Community Preservation Panel February 7, 2018 Minutes
The meeting was held in the Aurora firehouse meeting room at 7:00 pm
Present: Chairperson Chris MacCormick, Jeffrey Blum, Richard Kegler and Claire Morehouse
Absent: Ed Easter
Others Present: Clerk Ann Balloni, Wells College Facilities Director Brian Brown, and Architect Kathleen Connelly
Call to Order: Mr. MacCormick called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Changes to the Agenda: No changes
Approval of Minutes: On motion by Ms. Morehouse, seconded by Mr. Blum, the CPP voted to approve the January 3, 2018 minutes.
AYES: Blum, MacCormick and Morehouse
NAYS: None
Visitor Welcome: Mr. MacCormick welcomed all visitors and there were no comments.
Old Business: No old business was discussed.
New Business
Application #18-01 from Christine Brennan for new siding, windows and doors at 359 Main St (Tax Map #181.16-1-20)
Ms. Brennan submitted a letter (attached) authorizing her architect, Kathleen Connelly, as her representative. Ms. Brennan also submitted a narrative (attached) explaining the restoration plan for the house.
Village historian, Dr. Linda Schwab, submitted comments (attached) on the history of the house, a designated village landmark, and praised the Brennans for the restoration plans.
Mr. MacCormick noted that the building is a “cobbled” house. The west portion of the house is believed to have been brought across the lake and attached back to back to the existing structure.
Ms. Connelly described removing the aluminum siding and replacing with clapboards in keeping with the original style. Windows will be replaced and enlarged, and French doors added, to accentuate the views on the west side. Larger windows are also added on the north and south elevations with no changes to the east.
Mr. Blum noted a “fan” above the front door from a 1940 photograph and requested that the CPP be notified if it is re-discovered during the renovation process. Ms. Connelly agreed.
On motion by Ms. Morehouse, seconded by Mr. Kegler, the CPP voted to approve application #18-01 as submitted.
AYES: Blum, Kegler, MacCormick and Morehouse
NAYS: None
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. MacCormick issued the applicant a certificate of appropriateness.
Application #18-02 from Wells College for renovations at the Sommer Center, 170 Main St (Tax Map #193.05-1-3)
Wells College facilities director, Brian Brown, described creating astudent center for the campus as part of their recruit and retain initiative. Most of the renovation work is interior except the north and south windows are extended to sill length. Mr. Brown discussed the history of the building as a former gym and referred to before and after pictures of the windows submitted for the file.
Dr. Schwab submitted comments (attached) noting that the building is a contributing structure to the historic district. Dr. Schwab also cautioned changing the proportions of the original design and further noted that reversing the change is more challenging with a brick building.
The CPP discussed Dr. Schwab’s concerns and asked Mr. Brown about the proposed brick work around the windows. Mr. Brown mentioned ornamental mortar and remarked that he has confidence that the contractor will be mindful of the committee’s concerns for the historic integrity and also for the contractor’s own reputation.
The CPP also questioned the cost for the project and Mr. Brown replied that all the funding is from alumni gifts.
On motion by Mr. Blum, seconded by Ms. Morehouse, the CPP voted to approve Application #18-02 as submitted.
AYES: Blum, Kegler, MacCormick and Morehouse
NAYS: None
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. MacCormick issued the applicant a certificate of appropriateness.
Adjournment: On motion by Mr. Kegler, seconded by Mr. Blum, the CPP voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm.
AYES: Blum, Kegler, MacCormick and Morehouse
NAYS: None
Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Balloni
Village Clerk