Harold Maurice Hardnett, a native Atlantan, is the third of four children born to Johnny and Helen Hardnett. He and his siblings grew up in southwest Atlanta and attended Wa1ter F. White Elementary School. Hardnett graduated from Frederick Douglass High School where he played on the football team and was an active member of the local chapter of Future Business Leaders of America.
Hardnett was accepted into the historic Morris Brown College where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science. While in college, he started his own business, Hardnett Enterprises, Incorporated. Under the umbrella of this corporation,the young businessmancreatedthreeentitiesthatincludevendingmachines,real estate investments and commercial c1eaning. The commercial c1eaning business continues to grow and maintains an impressive list of clients. Hardnett Enterprises also manages and leases renta1 properties to low-income families.
Hardnett's commercial cleaning business has received several awards for volume of business and customer service. He is a Gold and Diamond Club of Excellence Member for commercial cleaning in the city of Atlanta. He has also been recognized by Who's Who in Black Atlanta and 40 Under 40 for small business owners and Who's Who in Business and Corporate Executives.
Harold Hardnett's civic and volunteer responsibilities include the American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Hands on Atlanta, the Atlanta Community Food Bank, Hosea Feed the Hungry, Boy Scouts of America, the Atlanta Business League (ABL), Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, South Fulton Chamber of Commerce and the United Way Tocqueville Society. Mr. Hardnett also sits on the Boards of several organizations, including the Southwest Atlanta Youth Business Organization (SAYBO), the Atlanta Planning and Advisory Board (APAB) and the United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta African-American Partnership Board. He represents the ABL on the ACRB Board.
Mr. Hardnett maintains a strongly held belief thatyouth cannot be what they cannot see which is whyhe mentors young
men in the community through his memberships with 100 Black Men of America (South Metro Chapter), Yes! Atlanta and
Fulton County Juvenile Justice. Harold's motivation forgiving back rests in memories of those who inspired him to reach
his full potential. Convinced that “It takes a village toraise a child,” he is very thankful forthe village that raised him to
become the man he istoday.
Harold Hardnett resides in southwest Atlanta with his wife, Misty Yvonne Hardnett. He is the proud father of one son. Harold and hisfamilyareactivemembersofCascadeUnitedMethodistChurch,wherehevolunteerswithBoyScoutTroop579,and isamemberoftheMen'sUsherBoardandUnitedMethodistMen.