June26, 2013

Data Access and Analysis Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to encourage and promote collaborative use of datasets managed by the Education and Community Supports (ECS) research unit, within the College of Education at the University of Oregon. ECS developed and currently maintains data from the following PBISApps Applications: School-wide Information System (SWIS), Check-In Check-Out (CICO-SWIS), Individual Student Information System (ISIS-SWIS),PBIS Assessment, and PBIS Evaluation. These databases are not in the public domain, but external users may request limited use of specific datasets for researchto advancing science, policy, and practice. This policy describes (a) available datasets, (b) three types of data sharing requests, (c) the process for requesting collaboration in the use of datasets, and (d) conditions associated with dataset collaboration.

Datasets Available through ECS:

ECS maintains data on:

(a)Fidelity of School-wide Positive BehavioralInterventions and Supports implementation: School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET), Team Implementation Checklist (TIC), Schoolwide Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ), PBIS Self-Assessment Survey (SAS), and other survey data

(b)Student outcome data and school-level summaries: Office discipline referrals through the School-wide Information System (SWIS), outcome and fidelity data associated with CICO-SWIS, outcome and fidelity data associated with ISIS-SWIS

(c)National Center for Educational Statistics Common Core of Data (school demographic data)

These data are provided by schools for their own evaluation purposes. Most schools also grant use of their data for evaluation purposes with the understanding that individual anonymity will be protected, and all applicableInstitutional Review Board (IRB) requirements (i.e., ethical standards for research with human subjects) are followed.

A full list of the datasets and a dictionary of data fields maintained by ECS is available here.[KM1]

Three Typical Data Sharing/Collaboration Requests

LevelI:Datasetsthat that require minimal effort to create (e.g., cross sectional datasets with existing variables that are not linked to other datasets) and are anonymized (i.e., identifiable student, school, or district identification numbers are replaced with alternate identification numbers).

LevelII: Datasets that that require more substantial effort to create (e.g., creationof longitudinal datasets, specialized aggregations, datasets created from multiple data sources, such as SET and SWIS data in the same dataset) and are anonymized (i.e., identifiable student, school, or district identification numbers are replaced with alternate identification numbers).

LevelIII: Datasets that include restricted information (i.e., with identifiable school and/or student identification numbers).Level III datasets are considered to be exceptional and are extremely rare in occurrence. The justification for the creation of Level III datasets must be documented and approved by the data owners. Some examples of Level III datasets may include: the selection of specific schools or cases based on specific identifiers, or the inclusion of data that is covered by Human Subjects protocols (e.g., student IEP status). Level III datasets generally do not leave ECS (i.e., are not made available for public use), but external data users may conduct analyses in collaboration with ECS data analysts. Researchers who make use of Level III datasets may also be subject to additional restrictions.

Requesting Collaboration/Sharing of Datasets

Requesting collaboration in the use and dissemination of information in ECS datasets is encouraged. The process for requesting collaboration/sharing of datasets is designed to be: (a) predictable and efficient, (b) compliant with commitments to security and confidentiality, and (c) focused on substantive contributions to the field.

To achieve these goals ECS has established an Evaluation and Synthesis Unit. Requests for collaboration/sharing will be managed by the ECS Evaluation Director through the following process:

  1. Prepare for the initial data request
  2. Begin your institution’s (e.g., university, district) IRB process for approving research with human subjects (note: you can wait until all details are finalized, but you will need to show documentation of IRB approval to receive access to the dataset)
  3. Read the ECS Data Dictionary to familiarize yourself with the variables that are available for request (note: data may not be available for all schools in your desired sample)
  4. Complete the initial data request
  5. Complete theData UserRegistration Form[KM2], savingthe file as UFirstnameLastname.doc.
  6. Complete the Data UseRequest Form[KM3], savingthe file as DFirstnameLastname.doc
  7. Email both forms to the ECS Evaluation Director (Kent McIntosh, at kentm [at] uoregon.edu)
  8. At this point, the ECS Evaluation Director will work with you to refine your questions and data request
  9. Review process
  10. Once received, Data Use Requests will be reviewed by the Evaluation and Synthesis Unit and approved on the basis of (a) scientific merit, (b) potential contributions to the field, and (c) resources required. All Data Requests will be processed in the order received.
  11. Data release
  12. If approved, the dataset will be released to the Data User upon receipt of the following items:
  13. A Signed Data Use Agreement (sent to the Data User upon approval)
  14. Registration of each individual who will access the data through individual Data UserRegistration Form[KM4]
  15. A letter of approval of the project from the relevant IRB(s)
  16. Conditions for data use
  17. Data must be used only in accordance with theData Use Agreement
  18. Data must be analyzed and destroyed within one year of approval
  19. Upon completion of the research or the 1-year usage timeframe (whichever comes sooner), the Data User will:
  20. Share results with the ECS Evaluation Director for posting on the uoecs.org website
  21. Cite the dataset used in any presentations or publications as per the Data Use Agreement
  22. Destroy all versions of the data file (ECS will retain the data query and file information for at least 7 years, as per University of Oregon’s IRB requirements)

If you have questions regarding the data request or data use process, please contact the ECS Evaluation Director, Kent McIntosh, at kentm [at] uoregon.edu.


[KM1]Data Dictionary

[KM2]add hyperlink to form

[KM3]add hyperlink to form

[KM4]add hyperlink to form