August 27, 2012
Dear Parents,
This letter is to advise you that Gorzycki Middle School uses the Accelerated Reader program to supplement and enhance our English Language Arts classes. The library also uses the program for its school wide reading promotion. Many of you are familiar with this program as some of our feeder schools also use it. This program is not an AISD funded program so that we are required to ask that the parents contribute to the yearly subscription cost. Library funds, raised through fundraisers and donations, also contribute a significant portion of the cost. Therefore, we ask each student to contribute $5.00 for the use of this program.
The purpose of the program is to foster strong independent reading. Because it is a flexible program, the English department and the Library have collaborated to tailor it to the needs of our students.
Book Selection for Accelerated Reader Independent Reading
Almost all of the books in the Library have tests available on-line through the program. To confirm that there is a test for a book your student has chosen, go to the website This site will also show the Reading Level (based on the difficulty of the vocabulary) and Point Value (generally based on the length of the book). Your student should choose a book with a minimum of 4.0 Reading Level.
Test Procedure
In all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade English classes, the students will be required to take a test on each of the two books they have chosen to read independently each 6 weeks. They will be required to take the tests at least one week before the end of the marking period and will be taking the test in class. However, should your student wish to take a test as soon as he/she finishes the book, it can be taken in the library with a pass from the teacher during the school day, as well as before school, at lunch and after school.
The grading on the reading test will be as follows:
A score of “90-100%” will be entered into the grade book as “100%”. This allows the student to miss one question and still receive full credit.
A score of “80%” will be entered into the grade book as “90%”.
A score of 70% will be entered into the grade book as “80%”.
Any score below 70% will be a failing grade and will require the student to read another book.
The test scores will count no more than 10% of a student’s grade in 6th/7th/8th grade ELA classes.
Any questions about the Accelerated Reader program can be directed to Mrs. Johnson by email () or by phone (512-841-8646). Questions about grading need to be sent to your student’s teacher.
Thanks for your support,
Bobbie Johnson, Gorzycki Librarian
Library Fees (books, technology, AR program, etc.)= at least $5.00 per student. Thank you so much for all you do.
If you would like to give a donation, please feel free.
Checks are made out to Gorzycki Middle School
Please return this slip and money to English teacher by Thursday, September 7.
Student name: ______
Amount: ______