Current Contact Information(if recently changed):
Street Address / CityZip Code / Home Phone / Cell Phone (optional)
Regular load – 15 LHE Adjust Fall load by LHE & adjust Spring. I would like LHE overload. (6 LHE Limit)
I am scheduled to teach:hours in another department at GWCat OCC at CCC
I have been approved forLHE reassigned time/stipend for the purpose of
Course Preference - list courses in order of preference – indicate the number of sections of each listed course you would like to teach.
Course ID / Course Title / # of SectionsEx. / XYZ G100 / Welcome to College(***this is an example only***) / 2
Time Preference - Use the Grid and marking key below to indicateyour preferred teaching times.
[Actual class times are determined by the requirements of block scheduling]
*All faculty hired in full-time positions should be available from 8-5, Monday through Friday, at a minimum, with the exception of time allocated for college committees or reassigned time.
I would like a weekend class
I would like an online class
AFT/CFE Contract – 8/11/2011 – 6/30/2012
Following is a copy of the contract language regarding scheduling classes and textbook selection.
Section 1. Subject to the specific terms and conditions of this Agreement, the District retains and reserves unto itself, without limitation, all of the rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon it and vested in it by the laws and Constitution of the State of California to direct, manage and control the affairs of the District. Such rights of the District include, but are not limited to:
(g) The right to determine the assignment of Faculty Members to work schedules, functions and activities and the right to determine assignment of Faculty Members to courses to be taught, laboratories and other facilities and equipment, and offices, subject to conditions set forth in Article XII;
Section 13. Schedules.
(a)Fall & Spring Term Preferences: Faculty Members should be prepared to submit their scheduling preferences when requested in accordance with this section. Faculty Members shall be provided no less than two weeks prior notice of their opportunity to present their scheduling preferences in writing. The Faculty Member shall be notified of the tentative assignment at least three (3) weeks before the end of the preceding semester. Changes after this time may be necessary. In the event changes are made, the Administrator will first consult with the Faculty Member as soon as possible before a change is made.
(b)Overload, Summer School, Intersession Scheduling: Full-time Faculty Members shall be given first considerationfor overload, summer school and/or intersession assignment. The administrator shall not arbitrarily disregard the Faculty Member’s selection. At the request of the affected Faculty Member(s), the Administrator will put in writing the reasons for denying the selection, and forward the response to the affected Faculty Member(s) and a copy to the Federation. If the Faculty Member, after discussing the denial of the selection with his/her Administrator, is still concerned, he/she may appeal to the appropriate Vice President. The cost differential between compensation for full-time faculty and adjunct faculty is not to be the basis for denying overload and/or summer assignments to full-time faculty who request them. (Appendix H)
A request for an additional assignment(s) during fall/spring semester, intersession or summer will be made according to the process described in Article XII, Section 13(b) of the CFE Contract.
(c)Administrative Response: The administrator shall not arbitrarily disregard the Faculty Member’s preferences. The designated Administrator shall take into consideration the Faculty Member’s preference in making scheduling assignments including any accommodation under the Americans With Disabilities Act for themselves or another Faculty Member’s disability accommodation. At the request to the affected Faculty Member(s), the Administrator will put in writing the reasons for denying the preference, and forward the response to the affected Faculty Member(s) and a copy to the Federation. If the Faculty Member, after discussing the schedule with his/her Administrator, is still concerned, he/she may appeal to the appropriate Vice President.
(d)Preparations: A Faculty Member shall not be required to accept more than three (3) new teaching preparations in a single semester, nor more than five (5) in an academic year. For the purposes of this Section, a course previously taught by a Faculty Member shall be considered a new preparation if more than five (5) years have passed since it was last taught by that Faculty Member.
Section 2. Textbook Selection. Faculty Members have the responsibility of evaluating textbooks and related materials in any courses they are assigned to teach and shall make the selection in accordance with faculty departmental procedures.