Suggested titles for geological investigations

1.  Field investigation to determine whether or not the Carboniferous rocks

in an area were formed in the same environment of deposition.

2.  An investigation into the environmental impact of limestone quarrying activities in an area.

3. A field investigation of the geological and environmental impacts of

different coastal protection schemes used along the Wirral coastline.

4.  An investigation into the relative ages of rocks in a quarry (or in two


5.  An investigation of the geological setting of a dam/reservoir.

6.  An investigation of the geological setting of a local landfill site.

7.  A field investigation of the rocks exposed in a quarry to determine the

geological history of the area where the quarry is sited.

8.  Field investigation of the sedimentary and tectonic structures in the

Permo -Triassic rocks of west Wirral.

9.  Field investigation of a modern sedimentary environment.

10. Field investigation of coastal evidence for changes in sea-

level during the Quaternary.

11. Palaeoenvironmental analysis of a sedimentary rock sequence.

12. Field investigation of the link between relief and rock types in an area.

13. Field investigation of an igneous rock to determine its relative age

and mode of formation.

14. A field investigation to determine the environment(s) of deposition of

local Permo -Triassic rocks.

15. An investigation into the link between glacial landforms and rock type.

16. A field investigation of igneous rocks to determine whether or not they

formed as intrusions or extrusions.

17. An investigation to determine whether or not the Pleistocene deposits of

Thurstaston shore formed in the same environment of deposition.

18. An investigation to determine the cause of mass movement hazards

along the west coast of Wirral.