Town of Preble
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Town of Preble Zoning Board of Appeals met on Thursday February 7, 2002 at the Preble Town Hall at 7:34 PM. Members present were Chairman Daniel O’Shea, Del Knapp, Brian Bartholomew and Bob Lieber. Charles Sturgen was absent. Mr. O’Shea opened the meeting at 7:34 PM.
Application for variance by Mr. Tom Niederhoffer representing Mr. Tom Billard for property location 7625 St. Charles Bay Rd. Mr. Niederhoffer would like to tear down the existing property and construct a two story Cape Code style house about 1650 sq. ft. year round structure. They would like to use the existing well and septic. Mr. Neiderhoffer took the floor and explained that the new structure would be closer to the lake and further from the only other property near him. He also wanted to remove the old storage shed. Mr. Neiderhoffer stated that this would greatly improve the existing property. Mr. Billard had purchased the property before the 2- acre zoning went into effect. Board reviewed a more detailed map and location of the proposed new house. Brian Bartholomew asked about the size of the existing dwelling and Del Knapp asked about soil drainage. Mr. Neiderhoffer stated that the property is well above the water. Chairman O’Shea asked for public comments. Mr. Daryl Hinman is the property owner next door and is concerned about large trucks damaging the dirt roads. Neighbors would like the holes fill in after construction. Mr. Neiderhoffer assured him that he would leave the road in better condition than it is now. Mr. Hinman stated that the turn around is actually Mrs. Hinman’s front yard. Mr. Hinman wanted to know when building will start. Mr. Neiderhoffer stated ASAP. Mr. Hinman stated he is concerned about emergency vehicles being able to get through. Mr. Neiderhoffer felt the construction would be far enough away as not to interfere with Mrs. Hinman’s oxygen and emergency vehicles.
Mr. Hinman wanted to know how much can property owners reduce from the two-acre minimum. Chairman O’Shea stated that the Board does it case by case and would refer to legal council. Mr. Frank Hogg has no objection and feels it would be a nice addition to the neighborhood. Public Hearing closed at 7:75 PM. Board discussed lot size and proposed variance. Chairman O’Shea requested that a survey is supplied to the Town Code enforcement officer and the Board will make it contingent upon granting the motion.
Brian Bartholomew motioned to approve the proposed variance by Mr. Tom Billard, to construct a new home on a property with less than two-acres with three conditions, 1 An official survey be submitted to the Town’s Code enforcement officer. 2 leave the road in good condition and 3 keep the fire lanes clear. Bob Lieber seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0 in favor with 1 absent. Motion carried. Board reviewed SEQR and filled out referral form to Cortland County Planning Department. Board reviewed the January minutes and Brian Bartholomew motioned to approve the minutes. Bob Lieber seconded the motion. Motion Carried. Vote was 4-0 in favor with 1 absent. Meeting adjourned at 8:28 PM.
Sharon Cassidy Flint