1.COMPETITION FEE: Please place $20 per player in an envelope into the red tin. This will include a sit down meal and some beverages which will be provided to members after the CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND.
2. The competition is played over 27 holes.
3. Nominations will open on line or Pro Shop on the 28th May and money to be paid by the 18th June as numbers for catering purposes will be needed.
4. The championship is open to CLUB BANORA members only.
5. There will be two divisions 0 to 22 and 22.5 to 45.
A. Divisions will be decided by adding handicaps together and dividing by 2 .
B. Example 1- Player 1s h/cap 15 and player 2s h/cap 25 = 40 divide by 2 = 20 (div 1)
C. Example 2 Player 1s h/cap 26 and player 2s h/cap 21 = 47 divide by 2 = 23.5 (div 2)
6. Club Banora Golf Club general conditions of play apply during the Championship.
7. The Championship will be played in groups of 4,off the Championship markers with the male player hitting off the ODD Tees thru the 27 holes. There will be not break after 18 holes.
8. PRIZES. Prizes shall be awarded in following categories.
FOURSOME CHAMPIONS= 1st gross score (2 divisions)
RUNNERS- UP= 2nd gross score(2divisions)
NETT WINNERS= 1stnett score (2divisions)
NETT RUNNERS UP= 2nd nett score (2divisions)
Only one major trophy can be won by any pairing, ie; best gross , best nett or runner up.There shall also be a “ball rundown” as determined by the event committee.
9.TIES. Gross event there will be an immediate play off after the last card is returned and checked.The play off shall be sudden death using 2 holes (1st and 9th).All other prizes will be decided by the Australian count back system.
Wayne Muir (Captain)