Meeting Minutes


8 pm to 9 pm

Coon Rapids Soccer Complex Gazebo

  1. Call to order 8 pm
  2. Attendance: Deb Zepeda, Karen Post, Kristine Simoni, Brian Evans, Jeremy Hedlund, Jacki Knudsvig, Susie Griffith, Todd Dusosky, Jenni Gallipo, Amy Taylor, Nick Kopp, Gary Mahle, Kate Gambino, Kelly Tellinghusen, and Traci Tweedy
  1. Not in attendance: Jenny Moe, Barb St. Hilaire, Michelle Paine
  1. Assignment of time keeper– Jacki Knudsvig
  1. Approval of agenda – Motion to approve the agenda: Karen Post

Second: Susie Griffith

  1. Approval of previous meeting(s) Minutes - Minutes from JuneReport– Brief update
  1. President - Motion to remove “Interim” from title of Deb Zepeda and elect to fulfill and finish term to September 2016

Motion: Karen motioned

Second: Jeremy

All approved

Hosting of Movie Night for city again on 8/14/2015

Discussion to host and allow teams to do the volunteer at the concession to earn money. U12 girls did this earlier in the season. Since there are no “official” team formation a suggestion to allow the U14/ U15 boys team be allowed to do the concessions for the movie night. Keep the menu open and not limit the selection of food. Jeremy brought up the fact that teams should be formed and that the opportunity still be open to all teams. Todd agrees to allow the U14/U15 boys to do it. If the team decides to do the event then they can do it. Otherwise if the boys team decides not to do it then it will be opened for all teams to request the event. Discussion on who was going to open the concession stand for this event. Suggestion to have a board member there who can trouble shoot any issues.

Motion: Motion to offer this event to the boys U15 for a fundraising- Karen

Second: Suzie

Abstaining: Kristine Simoni

All approved.

Nominations and Bylaws in by August 20, 2015 no later than 1159pm. Must be sent directly to Kristine Simoni (secretary). No acceptance of forwarded motions will be accepted.

City Affiliations Agreement Meeting with City 8/17/15 (Deb, Todd and Gary)

-Deb updated us on the process. All are new to the process. Deb will bring up some concerns and will be signing an affiliation agreement. The city will be using 1 field for football due to the construction at Sand Creek. Todd would prefer they use field 4.

  1. Treasurer – Financial Reports (10 min)- Financial Profit and Loss at the end of the minutes.

-Karen gave an update of where we are with income from the tournaments.

-She also picked up the gift cards from sports Authority

-Great turnout for the summer camp and bonus to Todd has been paid out.

-We are eligible to host the boys district tournament next year.

-We bought a new replacement freezer for the concession stand.

-We also bought feather flags.

-Look to hire/offer the concession job back to LuAnn and George. They are concerned that the amount of money they are receiving for managing the stand may come into question. For the hours they work and cover the stand, they make very little money. Karen except that they may want to discuss the payment for managing the stand. Karen will look at the revenue from last fall to see if it is even worth running the stand for the fall season. Karen will send out the information to the board to determine what we need to do for the fall.

  1. Rec Committee - (15 min)

-Summer rec went smoothly, some issues. The jamboree was wet and soggy but there was a good turnout. Chanticlear pizza was very good for us and would like to find a way to advertise more for them.

-get the information from Deb….regarding the age group coordinator positions. Karen would like to be added to the next rec meeting

  1. Competitive Committee (10 Min) – Tryouts Update

- Jeremy provided an update and is encouraged by the numbers at the turnout so far.

-Jeremy would like 1000 dollars to be allotted to get the shed painted to seal and stop some of the moisture. Items in the shed are rotting and rusting out. Jeremy I will get additional quotes as per the bylaws and will notify the board.

  1. Fundraising Committee (10 min) – Brian

- Emily Wolfe would like to join the marketing/fundraising committee with a focus on corporate sponsorships. She will work with the city to see how we can advertise at the field according to the city.

-Marketing- flags should be numbered and if teams want to use them they could check them out. Deb would prefer they do not be given out to the teams and if the team wants a flag they need to purchase their own. Discussion about using the fee for the equipment from the teams ($150), if the team ruins it then they replace it with the fees. Teams cannot customize the flags, but they could use them to advertise the club. Discussion regarding how to manage the giving and retrieving of the flags from the teams. This may need to be managed by our uniform and equipment coordinator to manage these types of things.

-Discussion regarding individual team fundraising. Brian discussed the concerns regarding the logistics of managing the process and getting a set process. Brian will begin working on getting this moving .

  1. Tournament Committee (10 Min) – Kelly and Suzie

- Kelly ad Suzie provided information on tournaments and plan on taking the tournaments in a new direction. Karen brought up the issue of not getting commissions from certain vendors from the tournaments. Boys tournament will be May 20-22 and girls June 17-19.

  1. Director of Coaching (20 min)–Todd

-Trainers worked with the rec players, he also had some competitive teams come help with the rec kids that went really well. Todd would like more exposure to explore the competitive program. Due to the rain at the jamboree there were not a lot of rec players seeking out the information.

-Code of conduct policy needs to be created and enforced. Behavior is getting out of hand and does not look good for the club. Todd will work wither Jeremy to develop a policy/process for the club to consider.

-Keys for the shed will be figured out. Full set have been made but who has them is uncertain.

-Sundays will be again for winter training.

  1. New Business / Open Floor – Next Meeting 8/16/2015,

-Board Picnic/Retreat- question if we should do this to have fun.

- the club has been approved for google acct emails. Deb will send out information for this.

-Deb brought up that there were some that did not help with all the tournaments this year. She is asking that all members step up and help with all tournaments. Deb mentioned that she plans of suggesting a bylaw change regarding this issue

a. Volunteer hours/policy:

- Karen brought up adding the volunteer policy and code of conduct to be added to the registration, but we are not reading to be added to the registration. Discussion regarding adding volunteer hours to each family. Jeremy will send Karen the information that needs to be added to the registration.

  1. Adjournment:

Motion: Jacki


Approved by all

Profit and Loss
BoysTournament / 3,941.75
Districts / 6,746.89
GirlsTournament / 3,531.50
OtherConcessionIncome / 132.55
StateCup / 6,034.78
SummerSeason / 8,827.42
TotalConcessionIncome / 29,214.89
Grants / 6,200.00
TotalFundraisers / 6,200.00
InterestIncome / 2.42
TotalOtherInc / 2.42
Camps / 6,280.00
FallSoccerIncome / -165.00
RecProgram / 51,039.55
SummerSoccerRegistration / 8,130.00
UniformsSold / 25.00
TotalProgramIncome / 65,309.55
CRBoy'sTourn / 20,580.00
CRGirl'sTourn / 15,185.00
Districts / 8,320.00
MYSAStateCup / 4,800.00
TotalTournamentInc / 48,885.00
UncategorizedIncome / 0.00
TotalIncome / $149,611.86
GrossProfit / $149,611.86
advertising/promotional / 1,657.46
Donations / 670.58
TotalCharitable / 670.58
ConcessSupply / 10,600.93
Equipment / 1,648.00
Manager / 5,000.00
TotalConcessionSt / 17,248.93
Ads / 281.00
BankServiceCharges / 4,418.95
Insurance,Bus / 1,239.00
MiscExpense / 1,205.10
Office / 1,830.60
PrintingCopy / 1,345.19
Repairs / 245.00
Sanitation / 42.84
Utilities,Bus / 50.00
TotalOffice/GeneralAdministrativeExpenses / 10,657.68
Campexpenses / 1,694.00
Equipment / 812.14
Fundraising / 320.58
Jamboree / 1,950.88
MYSASummerRegistrationFees / 10,595.00
PenaltyFines / 225.00
RecreationLeagueTrophies / 2,362.50
RecreationPrinting / 3,078.90
RecreationUniforms / 11,855.42
RefereeCoordinator / 8,998.00
SoccerPins / -973.00
Uniforms / 704.24
TotalProgramCosts / 41,623.66
Tax,Business / 1,022.00
RefereePay / 12,178.25
Trophies / 2,003.11
TotalCRBOY'STRNMT / 14,181.36
RefereePay / 8,895.00
Trophies / 1,955.65
TotalCRGirl'sTourn / 10,850.65
MYSAStateCup / 3,600.00
TournamentTeeShirts / 630.80
TotalTournamentCost / 29,262.81
IndoorTrainingFacility / 12,555.63
PayrollExpenses / 1,674.50
Wages / 30,443.60
TotalTraining / 44,673.73
TotalExpenses / $146,816.85
NetOperatingIncome / $2,795.01
NetIncome / $2,795.01