ASEAN Peoples’ Forum

“Expanding Peoples’ Solidarity for a Just and Inclusive ASEAN Community”

Call for Proposal for Thematic Workshops

TheACSC/ASEAN Peoples Forum 2016is pleased to invite proposals for workshop sessions, roundtables, speakers, exhibitions, posters and other, more experimental/creative forms of organising thematic discussions for its 2016 Forum

Aim of the thematic workshop sessions

  1. To strengthen regional solidarity and partnership among grassroots, national and regional civil society organisations and movements;
  2. To advocate for greater participation and engagement between civil society and ASEAN leadership so as to strengthen peoples’ strategies and actions.

Details of the workshop sessions are as follows:

  1. Time frame for each session is 2 hours
  2. There are 36 available slots for workshop
  3. The theme of the workshop should be inline with the ACSC/APF2016 Theme “ Expanding Peoples’ Solidarity for a Just and Inclusive ASEAN Community” and falls into one of the thematic issues as follows:
  4. Human Rights issues(women empowering, child rights, Land and Housing Rights, LGBTIQ, Human Rights defenders in ASEAN and the world)
  5. Issue on economic, trade and consumerism(International trade agreement, ASEAN trade Agreement Policy, etc)
  6. Peace Building and State Building in ASEAN context (Security issue, etc)
  7. Environmental and natural resources
  8. Regional maritime security (sea issues)
  9. Education development and chalengges in ASEAN context
  10. Youth development
  11. Issue on democracy and election (law enforcement and rigths of indigineous people, etc)

Timeline for submission and confirmation of all proposals

Items / Dates / Days
ACSC/APF / 01-05August 2016
Call for participation / To be determined by Programme Committee
Call for proposal for APF programme
Deadline for submission / 10June 2015
25 June @ 17.00pm (Timor-Leste time) / 15days
First Shortlist proposals and finalising number of thematic workshops
Second and Final Shortlist / 7July 2016
15 July 2016 / 14 days
8 days
Final decision on thematic workshops - Published / 20July 2016

Fees for workshop and side events

  1. Fees for thematic workshop

USD200 per workshop

  1. Fees for exhibition (poster exhibition, booths, installation, etc)

USD200 per side event

Application form for thematic workshops and side events

ASEAN Peoples’ Forum 2016
Title of Workshop / Capacity Building for Human Rights Solidarity – Priorities and Strategies
Organisers / The Diplomacy Training Program
Name of main organisation / The Diplomacy Training Program
Email /
Website /
Country / Australia
Name of partnering organisation 2 / ALTSEAN-Burma.
Email /
Website /
Country / Network of organizations and individuals based in ASEAN member states
Name of partnering organisation 3 / Witness
Email / >
Website /
Country / Malaysia
Please add-on if there are more than 3 organisations involved
Proposed speakers at your session and indicate their organisation and country / 1.Patrick Earle
(add-on if more than 5 speakers) / 2.Debbie Stothard
3.Yuyun Wahyuningrum
Contact person for workshop
Name of person in charge / Patrick Earle
Email /
Fax, Phone and mobile: / + 61 0401 932 196
Concept note
What issues/concerns will this workshop address ? Why does your organisation(s) need to run this workshop? / This workshop will address the challenges of capacity building for more effective solidarity for human rights in ASEAN. DTP has been organising and facilitating human rights capacity building programs in Asia and the Pacific since 1990. Its programs have changed and developed as the regional context and opportunities for action and solidarity have changed.
Summarise your concept note in no more than 300 words / DTP proposes to work with its alumni and key partner organisations to explore some of the key human rights challenges in ASEAN – and the role that capacity building can play in building practical solidarity and increasing the effectiveness of advocacy. The workshop will reflect on experiences and lessons learned, and seek guidance from participants in helping capacity building organisations look forward to meeting the needs of advocates and their organisations. The outcome of the workshop will be some recommendations and suggestions that can be shared with organisations committed to building capacity and solidarity in ASEAN civil society and hopefully will play a role in developing greater collaboration.
Jose Ramos Horta, Nobel Peace Laureate and Former President of Timor Leste founded the DTP in 1989. DTPhas played a role in strengthing the human rights movement and civil society advocacy over the past 25 years. Many of DTP’s alumni and participants are active for human rights in ASEAN. DTP’s annual human rights defenders program has been supplemented by specialised capacity building programs on the rights of migrant wokers, the rights of Indigenous peoples and on human rights and business and human rights and trade. These are all key issues for human rights and civil society in ASEAN.
DTP has run over 100 training programs in the Asia Pacific region and supported more than 2,600 human rights defenders from over 50 countries. It is the longest running program of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region. Many of the DTP alumni remain connected with each other and through the DTP E- News and social media, they continue to share information and resources and to support advocacy initiatives for human rights in the region.
This workshop will share some of DTP’s experience of translating UN standards and mechanisms into tools that advocates can use in their own local contexts to engage in dialogue with governments and business to influence policy frameworks and to hold governments and business accountable. Some of DTP’s alumni and trainers from the region will discuss the contribution of human rights capacity building to fostering more effective engagement with government and business and to strengthening regional solidarity. Workshop participants will be invited to contribute their experiences and ideas about capacity building that will best serve the needs of human rights defenders in ASEAN. The workshop will explore what skills and knowledge advocates need to be more effective to meet current and future challenges, and what methodologies are available for enabling and strengthening solidarity across ASEAN.
Number of participants
[A minimum of 35 participants are expected]
Form of presentation [e.g., panel, forum, training, etc.] / There will be a 3-4 short presentations followed by facilitated small group discussions.
[Please select one only the thematic issue as suggested above] / Human Rights defenders in ASEAN and the world; Human Rights issues
Language used / English
ASEAN Peoples’ Forum 2016
Title of Side event
Name of main organisation
Please fill in if there are more than 1 organisation involved
Contact person for side event
Name of person in charge
Fax, Phone and mobile:
Concept note
What issues/concerns will this event present ? Why do you need to run this event?
Summarise in no more than 300 words
Language used


  1. Gender balance

The workshops are encouraged to have gender-balance for speakers and presenters as well as to include gender perspectives in the content of panellists/speakers.

  1. Inclusiveness

Thematic workshops must have at least 3 speakers from 3 different SEA countries and 3 different organisations. For side events, one organisation will suffice.

  1. Creative and interactive

We encourage interactive and creative activities for thematic workshops (total: 2hours).

  1. Cross-cutting issues

We recognise that there will be cross cutting issues but it is not possible to list all of them. Organisers will decide on how they categorise their issues under the thematic headings.

  1. Collaboration

Where there are overlapping issues in two or more workshops, the Programme Committee strongly encourages collaboration among the organisers.

  1. Regional concern

Proposal for issues to be discuss in the APF must be of ASEAN CSO’s concern.


  • Suitalbe thematic issue
  • Inclusiveness – 3 organisations from 3 different ASEAN countries
  • On time
  • Consensus

Submission of call for proposal on thematic activities

Deadline: 25JUNE 2016 at 17.00 p.m. (Timor-Leste time)

Any submissions after this deadline will not be accepted.

All submission for thematic events must be sent by EMAIL to: and ACSC/APF Programme Committee members

If you have any queries, please contact the national and regional programme committee.