1. The Dresden Edition of his works, which includes such titles as “The Limits of Toleration” and “Eight Hours Must Come,” discusses the incredulity he aroused when he went to visit Pere Lachaise and only wanted to see Comte’s tomb. After his service in the 11th Illinois regiment, which ended when he was captured by Nathan Bedford Forrest, he represented the railroads. Eventually he followed his brother, Ebon Clark, [*] a Congressman, to Washington where he began making the lecture circuit with discussions of “Creed.” But his most famous speech began, “Massachusetts may be satisfied with the loyalty of Benjamin Bristow” and went on to laud the Republican Party nominee of the centennial year with more and more praise, for a “plumed knight” named James G. Blaine. FTP identify this man best known for his discussions of religion in works like The Gods and Some Mistakes of Moses, an orator remembered as “The Great Agnostic.”
Answer: Robert Ingersoll
2. It can be used to show that a nontrivial function cannot have both finite duration and finite bandwidth. Its proof uses Fourier transform of the summation from negative to positive infinity of the Dirac comb multiplied (*) by a continuous signal. It must be obeyed even one uses a device such as a Butterworth or Wiener filter, as there will still exist energy outside of the filtered bandwidth. FTP, name this important theorem in information theory which states that when converting a signal from analog to digital, a namesake frequency must be greater than twice the bandwidth of the input signal to avoid information loss.
Answer: Whittaker-Nyquist-Kotelnikov-Shannon sampling theorem
3. At one point, Barrildo argues with Mingo about the nature of love, but the latter is eventually flayed alive. The antagonist’s henchmen Ortuño and Esteban stumble and bumble in rounding up peasant girls for their master. (*) One subplot involves Rodrigo Girón leading the Order of Calatrava in an attack against Ciudad Real, though he is eventually pardoned. Frondoso saves a beautiful girl with his crossbow, after which she promises to marry him, but he is later sentenced to death. The antagonist meets his match when the prettiest girl in the village, Laurencia, escapes from his citadel and incites the villagers to rise up, after which King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella pardon them for his execution. Commander Fernan Gomez de Guzman gets his comeuppance in, FTP, what play by Lope de Vega?
Answer: The Sheep Well (accept Fuenteovejuna)
4. His later works include Economics and Engineering and two appendixes to his magnum opus usually titled Studies in Social Economics and Studies in Applied Economics. In these works he argued for a “progressive theory of capital” and tried to account for the inconsistencies of the Quantity Theory with his idea of “desired cash balance.” [*] Out of fashion for a time, his ideas were resurrected in The Theory of Social Economy by Gustav Cassel who now shares credit for his namesake model of the demand for factors versus the demand for goods. His American followers included Henry Moore and Irving Fisher, but he is better known for his mentorship of Enrico Barone and the author of Mind and Society. FTP identify this teacher of Vilfredo Pareto, the father of general equilibrium theory and founder of the Lausanne School of Economics.
Answer: Leon Walras
5. So-called “zodiacal light” is caused by particles which are roughly in equilibrium from the Poynting-Robertson effect, the Yarkovsky Effect, and this. First measured by E.F. Nichols and G.F. Hull in 1903, P.N. Lebedev (*) used a set of flat metallic sheets in vacuum to prove its existence experimentally. For relativistic particles, it is equal to equal to one-third times the temperature to the fourth times the radiation constant, though it can also be calculated as equal to energy flux divided by the speed of light. FTP, name this phenomenon which causes comets’ tails to go away from the sun, the force per unit area exerted by electromagnetic radiation.
Answer: radiation pressure (accept “light” for “radiation”)
6. He spent several months in Bilibid Prison on charges of making Anti-American radio broadcasts and collaborating with Japanese occupiers, though he was pardoned and went on to serve two terms in the Council of State. 1957 saw the publication of his book A Second Look at America, which was co-written with Vicente [*] Pacis. His early career took a long hiatus after his capture at Palanan by Frederick Funston, and he only resurfaced in 1935 to run for president of the newly established commonwealth, losing badly to Manuel Quezon. FTP, name this man who became president of the Malolos Republic in 1899 and built a career leading opposition to American involvement in the Philippines.
Answer: Emilio Aguinaldo
7.The Book of the Dead identifies him as the lord of Ombos when his name and powers are combined with those of Ra. Paradoxically, he has also been identified with Horus even though many stories tell how Set hid himself in this God’s body to escape punishment. Often depicted in art with a solar disk and a rearing cobra on his head, he is sometimes called the brother of Apep, [*] since he too was born to the goddess Neith. Followers of this deity in the province of Fayum sought to test their courage by drinking from the same pool that housed his earthly incarnation, Petsuchos. FTP identify this god who represented the skill and strength of the pharaoh in battle and was primarily worshipped at Crocodilopolis.
Answer: Sebek or Sobek
8.It lacks H-D exchange at the alpha position in ambient liquid water, and after dichloromethane hydrolizes in high-temperature water, it produces formate and methanol. The stoichiometric alkylation of certain compounds via their metal enolates is frowned upon because of the enolates’ propensity to undergo aldol condensation, the Tishchenko reaction, (*) and this reaction. It cannot occur with compounds that have an alpha hydrogen, and it involves either a rapid proton transfer from a hydride ion or the formation of an acid salt when an alkoxide ion gets a proton from the solvent. Often used for alpha-keto aldehydes, its “crossed” variety uses formaldehyde as a reducing agent. FTP, name this reaction in which a non-enolizable aldehyde is disproportionated into an alcohol and a carboxylic acid, named after a peer of Avogadro.
Answer: Cannizarro Reaction
9. The 1966 edition of the author’s Collected Shorter Poems excised the three stanzas that originally ended this work and drew parallels between its subject’s politics and that of men like Paul Claudel and Rudyard Kipling. Lines like “In the nightmare of the dark/ All the dogs of Europe bark,” bemoans the coming of another war and it urges the title figure to “follow poet, [*] follow right” and persuade us to rejoice, though “he is scattered among a hundred cities.” It has no subtitle but the year in which its subject died, 1939, and it begins “In the dead of winter/ the brooks were frozen, the airports almost deserted,” FTP identify this elegy that laments the author of volumes like The Tower, The Winding Stair, and Leda and the Swan, a work by W.H. Auden.
Answer: In Memory of W.B. Yeats
10. The site was a key point of the northeastern angle of the plateau of the Chersonese; it commands the road ascending the plateau by Cathcart’s ravine. Confusion over whose “left” was meant in an order led to mistakes that hindered Pauloff’s and [*] Soimonoff’s force. Gortschakoff’s flaccid false attack was probably the biggest mistake on the losing side. As was a theme for the larger war, poor British leadership, this time under by Lord Raglan, was partially ameliorated by English bravery. The battle was eventually won by a counter-offensive by Bosquet over the forces of Menshikov. FTP name this battle of the Crimean War that was the last of three battles preceding the siege of Sebastopol.
Answer: Battle of Inkerman
11. While chasing a woman that he is having an affair with, his ex-wife Natasha, who worked for Ralph Lauren, breaks a tooth falling down a flight of stairs. He owns a Jag, but is rarely seen driving it, as his trusty companion Raul is usually in charge of the wheel. [*] Well known for enjoying a good cigar and a nice steak, this quintessential "New Yorker," who likes to exclaim “abso-fucking-lutely,” makes a sudden move to Napa, buys a vineyard, and in the process breaks a certain columnist’s heart. FTP identify this character, who goes to find his true love in Paris during the finale of HBO's "Sex and The City," Carrie’s on-again, off-again beau played by Christopher Noth.
Answer: "Mr. Big" or "John"
12. Experiments have shown that serine residue in the carboxyterminal part of this enzyme has been conserved evolutionarily and accounts for some of the water-saving characteristics of the plants (*) in which it is highly concentrated. Restricted to the mesophyll, where it is closer to the leaf surface, its activity is boosted by the presence of nitrate and it catalyzes a reaction which reduces oxaloacetate to malic acid. Unlike its analog, Rubisco, it has an extremely high affinity for CO2 and cannot fix oxygen. Thus, plants that utilize this enzyme have less photorespiratory carbon loss. FTP, name this plant enzyme that is used to fix carbon in CAM and C4 plants.
Answer: PEP Carboxylase (accept Phosphoenol Pyruvate Carboxylase)
13. Its discussion of plurality is illustrated by an enumeration of various immaterial intelligences, while its argument that an individual’s soul is part of a single universal soul was critiqued by Aquinas in his “On the Unity of the Intellect Against” [*] its author’s followers. It tackles the misconception that a “First Cause” is superfluous, by noting that a series of causes must depend upon a cause necessary in itself, from which it must follow that God, as the first cause, exists. Its author does not articulate many of the points he would later make in his On the Harmony of the Religion and Philosophy, rather he attempts to specifically respond to Al Ghazali’s critique. FTP identify this work by Averroes which took its title from the work it sought to debunk, The Incoherence of the Philosophers.
Answer: The Incoherence of the Incoherence or Tahafut al-Tahafut
14. The Met holds one of this painter’s few mythological scenes, Venus and Cupid. He ended his life at the Monastery of Santa Casa at Loreto where, according to Vasari, he was happy and worked on his last works with a trembling hand. This marked the end of a journey that saw him being rejected, first by Julius II during a stint in Rome, and then by Titian’s circle on his return home. His successes include The Story of St. Barbara, painted in Bergamo, and The Madonna and Child with St. John and St. Peter, but it was for his portraiture, [*] that always had a sort of strangeness associated with it, for which he is best known. FTP identify this Venetian painter of such works as Portrait of a Young Man and Portrait of Andrea Odoni.
Answer: Lorenzo Lotto
15. Mr. Sloppy is a foundling taken in by Betty Higden, and Mrs. Sprodgkin constantly talks about biblical characters begetting each other. Fanny Cleaver makes dolls’ dresses and goes by the name Jenny Wren, [*] and the pompous schoolmaster Bradley Headstoneattempts to kill Eugene Wrayburn. At one point in this novel, the main character gets an affidavit from Rogue Riderhood proclaiming that the latter gave false information implicating Gaffer Hexam in a murder. Nicodemus Boffin hires a corrupt man to read for him after he inherits the title character’s fortune, but Wegg’s blackmail plans are foiled and he is thrown onto a garbage wagon when a secret will is produced. FTP, name this work whose protagonist, John Harmon, takes the aliases Julius Handford and John Rokesmith, in order to get to his love Bella Wilfer, the last completed novel of Charles Dickens.
Answer: Our Mutual Friend
16. AHungarian czardas and the counting song, “One, Two, Three,” are parts occasionally performed on their own. Other key moments include the “Champagne Song” and the appearance of a drunk prison guard named Frosch who opens the third act with a comic monologue before a coffee machine explodes. The action is set in motion by an earnest suitor singing a Verdi tune, that character, an Italian tenor named Alfred, is dragged off to jail when he is mistaken for Falke’s [*] friend who has decided to attend a ball without his wife knowing. At the dance Ida’s sister Adele steals the show with the operatic laughter of the song “Mein Herr Marquis, ” and everyone gets to hear about the origins of the work’s title when Eisenstein reveals how he dropped his costumed friend off in public and everyone thought he looked like a certain flying animal. FTP identify this opera about the adventures of Rosalinde and the rest of Vienna’s idle rich, a work by Johann Strauss.
Answer: Die Fledermauss or TheBat
17. This man became king at age eight and died in battle thirty-one years later. That battle came about because the Pharoah Necho II took an expansionist stance, causing this monarch to ally himself with Assyria. His death at Hadadrimmon fulfiled the prophecy of Huldah that he would die before his kingdom went to its final, deserved ruin. [*] The most important event of his reign took place after he put Shaphan in charge of a construction project, in the course of which Hilkiah the priest made an important discovery. FTP, name this son of Amon who "did that which was right in the sight of the Lord and walked in all the way of David his father," the King of Judah during whose reign the Book of the Law, Moses' autograph copy of the Pentateuch, was rediscovered in the Temple.
Answer: Josiah
18. The first known general descriptions of them is found in the ancient records of the Chinese Buddhist monk Xuanzang. The valleys of the Konar and Gilgit rivers are divided by the Karambar pass, [*] which is generally accepted as their boundary in the east and other rivers flowing from it include the Helmand River and the Hari Rud. It’s highest peak is Mount Tirich Mi and this system was important for transportation before the construction of the Salang road. It buttresses the Pamir range and its western extremity is believed by geologists to be the Iranian border. FTP name this mountain system that divides the valley of the Amu Darya from the Indus River valley and is home to the Khyber Pass.
Answer:Hindu Kush
19. Their Secretary for War was T.W. Sweeny and some of them were involved in Francis Millen’s so-called “Jubilee Plot,” which involved blowing up Westminster Abbey. Many of its members were apprehended by Ulysses S. Grant after they had avoided the gun boat USS Michigan [*] and had an intense, but confused battle, with Colonel Alfred Booker’s detachment at Ridgeway. Some of them later outfitted an old Civil War boat, renamed it Erin’s Hope,and tried to cross the Atlantic Ocean in it. Members simply called it “the Brotherhood” and its overseas leadership was headed up under James Stephens, but the original in the U.S. was founded by John O’Mahoney. FTP identify this Irish Organization whom John O’Neil led on raids into Canada in the 1860s.
Answer: Fenian Society or Clan Na Gael
20. The protagonist’s earliest memory is that of receiving a small sword commemorating the defeat of Napoleon. Told in 160 short chapters it features the shady Quincas Borba who is reduced to begging and talks of his “philosophy of misery” before stealing the main character’s watch. (*) He later amasses a large fortune and assumes the Panglossian philosophy of “humanitism.” The greedy Marcella, who pretends to be poor but is actually a goldsmith, is the main character’s first mistress. His second mistress, Virgilia, is married to Lobo Neves, but returns to Rio de Janeiro to visit the main character on his deathbed which is where the story begins, FTP, name this novel which follows the life of its already dead, main character Braz Cubas, a novel of Joaquim Machado de Assis.
Answer: Epitaph of a Small Winner (Memorias Postumas de Bras Cubas or The Posthumous Memories of Bras Cubas)
1. Identify these sociologists FTPE:
A. His later works were edited as The Science of Society by Albert Keller. His own ideas include “the forgotten man” hypothesis and his idea that customs and morals originate as responses to basic physical stimuli.
Answer: William Graham Sumner
B. Even though he was born with middle name “Woodbury” this dude was no joke, he became the first sociology professor in the U.S. and published work like Between Eras from Capitalism to Democracy.
Answer: Albion Small
C. In works like Social Organization and Human Nature and the Social Order he propounded the concept of the “looking glass self” and argued that social reality was different from physical reality.