Fairfax Elementary – PTA Committee Descriptions

Committee / Description / Attend Monthly Board Meetings / Budget / Volunteer Hours
Art Show Refreshments / Purchase cookies and makings for punch and secure a couple of volunteers to serve at the Art show. / No / Yes / 1-2 hours
Awards / Responsible for Fairfax PTSA Rookie Volunteer of the Year and Fairfax PTSA Volunteer of the year award. Must Attend May Board meeting to distribute ballots for nominations. Have plaques engraved with winners name and year at Trophy World located on Rt. 615. These will be presented at the June Assembly. Pass out Lake County Council PTA Awards packet to see if there is any interest with nominations. / No (May Board Meeting only /June Assembly) / Yes / 1-3 hours
Basket Raffle / Responsible for purchasing and soliciting items for the Basket Raffles. Raffles are held in April and May. Shop for items all year/send request forms to all grades requesting donations. This committee has a budgeted amount. Must adhere to budget limit. Items for baskets can be stored in Fairfax Shed or kept at your home until the events. Assemble baskets and work each raffle selling tickets. Submit reports after each event to the Board. / No (March Board Meeting only) / Yes / 50+ hours
Book Fair / Reserve desired Bookfair dates (chosen by Principal) with Scholastics for both the fall and spring sales. Request and organize volunteers for all 3 days of sale and evening sale and for delivery. Keep accurate records of each day’s total sales/give all records to Treasurer after final day of event. Submit final totals report to the Board. / No (Submit Report Only) / No / 27+ hrs or less depending on Number of Volunteers acquired
COSI / Duties include getting volunteers to assist at event including set up and take down. Purchase lunch for volunteers. Event is held in February / No / Yes / 1-6 hours
Breakfast / Duties include getting volunteers to assist at the event, send out notices for event and collect returned forms, purchase donuts. Event is held in Spring. / No (Submit Report Only) / Yes / 1-6 hours
Family Fun Night / Organize and facilitate agreed upon function. Arrange for event location, volunteers, sign-up sheets, collect fees if any. Event is usually held in Feb. or March. Submit report after event to the Board / No (Must attend Nov. meeting for event ideas, attend January meeting to finalize event) / Yes / 1 – 6 hours
Field Day Coordinator / To secure volunteers to work stations on field day. To purchase lunch/water for volunteers. / No / Yes / 1 – 2hrs. More if volunteering to work field day.
Health and Safety / Duties include meeting with the School Nurse at the beginning of the school year to go over items that may need to be purchased and donated. Purchase items and solicit requested items. Repeat process in the spring. / No (Sept. Meeting and Spring Meeting only) / Yes / 1-2 hours
Holiday Shop / Responsible for purchasing and soliciting items for the Holiday Shop held in December. Shop for items all year. Assemble items and price them. Set up and organize. This committee has a budgeted amount. Must adhere to budget limit. Items for Holiday Shop can be stored in Fairfax Shed or kept at your home until the
event is held. Submit event report to Board. / No (However, must turn in receipts of items purchased on a monthly basis) / Yes / 50+ hours
Homeroom Parents / To organize and facilitate school parties. Obtain volunteers to work lunch coverage when needed. / No (However must attend August Board Meeting and Arrange a Mandatory Meeting in September for all Head Homeroom Parents to attend) / Yes / 50+ hours
Ice Cream Social / include getting volunteers to assist at the event, send out notices for event and to purchase supplies needed. Event held is held in the spring. / No (Submit Report Only) / Yes / 1-3 hours
Incentives / To promote and run incentive programs such as Box Tops, Giant Eagle Apples for Students, ect.. throughout the school year. To report totals earned to the Board. / No (Submit Report Only) / Yes / 1-6 hours
Library / Duties include getting volunteers to help assist Librarian 1 – 3 days per week to scan returned books and to re-shelve them. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know all of the children at Fairfax. / No / No / 4 – 6 hrs/week or less depending on number of Volunteers acquired
Fundraiser / Responsibilities include: Organizing the fundraiser. Working with the Malley’s Company. Passing out, collecting, and organizing order forms. Obtaining volunteers to work pick up. Fundraiser will be held in the spring. / Yes-Jan. Feb. March and April Meetings / No / 10+Hours
Membership / Duties include promoting and obtaining membership to the Fairfax PTSA. Attend Kindergarten Orientation/Meet the Teach Night. Pass out Membership applications to all families and collect dues. Enter and submit membership names into Ohio PTA online program/request check to make payment to Ohio PTA. Distribute membership cards. Update and distribute PTSA Membership Directory. Most activity is in the months of Sept./Oct and a little in November then duties drastically decrease. / No (Submit Report Only) / Yes / 10+ hrs/month
Reflections / Duties include assisting Art Teacher’s with Reflections Program. Help promote and explain Reflections program to students and parents. Assist with collecting submitted work and checking to make sure it meets the Ohio PTA guidelines. The Reflections Program starts in September and ends in early December. / No / Yes / 2-6 hours/per month
Scholarships / Distribute Scholarship Applications to Mentor High School and Lake Catholic High School Guidance Departments. Collect returned applications and prepare them for review. Select a Scholarship Reader’s committee and pass out applications and scoring sheet. Correlate the scores, send letters to winners and invite them to the end of school assembly in June. Introduce winners at assembly and award the scholarship. / No (April and May Meeting Only) / No / 4-6 hours
Staff Appreciation / To provide a treat for the staff each month. Select a monthly theme and request volunteers to assist with items. Adhere to budget. / No (However, by attending the monthly meetings it is easier to get volunteers and to give a report the previous month treat) / Yes / 10-12 hours
Talent Show / To organize and facility Fairfax Talent Show held in late spring at Memorial Middle School. Adhere to budget. / No / Yes / 10-12 hours
Volunteer / To acquire and coordinate volunteers for various events throughout the year. / No / Yes / 2-6 hours
Website / Duties include updating the Fairfax PTA website with current information/maintain emails/sending reminders via email and updating the calendar. Most work is needed in August and September and then tapers off. / No – recommended for updated dates and information / No / 2-4 hours per month