1410 Etheridge Lane
Boise, ID 83704
(208) 377-2011 or (800) 846-0079
FAX (209) 377-0504
Service units and troops often use the facilities of school, businesses, parks and other municipal entities as meeting places or venues for special events. Careful considerations should be used to find appropriate facilities.
A meeting place needs to provide a safe, clean, and secure environment that allows for the participation of all girls. Review your Volunteer Essentials Handbook for tips and guidance in selecting meeting sites.
Direct any questions or concerns regarding a possible meeting place to your Service Unit Manager or Membership Coordinator for your area.
Use the Meeting Place Safety Checklist (found later in this document) when selecting any meeting site.
Written agreements may be required when securing meeting sites. The council office can provide Hold Harmless Agreements, Certificates of Liability Insurance and assistance in purchasing Plan 2 Liability Insuranceupon request. Troop leaders are responsible for specific building use agreements. Please complete the Request for Liability Insurance form if liability insurance is needed and submit to your Membership Coordinator.
Notify your Service Unit Manager and Membership Coordinator about the location for your regular troop/group meetings.
Notify your Service Unit Manager and Membership Coordinator about anychanges in the troop/group’s meeting place.
Inspect the meeting place prior to each meeting for physical hazards and overall safety precautions using the Meeting Place Safety Checklist.
Ensure meeting space is accessible to all girls and adults, including those with disabilities.
Set up the meeting area prior to the arrival of the girls so that you will be ready to greet and supervise them when they arrive. (Move furniture, operate equipment, decorate room, etc.)
Ensure that an adequate number of adults will be present at each meeting to supervise the girls. Girl Scouts adult-to-girl ratios show the minimum number of adults needed to supervise a specific number of girls. Review the Volunteer Essentials Handbook for specifics.
Make sure that girls are supervised at the beginnings and endings of meetings, accidents can occur because girls lack supervision.
Keep girls away from restricted areas or known hazards at your meeting place.
Ensure medications and cleaning solutions are in a secure place and out of the girls’ reach.
Volunteers are prohibited from smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages in the presence of girls and/or during any Girl Scout activity.
“Tagalongs” which include younger or older siblings of girls or children of leaders are not allowed to attend troop meetings or attend Girl Scout outings or activities unless it is a family event. “Tagalongs” can distract girls from their planned activities and distract the leaders from providing proper supervision of girls.
Teach girls to use the buddy system to keep each other safe.
Enforce rules about where the girls can run and play games at the meeting place.
Talk with parents or guardians about who will pick up their daughter, and about pick-up times and places so girls will get home safely. Have each parent or guardian complete and sign the permission slip anytime the Girl Scout troop is meeting somewhere other than the regular meeting location.
Release each girl only to her parent or guardian, unless written permission has been obtained for another adult to pick-up.
Do not allow girls to touch the location equipment or materials unless you have been given permission to use it. For example, if meeting in a school classroom, do not allow girls to color on whiteboards, play on computers, open desk drawers, etc.
Please remember that each time your troop interacts with the public, you are representing the Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council. Troops across our council depend on the positive relationships we have with schools, businesses, churches and community partners. We ask that you and your troop leave your meeting location better than you found it and to always behave respectfully and abide by their specific rules and codes of conduct.
Meeting Place Safety Checklist
A meeting place needs to provide a safe, clean and secure environment that allows for the participation of all girls. At all times, safety should be foremost in our minds.
Use the following checklist prior to each troop/group meeting to prevent accidents or injuries.
Exterior Grounds Around Meeting Place
- Does the lighting system illuminate entrances, walkways, and parking?
- Are facility access points located in open, well-traveled areas?
- Are sidewalks and exterior stairs clear of snow and ice?
- If the property has a pool, is the pool access locked so that girls cannotenter the pool area unless swimming activities are to be conducted?
Exterior Grounds Around Meeting Place
- Are there two or more separate, usable exits available?
- Are exits ever blocked?
- Are exits available, clearly marked with emergency lighting?
- Are handrails and railings on stairs present and secure?
- Are floors, steps, and railing areas free of trip and fall hazards?
- Is the meeting space clean and smoke free?
- Is floor space adequate for the desired activities?
- Are toilets and sanitary facilities accessible?
- Is meeting space accessible to girls and adults with disabilities?
- Are extension cords tucked away so that they will trip anyone?
- Are barriers or warnings provided for hot surfaces like fireplaces, heaters, radiators, wood stoves, and space heaters?
- Are fire extinguishers available and do adults know how to use them?
- Is first aid equipment readily available or does troop supply one?
- Is space well-ventilated and have an adequate, safe, and legal heating source?
- Are smoke alarms installed and in working order?
Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council11/11/16