African Union, NATO, World Trade Organization, UN, OSCE, OAS, The Commonwealth, ASEAN, IMF, UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO, World Bank, FAO, IAEA
Choose one IGO, then use that IGO’s website and your text to answer the following questions.
I included links for each IGO on the second page of this document.
What is an inter-governmental organization? How do they function as elements of supranationalism?
Think back to in class. Before you left on Thursday, I gave you the definition of supranationalism (three or more countries forming a union for economic, political, or cultural cooperation. All of the organizations above are groups of multiple countries working together. I want you to explain how they work together and if it is for economic, political, or cultural reasons.
Which IGO did you choose and what is its stated purpose?
Look at the section of your website usually labeled “about us” or “what we do.” What is the goal of your organization?
What states are members?
Look at the section of your website usually labeled “who we are” or “member states”
What advantages does membership have for states?
What are the benefits of being a part of this organization? Are there special programs that this organization. For example: the European Union does not have import taxes for products created within Europe and going to other European countries; European Union countries have a common passport and currency which makes traveling easier and increased economic activity.
What areas of sovereignty do member states sacrifice in return for membership?
This one is more challenging and you need to think! Are there any national rights that countries give up by joining this organization? For example, countries within the European Union use the Euro for currency so individual countries gave up their rights to decide their own currency.
How do you think IGOs will change the nature of states?
Countries are starting to work more and more together. How will this change the way that states (countries) govern themselves and create policies/laws?
Links for each organizations:
- African Union:The main website for this organization is not working so I suggest using a different organization
- World Trade Organization:
- United Nations (UN):
- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE):
- Organization of American States (OAS):
- The Commonwealth:
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN):
- International Monetary Fund (IMF):
- United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF):
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO):
- World Health Organization (WHO):
- World Bank:
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO):
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA):