Gunston Soccer emphasizes the importance of establishing a competitive atmosphere within the club, our players, families, coaches and staff and stresses the participation, enjoyment, sportsmanship, skill development, safety and teamwork aspect of the game of soccer.
Participation in the Gunston Soccer Travel Program requires a financial commitment and fees can be broken down into the following categories: Registration Fee, Training Fee, Club Expenses, and Uniform Expenses. Gunston Soccer’s travel fees are intended to cover the costs of participating in travel soccer for a full seasonal year, without the need to pay additionally for incremental off-season programs. This approach provides families with predictability and awareness without the need to constantly come up with incremental funds. For teams with professional coaches the fees incorporate seasonal training, off season training, tournament coach fees, as outlined in more detail below. Please use cautions when comparing Gunston’s fees to other travel program costs, as often those fees do not include off-season training.
Gunston Soccer Travel fees are comprised of Club fees and Team fees. The player’s commitment is June 2016-May 2017; families are expected to participate in and pay for this year-round program. Gunston Soccer 2016-2017 Club Fees offer 6 month installment plans, other installment plans are available on a case by case basis.
Registration Fee - This fee cover the cost for Gunston Travel Soccer play to include:
⦁ Coaching of 4 tournaments per year (2 Spring / 2 Fall)
⦁ League Membership and Fees
⦁ Referee Fees
⦁ Tournament Entrance Costs
⦁ 8 Winter futsal/Indoor games
Training Fee - This fee covers the cost of outdoor training fields and lights, indoor training rental, field maintenance and the cost of coaching for training sessions and games. This fee also covers the cost of goalkeeper training, and other miscellaneous training equipment.
⦁ Fall & Spring Training and GK Academy (16 sessions)
⦁ 8 winter Club training sessions
⦁ Additional offseason training not covered by Club registration fees
⦁ Striker Academy/ Technical Training Academy (optional and individual)
Club Expenses - This fee covers costs to maintain the Gunston Travel Soccer league to include:
⦁ Coach Compensation
⦁ Risk Management Background Checks
⦁ Technical Staff Support
⦁ Operations Staff Support (Travel Program Manager, Fields Coordinator, Finance)
⦁ Club Administrative Support
⦁ Player Development Programs
⦁ Coach Travel Reimbursement Costs
⦁ Financial Assistance Program Costs
⦁ Coaching Education for all travel coaches
⦁ Club Marketing and Communications
⦁ Club Insurance
Uniform Expenses –Uniforms are an additional fee that isn’t covered in the club dues. Each player is responsible for purchasing his or her own Gunston uniform through our provider at Uniforms will cost between $110 - $180.