The Tip of the Iceberg
Public Use Microdata Files Use
These tables add to the work that was done for the DLI evaluation which began in year three of the initiative. It is not comprehensive nor detailed as respondents were uncertain as to deadline and rewards given for prompt return of information. In some cases, respondents had files to which they could refer; in other cases, they relied on memory. In one or two instances, the DLI Contact undertook personal contact with faculty members known as data users or conducted a survey to capture the information.
Type of Use /Details/Comments
/ FilesTeaching
Individual Assignment / The upper level sociology research methods class requires that each student take one aspect of human capital (e.g. community participation) and explore it through secondary data analysis. / GSS, NPHS, NSVGP, etc.Individual Assignment / Econometrics students all need cross-sectional files for regressions. Most are in the dark / APS, YSS, etc.
Individual Assignment / Sociology students in a stats methods course have to take a cross-sectional file and demonstrate that they understand statistical concepts behind some basic multivariate analysis and statistical tests / Everything under the sun!
Individual Assignment / As a primary data source for students undertaking research projects in HKR 4610 - which is designed to be a culminating "research experience". In general, the students have taken a small sub section of one of the health related data bases, and analyzed it with special focus on Newfoundland data and its relationship to national data. / NPHS, HPS, etc.
Individual Assignment / National Population Health Survey – for a research writing class in Kinesiology; >five students working on NPHS. / NPHS
Class assignment / Faculty member requested HPS for entire class to use in research methods class
Class Assignment / Introduction to urban geography / Census and spatial files
Class Assignment / I have been working with faculty in our Nursing School who are particularly interested in finding out what from the CCHS can be useful for their assignments. How can assignments be geared around this resource. They are very keen to use statistical data with their students. / CCHS
Class Assignment / J'ai utilisé les données de l'EVC pour le cours de la demande touristique (RETO 3430) et pour un Séminaire d'analyse (RETO 4105). / EVC
Senior Report / Mémoire de baccalauréat d’un étudiant finissant en géographie à l’Université de Moncton : « Localisation des écoles françaises et des écoles anglaises offrant un programme d’immersion en français dans la région urbaine de Moncton, 1961-2001 », 2002-2003.
Senior Report / Mémoire de baccalauréat de Sylvain Lacombe, étudiant finissant en géographie à l’Université de Moncton : « Localisation des services de garde à l’enfance et de leurs usagers dans une agglomération biculturelle », 2001-2002. / Spatial
Senior Report / Mémoire de baccalauréat de Chantal Léger, étudiante finissante en géographie à l’Université de Moncton : « Choix d'une garderie par raport à l'organisation du trajet résidence-travail : étude du cas de la région urbaine biculturelle de Moncton », 2001-2002. / Spatial
Masters course work / Working with a faculty member, I have used the Census data to compare and contrast the characteristics of two communities involved in a qualitative study of Information and Communication Technology Use in the Atlantic Region. The data really helped us understand these communities and explained some of our findings. / Census, HIUS, GSS14
Masters course work / Working on mental health and use of services for a Master’s level course; would have preferred to work with CCHS to get mental health questions and needs to know methodology (direct interview, CATI, etc) but not yet released as pumf / NPHS
Master’s theses / Thèse de maîtrise de Pascal Levesque, étudiant à la maîtrise en étude de l’environnement (MEE) : « La qualité de vie en milieu urbain : une étude de cas portant sur l’analyse des services de garde à l’enfance et de leurs usagers dans la région du Grand Moncton », 2001-2003 / Spatial
Masters/dissertation research / These data are being used in my research as I pursue the degree Master of Arts (Economics). To this point, I have used the data to calculate monthly gross and net flows between labour force states. . As with many forms of research, the basis of good results is good data and good data sets. If not for the DLI and, therefore, having access to such valuable information and data sets, I feel the quantity of available research topics and overall quality of my research would be greatly limited. / SLID
Masters/dissertation research / I am using the CTUMS pumf to explore geographic and demographic variation in Youth smoking across Canada. Preliminary findings indicate that regional variation is explained by familial smoking behaviour and smoking policies in the home. / CTUMS
Other (n/a, dkn) / Nursing student / HPS
Books / Faculty member revised her book on sexuality in the Canadian context needed needed data from Kids survey. Part of the data needed came from the pumf but for the detailed cross-tab, they found insight and the key to their remote submission in the documentation provided for the public use files / NLSCYBooks / Faculty member needed LFS pumf and SCF for poverty study; book launched this month / LFS, SCR
Books / J'ai recemment utiliser les statistqiues du recensement sur les langues officielles pour un livre à paraître: Landry, R. et Rousselle, S. Éducation et droit: pour un plein épanouissement de la francophonie minoritaire canadienne (titre provisoire). / Census
Book/Article / Je travail à la rédaction d'un ouvrage qui serait intitulé "comprendre le marché du travail" (ouvrage de vulgarisation) / LFS et autres
Grants/Projects / We have also used DLI in providing background statistics to support major research proposals. This again, is usually in the form of identifying Newfoundland data, and comparing it with National data - usually to show that the health problem under consideration is worse in NL than elsewhere. / Health surveys
Grants/Projects / La régulation soci-judiciare de la jeunesse: recompositions locales ou communautaires: une comparaison France-Canada (Travail social)
Grants/Projects / Faculty member has a student working on a big grant proposal and doing a summary of what has been gathered and comparability of data—similar to the appendix in the recent report on Smoking Prevalence in Canada / All surveys with the words cigarette, smoking, tobacco…
Grants/Projects / La santé de la famille au Canada, surtout au Nouveau-Brunswick et au Québec.
Grants/Projects / Les données furent principalement utilisées pour l'étude sur l'entrepreneurship au Nouveau Brunswick. Nous avons eu besoin des donnés sur la distribution des entreprises selon leurs tailles (nombre d'employés), le taux d'entrée et de sortie par province. / Spatial files
Grants/Projects / Dynamique de l’espace francophone intra-urbain et vitalité communautaire : étude de cas de la région urbaine bilingue de Moncton », subvention ordinaire du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada, 2003-2006 (demande en cours, soumis au mois d’octobre 2002). / Spatial files
Grants/Projects / Répartition spatio-temporelle de la population étudiante de l’Université de Moncton : Nouveau pattern et impact », subvention de recherche au concours spécial de l’Université de Moncton, 2002-2003. / Spatial files
Grants/Projects / Localisation des services de garde à l’enfance et de leurs usagers dans une agglomération biculturelle », subvention ordinaire du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada, 2000-2003, et subvention de la coopération Québec / Nouveau Brunswick du Gouvernement de Nouveau Brunswick, 1999-2002
Grants/Projects / Études sur la vitalité de la langue (études du Groupe de recherche ViLec); études au sujet des ayants droit
Reports/Articles / I have used this data for research problems, in so far as is possible with the variables released. I have used the data for a couple of studies on children's development. I have also used the data for considering methodological problems. / NLSCY
Reports/Articles / Faculty member in economics just had a paper accepted on factors involved tobacco and use (price and prevelance) / SCF, and some of the smoking surveys
Reports/Articles / Psychology faculty member doing research / NPHS cycle 3
Reports/Articles / La francisation du quartier Sunny Brae 1960-2000 (article soumis et accepté) / Census Pumfs?
Reports/Articles / La transformation des quartiers centraux dans les villes canadiennes
Moncton: un portrait socio-économique
Research (Other) / Faculty of medicine researcher / CCHS cycle 1
Observations on pumf use; tend to be more than simply one file (groups of files by issue, like smoking, mental health, sexual practices)
Where faculty members go, so go their students
Calving Icebergs:
Aggregate Data Product Use
Without a doubt, aggregate data products are a frequent flyer but delivery systems sometimes mean that we don’t see the 700 criminology students using Justice Stats or, thank goodness, the economics, sociology and nursing students needing GDP, trade, census, or construction prices. We’re talking about thousands of students since the program began…
Type of Use /Details/Comments
/ FilesTeaching
Class Assignments
/ A Community Health Nursing Assignment: Compare current demographic data for the Town of Antigonish regarding population characteristics and note the changes between the most current and last collected data. The data you should collect is: age, gender, marital status, race distribution, ethnic distribution, income, education, work, family and household types.Class Assignments
/ One department of Economics faculty member is particularly interested in what the CANSIM database offers…she will be requesting that her students use the database for statistics relating to Canadian economics.Curriculum
/ J'utilise régulièrement les sites de Statistique Canada pour le cours EDUC 7303 Éducation et minorités.Research
Research projects / Faculty doing work in state of businesses in Canada; working with a grad student / CANSIM; SPED, CBP, Historical Labour Force Review, FPICB, 96 Census tables
Faculty doing work in economics;working with a grad student / Annual Estimates of Employment, Earnings and Hours, Statistics Canada,1991-2001
General Curriculum and Reference Work:
The White Underbelly of the Iceberg
Use of data are not always captured by type of user or type of product use. Most of our work is done in routine questions for which DLI products may be just one option. The emphasis is on the response to the reference interview rather than the type of use or user group involved. In this section, the institution has been indicated along with the range of products used. Names have been anonymized to protect the DLI Contact from virtual reference by the rest of us!
Institution / Type of Product used / Course NameInstitution A / --1996 and 2001 census data have been extremely popular
--Seniors health and vital statistics
--Canadian exports of grain, livestock
--Statistics on tourism (provincially and nationally)
--Small business start-up statistics, mainly computer industry (how long do they remain in business, market, etc.)
--The postal code conversion file is a popular one with our computer centre.
Institution B / -- Aboriginal Peoples Survey (1991)
-- CANSIM (CHASS version)
-- Canadian Business Patterns
-- TIERS (user wanted information on lumber exports)
-- Nation & Profile 1996 Census CDs and ESTAT.
-- Health Indicators Database
Institution C / SINF:2113 Altérations de la santé
SOCI-3520 Sociologie de la famille
SOCI-3810 Sociologie des identities
PSYC 2670 Psychologie gérontologique
PSYC 3540 Psychologie de la délinquance TSOC 3210 État et programmes sociaux
GEOG-4801 « Cartographie informatisée »
(GIS Atelier I ),
GEOG -2103 « Éléments d'analyse spatiale
ORCO6310 Travail et carrière
ORCO6303 Information et ressources