Codex Demo Video Descriptions:
As you get to the Codex homepage you sign in with a username and password
After logging in you get to your personal workspace where all of you own resources and other's shared resources can be accessed
There are two sub-divisions that organize resources into concepts and files
Under files you can gather your file resources and browse the content either by accessing the Dublin Core metadata or the actual data.
Adding a file to the workspace is done by picking an existing file and adding some metadata such as a label, a description of the content, type of resource, and if this should be a shared resource or not.
Concepts are organized in the same way. There is a list of available concept graphs. Short metadata about each map can be browsed. A link takes you to the actual concept map.
The concept map uses nodes and edges to organize concepts. The nodes reorganize themselves as if they were repelling magnets. Nodes can be dragged to look for information, or the canvas can be panned.
As the mouse is placed over a node, the node and connecting edges are highlighted. Directed relations are either red or blue depending on whether they are directed to or from the node you indicate.
For navigation purposes there is a Zoom slider, and a locality slider. Graph details and metadata can be displayed for each for each relation as well as for the entire concept map.
To start a new graph we have to give it a name and the basic metadata as usual.
We start by adding a new node to the canvas. We give each concept a label, in this case Regional Planning, and then the other core metadata as fit for this concept.
We can start by tossing in a few more concepts that we know we want to work with. Let's do Bureaucrats and Interaction that were important concepts in the interview.
We create a relation by assigning a property to a concept. This can be done by linking two nodes and select an existing property from a list or chose to define a new property.
We define another property for Interaction. oops, have to chase that one a bit... So, "Interaction Aids Regional Planning"...
We can also add concepts and relations together. Regional planning is part of Development. First define Development, then the property "is part of."
We use the lotus Sametime software to enable collaboration through web conferences
Users can start a meeting using different types of collaborative tools, here we start a collaboration session with screen sharing.
As both users have joined the meeting one of the users shares the Codex application and allows control to other meeting participant.
The other user can then take control over that application and work with the concept map.
Multiple users can theoretically fight for control by moving the mouse and typing on the keyboard, but typically there needs to be some form of coordination through the chat window or by audio/video.