titled Sidebar. Click the plus (+) and scroll down and click add text.
- The Add Textbox Sidebar item is addedBUT IT IS INVISIBLE UNTIL YOU POINT TO IT. Point under the black Sidebar until the Textbox Sidebar item appears. Click it to open the textbox dialog box. (Do not give a title). Click Insert Image and upload your picture.
- Be sure to click Save
Application Letter & Resume
This is your real information, as of today, applying for a position or college.
- Resume
- Letter of Application for a position or college that interests you.
- Opening: Which position/major interests you? How did you find it?
- Middle: This is your sales pitch. Tell why you are qualified. One paragraph.
- Ending: Your request for an interview.
- References: three people who can recommend you professionally
The following items are requirements in your Electronic Career Portfolio.
Requirement / Description / Points Possible / Points ReceivedHome
Page / This is an introduction page. Tell the audience who you are. This page should also include a formal picture of you. / 5
Sidebar Picture / Students should insert a professional picture into the sidebar of their Google Site. / 5
Mentor / One person you know personally who inspires, encourages, and assists you in your career path / 5
Career Summary
(On main Career tab) / Career Page Tab 1: This is a summary of the career you have chosen. What is the career? What do you do in this career? What type of education/training do you have to complete to get this career? How do you go about applying for this career? Will you stay here in your home town or do you have to move? What do you need to do in high school to help you work toward this career? (Summarize this information from Career Research Paper) / 5
Career Action Plan
(On a tab under Career) / This is a listing of steps (future plans) that you are planning to follow in order to obtain your career goal. List every step you have to take in order to reach this goal.
- Where you are currently in life.
- Next steps for your career goals
Resume / Using Microsoft Word, create a resume and attach to your Electronic Career Portfolio. This should be your real information, as of today. / 10
Letter of Application (Cover Letter) / In this part of the portfolio, you are going to apply for a job or college. Attach a Letter of Application for a position or college that interests you. This is your real information, as of today, applying for a position or college.Attach to your Resume tab / 10
References / You need a list of three to five references that you will list in your career portfolio. The individuals can be: teachers, preachers or past employers. References CANNOT be immediate family, friends, etc.
Make sure you have the person’s full name, company name, address including ZIP CODE, email, and phone number.
Contact Me / This is a page dedicated to the way potential employers/colleges can get in touch with you. Your name, mailing address, email address, phone numbers (home and cell) and web page address. / 10
Grammar / Your Electronic Career Portfolio should be free of grammatical errors. Correct spelling and punctuation should be used. / 10
Course Project / This is a very individualized project. It is also a very massive project. You must stay focused and work diligently in order to complete the project by the specified deadline. Ask your instructor for more details.
Projects section should include a project for every career course you have taken. Do not delete old projects, although you may wish to update them. / 20
TOTAL / 100