Center for Women’s Ministries, Inc. ®
Center Director Manual
Guidelines for Center for Women’s Ministries Fundraising Activities
Prayer is your primary fund-raising activity.
Our Lord gave the following revelation to a board director on July 3, 2010: A good Master equips His servants with all they need to do His will. Paraphrase, Heb. 13:21
The board recognizes that there are public relations benefits to holding yard sales, bake sales, hosting tea and dessert events, etc., however, we ask that you seek God’s plan for financial provision and measure your fund-raising ideas against the following guidelines before engaging in any activity.
With input from center directors, these guidelines are to helpall centers operate with biblical integrity with regard to local fund-raisers. We know you want to keep the Lord first in all you do. Matt 6:33. Directors/leadership should consider the problems of the women their centers are helping, and hence, not offer any activities that could even indirectly be a stumbling block to clients or volunteers. Activities where alcohol would be available or gambling-related activities suchas bunco, raffles, bingo or any games of chance do not meet the criteria for acceptable fundraising ideas.
It is the corporate board of directors’ view that the primary purpose of all fund-raising should be to give glory to God, promote awareness of the CWM, build the donor base, and/or benefit the spiritual development of the community.
Consider all of the following before going forward with fund-raising activities:
- Which master will we be serving by holding a fund-raiser? God or money? Luke 16:13
- Could this activity cause someone, whether volunteer, client or potential client,to stumble in her walk with God? I Cor. 8:13, 10:32-33
- Could this activity damage my witness or bring disgrace upon the Lord's name or this ministry? Phil 2:15-16
- Will this activity bring glory to God? I Cor. 10:31
- Am I willing to stand before the judgment seat of Christ with this activity? II Cor. 5:10
- Can I do this activity in Jesus' name? WouldHe participate in this function? Col. 3:17
- Does this activity have the appearance of evil in any form? I Thess. 5:22
Your center director board liaison and headquarters staff are available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.
Adopted by the Corporate Board of Directors
October 16, 2010
Center Director Manual/Finance