Summaries 10-2016

Areas of Education Modernization

Method to evaluate THE POSSIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING DISSERTATION COUNCIL IN the organization, administered by The Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation

Pakhomov Sergey I. ‒ Dr. Sci. (Chemistry), Prof., Deputy Director of the Department of Attestation of Scientific and Research and Teaching Personnel of Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

DMITRIEV German I. – Cand. Sci. (Technical), Head of Northwest Scientific Methodological Center (SZNMTS), St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI", St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:

Gurtov Valery A. ‒ Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Prof., Head of Budget Monitoring Center, Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, Russia. E-mail:

Shchegoleva Lyudmila V. ‒ Dr. Sci. (Technical), Assoc. Prof., researcher of Budget Monitoring Center of Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The paper presents a methodology for evaluating the possibility of creating/functioning of dissertation council in the organizations, administered by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation. According to the provisions governing the procedure for the creation of the dissertation council, the founder of the organization has to consent the opening of the dissertation council on the base of the organization. To do so, the founder must assess the level of qualification of the dissertation council. We propose method of this assessment. The method is based on indicators of scientific and human potential of the organization as a whole, and by the area of science and by scientific specialties, in comparison with the values of the indicators for all subordinate organizations. The technique offers a ranking of organizations and dividing them into three groups, which determine the possibility of establishing an independent and united dissertation council on the basis of the organization.

Keywords: dissertation council, educational organization, ranking of organizations, Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation

Cite as: Pakhomov, S.I., Dmitriev, G.I., Gurtov, V.A., Shchegoleva, L.V. (2016). [Method to Evaluate the Possibility of Establishing Dissertation Council in the Organization Administered by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation]. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii [Higher Education in Russia]. No. 10 (205), pp. 5-15. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)


1.  Pakhomov, S.I., Shishkanova, I.A., Gurtov, V.A. (2016). Obzor deyatel'nosti seti dissertatsionnykh sovetov v 2015 godu: analiticheskii doklad [Overview of the Network Dissertational Councils Activities in 2015: Analytical Report]. Petrozavodsk: PetrGU Publ., 111 p. (In Russ.)

2.  Pakhomov, S.I., Gurtov, V.A., Shchegoleva, L.V. (2014). [The Technology for Quantitative Evaluation of the Activities of Dissertation Council]. Informatizatsiya obrazovaniya i nauki [Informatization of Education and Science]. No. 4 (24), pp. 127-136. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)

3.  Filippov, V.M. (2013). [The New Strategy of the Higher Attestation Commission]. Universitetskaya kniga [University Book]. No. 5, pp. 16-22. (In Russ.).

4.  Arister, N.I., Pakhomov, S.I., Shishkanova, I.A., Gurtov, V.A. (2015). Attestatsia kadrov vysshey nauchnoii kvalifikatsii. Po rezul’tatam deyatel’nosti seti dissertacionnyh sovetov za period 2008–2013 gody. [Certification of Highly Qualified Scientific Personnel. As a Result of the Activities of the Network of Dissertation Councils for the Period 2008-2013]. St. Petersburg: SPbSEU Publ., 1179 p.

5.  Ladnyi, O.A., Dmitriev, G.I., Voronov, Yu.V., Zakonnikov, E.A. (2016). Nauchnyi potencial vuzov i nauchnykh organizatsii Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki Rossiiskoi Federatsii: 2015 [The Scientific Potential of Universities and Research Organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: 2015]. St. Petersburg, 196 p.

The paper as submitted 18.07.16.


BLINOV Vladimir I. ‒ Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Prof., Head of the Center for professional education, the Federal Institute for Development of Education. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

ESENINA Ekaterina Yu. ‒ Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Leading researcher, the Federal Institute for Development of Education. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

KLINK Olga F. ‒ Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Leading researcher, the Federal Institute for Development of Education. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

RYKOVA Elena A. ‒ Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Prof., Main researcher, the Federal Institute for Development of Education. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

FAKTOROVICH Alla A. ‒ Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Prof., Deputy Head of the Center for professional education, the Federal Institute for Development of Education. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article focuses on the professional standards features and benefits. These documents represent the current requirements for modern qualifications. The authors provide the main areas of the occupational standards in order to develop of the staff policy in the educational organization.

Keywords: occupational standard, educational organization, human resource management

Cite as: Blinov, V.I., Esenina, E.Yu., Klink, O.F., Rykova, E.A., Faktorovich, A.A. (2016). [The Occupational Standards as a Tool of the Human Resource Management in the Educational Organization]. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii [Higher Education in Russia]. No. 10 (205), pp. 16-23. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)

The paper was submitted 19.08.16.

Federal University: The Best Practices


CHICHERINA Natalya V. ‒ Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Assoc. Prof., Adviser to the Rector, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russia. E-mail:

BUGAENKO Oksana D. ‒ Head of the Department of Academic Development, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article considers the issues of the design of higher education academic programmes which are realized in network form by educational and research organizations with the license for educational activities in the corresponding fields. The models of network form of academic programmes developed by the network of federal universities - “double degree”, “resource center”, “partnership network”, “horizontal cooperation” - are described. Three cases are provided as illustrations of successful realization of the model “partnership network” at the bachelor and master levels.

Keywords: federal university, network form of academic programmes, models of network academic programmes, academic mobility

Cite as: Сhicherina, N.V., Bugaenko, O.D. (2016). [Models of Higher Education Academic Programmes Realized in Network Form]. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii [Higher Education in Russia]. No. 10 (205), pp. 24-36. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)


1.  Vesna, E.B., Guseva, A.I. (2013). [Interaction Model of Organizations for Implementation of the Interuniversity Educational Programs]. Sovremennye problemi nauki i obrazovaniya [Modern Issues of Science and Education]. No. 6. URL: (In Russ.)

2.  Chuchalin, A.I., Petrovskaya, T.S., Chernova, O.S. (2013). [Net Interaction of Institutions of Higher Education and Vocational Education while Implementing Programmes of “Applied Baccalaureate”]. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii [Higher Education in Russia]. No. 11, pp. 3-10. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)

3.  Dozhdikov, A.V. (2015). [The State Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes Realized in Network Form]. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii [Higher Education in Russia]. No. 6, pp. 11-19. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)

4.  Klemeshev, A.P., Kuksa, I.Yu. (2016). [Administration of Academic Programmes as a Factor of University Modernization]. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii [Higher Education in Russia]. No. 5 (201), pp. 10-20. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)

5.  Joint Programmes from A to Z: A Reference Guide for Practitioners. URL:

The paper was submitted 01.08.16.


MIKHAILOVA Evgeniya I. – Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Academician of Russian Academy of Education, Rector, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia. E-mail:

SAVVINOV Vasilii M. – Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Pro-Rector for strategic development, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The example of the North-Eastern Federal University shows that the solution of the problems of innovative regional development taking into consideration the needs and interests of the key stakeholders requires significant institutional change and transformation of the role of universities in the development of the region. Universities start to take on new roles as generating centers of new knowledge, ideas, and initiatives, as centers for accumulation scientific and technological potential of the regions, as urban studies institutes, "think tanks", and the centers of attraction of high-tech industries to the region. In this framework, nature of university development management changes and aims primarily at the deployment of new practices that enhance the competitive positions of the university. This article reveals some trends transforming the role of universities in regional development on the NEFU example.

Keywords: region development, federal universities, evaluation, social function, stakeholders, transformation

Cite as: Mikhailova, E.I., Savvinov, V.M. (2016). [University as an Institute for Regional Development]. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii [Higher Education in Russia]. No. 10 (205), pp. 37-47 (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)


1.  Galkin, V.V., Zuev, D.S., Volkov, A.E., Klimov, A.A. (Ed.). [Modernization of Russian Education: Challenges of the New Decade]. Moscow: Delo Publ., 2010. 101 p. (In Russ.)

2.  Klemeshev, A.P., Kuksa, I.Yu. (2016). [Programme Management as a Factor of Modernization of the University]. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii [Higher Education in Russia]. No. 5, pp. 10-20. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)

3.  Kudryashova, E.V., Chicherina, N.V. (2016). [About the Organization of Systematic Work on the Analysis and Dissemination of Best Practices of the Leading Universities]. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii [Higher Education in Russia]. No. 4, pp. 5-9. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)

4.  Charles, D.R. (2005). Universities and Engagement with Cities, Regions and Local Communities / C. Duke, M. Osborne, B. Wilson (Eds). Rebalancing the Social and Economic. Learning, Partnership and Place. NIACE, 2005. Рp. 148-150.

5.  Savvinov, V.M. (2012). [Positioning of the University in the Educational Space of the Region]. Nauka i obrazovanie v XXI veke: rol' universiteta v innovacionnom razvitii regiona: tezisy dokl. mezhdunar. konf. [Science and Education in XXI Century: University Role in Innovative Development of the Region: Abstracts of the Intern. Conf.]. Yakutsk, 2012, pp. 227-229. (In Russ.)

6.  Budushhee vysshei shkoly v Rossii: ekspertnyj vzglyad: forsajt-issled. – 2030: analit. dokl. [The Future of Higher Education in Russia: Expert Opinion: Foresight Research. – 2030: analytical report]. Krasnoyarsk: SFU Publ., 2012. 129 p. (In Russ.)

7.  Nagornov, V.A., Perfil'eva, O.V. (2010). [Evaluation of the Role of Universities in Regional Development: Building Sustainable Partnerships for Communication]. Vestnik mezhdunarodnykh organizatsii: obrazovanie, nauka, novaya ekonomika [Bulletin of International Organizations: Education, Science, New Economy]. No. 4, pp. 60-86 (In Russ.)

8.  Savvinov, V.M. (2012). [Education Development Expert Evaluation with Society Participation]. Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie i nauka [Pedagogical Education and Science]. No. 8, pp. 70-73. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)

9.  Navigator professii, aktual'nyh dlya Dal'nego Vostoka v 2016-2021 gg. [Navigator of Professions Relevant for the Far East in the Years 2016-2021]. Available at: (In Russ.)

10.  Mikhailova, E.I. (2015). Pervaya pyatiletka razvitiya SVFU, 2010-2014 gg. [The First Five-Year Development of NEFU, 2010-2014: (monograph)]. Yakutsk: NEFU Publ., 93 p. (In Russ.)

11.  Federal'naya tselevaya programma «Ekonomicheskoe i sotsial'noe razvitie Dal'nego Vostoka i Baikal'skogo regiona», utverzhdena Postanovleniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 15.04.2014 N 308 [The Federal Target Program "Economic and Social Development of the Far East and the Baikal Region, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation 15.04.2014 No. 308]. Available at: (In Russ.)

12.  Buduchshee Respubliki Sakha (Yakutiya): v 5 kn. Kn. 2. Protsessy demograficheskogo vosproizvodstva i zadachi sotsial'no-demograficheskoi politiki [The Future of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): In 5 parts. Part 5. The Processes of Demographic Reproduction and the Tasks of Social and Demographic Policy]. Yakutsk: SVFU Publ., 2015. 220 p. (In Russ.)

13.  Kondrat'eva, S.I., Savvinov, V.M. (2013). [Social Responsibility of Educational Organizations: Problems of Assessment]. Upravlenie obrazovaniem: teoriya i praktika [Managing Education: Theory and Practice]. No. 4, p. 35. (In Russ.)

14.  Mikhailova, E.I., Efimov, V.S. (Eds). Forsait Respubliki Sakha (Yakutiya) – 2050: konceptsiya proekta i karta rabot / nauch. red.: [The Foresight of Sakha Republic (Yakutiya) to 2050: the Concept of the Project and Work Map]. Yakutsk: SVFU Publ.; Krasnoyarsk, 2012. 57 p. (In Russ.)

15.  Ickovic, G. (2010). Troinaya spiral': universitety-predpriyatiya-gosudarstvo: innovatsii v deistvii [The Triple Helix: Universities-Enterprises-Government: Innovation in Action]. Tomsk: Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics Publ., 2010. 237 p.

16.  Myarin, A.N. (2016). [The Revival of Climatic Testing of Modifications of Vehicles for the North and the Arctic and Snow in Yakutia]. Zhurnal avtomobil'nykh inzhenerov [Journal of Automotive Engineers]. No. 1, pp. 58-63. (In Russ.)

17.  Uchenye Instituta prikladnoi ekologii Severa SVFU proveli ekologicheskii monitoring na ob’ektakh kompanii «Transneft'-Vostok» [Scientists at the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North NEFU Conducted Environmental Monitoring at the Objects of the Company "Transneft’ - Vostok"]. Available at: (accessed 29.07.2016) (in Russ.)

The paper was submitted 10.08.16.

Philosophy of Education and Science


POLONNIKOV Alexander A. – Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Assoc. Prof., Deputy Head of the Center for the Development of Education Problems of the Main Directorate of educational, scientific and methodical work, Belarusian State University. Minsk, Republic of Belarus. E-mail:

KALACHIKOVA Olga N. – Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Director of the Center for Educational Quality Development, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia. E-mail:

KOROL Dmitry Yu. – Methodologist of highest qualification category, Education Center of the Main Directorate of the problems of educational, scientific and methodical work, Belarusian State University. Minsk, Republic of Belarus. E-mail:

KORCHALOVA Natalia D. – Methodologist of highest qualification category Education Center of the Main Directorate of the problems of educational, scientific and methodical work, Belarusian State University. Minsk, Republic of Belarus. E-mail:

Abstract. The ideological base of the presented research in favor of the provisions of semiotic mediation of human relations with the world and the key role of education as a breeding institution and transmission of semiotic mediators. The main problem discussed here is to try to determine whether there is concordance between the increasing cultural imaging process due to advances in technology, based mainly on the shape code, and in the formation of dominant forms of interaction. In an experimental situation a semiotic conflict between textual and visual mediators created in educational context leads us to the particular tendency. The tendency shows that ‘words eat image’ and is reflected in cognitive and behavioral phenomena. Working out a pedagogical concept which would establish parity between mediators and contribute to widening discourse repertoire in education is considered to be the main aim of the research presented in the article.