Local Gov’t. & ParticipationAm. Govt.
Nov, 2016Mr. Aiello
Unit 4 – Local Government & Participation
The most common homeplay assignment will be to watch a 5 – 10 minute video on Mr. Glossenger’s youtube channel and take good notes for the quiz and/or discussion the following day. You should bookmark that site:
In this unit, we will first look at elections and some of the different groups that try to influence them: political parties; the media; and interest groups. We then turn our attention to local government (state, county, city, school district) and the most likely interactions we will have with government. We will have several guest speakers to share with us their expertise working in some aspect of government, and we will explore some recent events in St. Louis and how we do things compared to other cities around the country.
There will be a unit test with multiple choice and a written response.
In addition, we will begin our end-of-course project of reading a book that looks at one of the problems of our modern democracy, and getting ready for the End of Course Exam on November 29.
Essential Question:
1. How should power be distributed in society and government?
NightHomeplay Assignment
Tue,Oct. 24Watch video 4.1 and take good notes.
Wed,Oct. 25Watch video 4.2 and take good notes.
Thu,Oct. 26Watch video 4.3 and take good notes.
Fri,Oct. 27Read and take notes for your side in the debate “Should the United States Adopt a National Election System Similar to Canada’s?”
Mon,Oct. 31Watch video 4.4 and take good notes.
Tue, Nov. 1Watch video 4.5 and take good notes.
Wed,Nov. 2Watch video 4.6 and take good notes.
Thu, Nov. 3Watch video 4.7 and take good notes.
Fri, Nov. 4None (but come to the STUGO Indoor Soccer Night from 6 – 9 at U. City)
Mon, Nov. 7Watch video 4.8 and take good notes.
Tues,Nov. 8Watch the election coverage!!
Wed,Nov. 9Watch video 4.9 and take good notes.
Thu,Nov. 10Watch Crash Course videos 40 and 41 to review some key ideas.
Fri,Nov. 11Thank a veteran for their service to our country!
Mon,Nov. 14Watch Crash Course videos 42 & 43 to review some key ideas.
Tue,Nov. 15Study for the unit test tomorrow!