PowerPoint 2013

Circle Back Review Assignments

Circle Back 1

You are a sales representative for Contoso Food Services. You are preparing a brief presentation tointroduce your company to the Food Services Committee at Trey College, in hopes of receiving acontract to provide food services for the campus dining hall.

Project 1: Create a Presentation

Begin by creating slides from a blank presentation. Then add slides from another presentation,rearrange the slides, and print the presentation.

GET READY. LAUNCH PowerPoint if it is not already running.

1. Create a new blank presentation and save it as Trey Proposal.

2. On the title slide, type Contoso Food Services in the title placeholder.

3. Type Trey College Proposal in the subtitle placeholder.

4. Reuse slides 2-4 from the Boilerplate presentation.

5. Rearrange slides so that slide 2 becomes slide 3.

6. Print the presentation as slides in Grayscale mode.

7. SAVE the presentation.

PAUSE. LEAVE PowerPoint and your presentation open for the next project.

Project 2: Format Your Presentation

Now that you have the bare bones of your presentation written, you can concentrate on formattingto improve the presentation's appearance. You will use WordArt, a theme, font styles, and otherformatting options to give your slides punch.

USE the presentation that is open from the previous project.

1. Apply the Wisp theme, and then apply the third variant (blue tint).

2. On slide 1, delete the title text and the title placeholder box.

3. Create a WordArt graphic using the Fill - Black, Text 1, Shadow preset (the first one inthe WordArt Styles gallery). Type the text CONTOSO FOOD SERVICES.

4. Make these changes to the WordArt graphic:

a. Set the font size to 56 pt. (Hint: Click in the Font Size box on the Ribbon and type 56directly into it.)

b. Change the WordArt text fi ll to Purple, Accent 6, Darker 50%. (Hint: Use the Text Fillbutton in the WordArt Styles group on the Drawing Tools Format tab.)

c. Change the WordArt text fi ll to a gradient, using the Linear Down option in the DarkVariations section of the Gradient gallery.

d. Change the WordArt outline color to Purple, Accent 6.

e. Apply the Tight Reflection, touching effect to the WordArt graphic.

f. Reposition the WordArt graphic 0.5" above the slide's subtitle box.

5. Apply italics to the slide 1 subtitle.

6. Center the subtitle horizontally under the title. Figure 1 shows the completed slide 1.

Figure 1

Slide 1 completed

7. Go to slide 2. Make these changes to the text in the right-hand placeholder:

a. Select all text in the right-hand placeholder and change the font size to 24 pt.

b. Right-align the last three paragraphs (the attribution), and adjust line spacing sothere is no extra space above these lines. (Hint: Choose Line Spacing Options at thebottom of the Line Spacing menu.)

c. Use the Format Painter to copy formats from the quote paragraph and the quoteattribution on slide 2 to the quote text and attribution on slide 3.

8. Go to slide 4. Insert a text box below the picture that is as wide as the picture and typethe following text:

Contoso Food Services is proud to serve institutions in fifteen states in this countryand three Canadian provinces. Our reputation for quality is second to none.

9. Format the text box as follows:

a. Center the text in the text box.

b. Apply a Shape Style of your choice to the text box.

10. SAVE the presentation.

PAUSE. LEAVE PowerPoint and your presentation open for the next project.

Project 3: Add Design Touches to Your Presentation

You are ready to do the final formatting and add the finishing touches to the presentation. You willadjust the slide master, add a slide, and change the background.

USE the presentation that is open from the previous project.

1. Insert an automatically updating date and slide numbers that appear on all slidesexcept the title slide.

2. In Slide Master view, move the Date placeholder to the left of the Footer placeholder.Close Slide Master view.

3. Insert a new slide at the end of the presentation using the Two Content layout.

4. Type the slide title Contact Us.

5. Insert the following contact information in the left-hand text placeholder. Format theinformation as desired.

Mailing address:

17507 Atlantic Blvd

Boca Raton, FL 33456


561 555 3663

561 555 3664

6. Insert the following information in the right-hand text placeholder:



7. Create a hyperlink from the website text to the website at ifPowerPoint did not make it a hyperlink when you typed it.

8. Apply a different background style to slide 5 only to make it stand out. (Hint: Rightclickthe desired background style and click Apply to Selected Slides.)

9. Go to slide 3. Insert an Information action button above the date in the lower-leftcorner of the slide that links to the Pricing Excel fi le.

10. Go to slide 2, and apply the Blue Tissue Paper texture fi llto the text box that containsthe quotation. Repeat for the text box on slide 3.

11. Run the presentation in Slide Show view. Test the action button on slide 3 to make sureit works in Slide Show view.

12. SAVE your changes to the presentation.

13. SAVE the presentation again as Trey 2003 in the 97-2003 format, and then CLOSE thefile.

EXIT PowerPoint.

Circle Back 2

You are a managing editor at Lucerne Publishing. You are preparing for an important meetingwith the senior management team, and you are producing a presentation that should serve twopurposes: to show how you intend to grow the publishing plan for the coming year and to convincesenior management to let you hire several new editors. You can use PowerPoint tools to focusattention on these two goals.

Project 1: Basic Formatting and Tables

In this project, you will open your draft presentation, apply a theme, and add both a table and anExcel worksheet to present data.

GET READY. LAUNCH PowerPoint if it is not already running.

1. OPEN the Opportunities presentation and save it as Opportunities Final.

2. Apply the Slice theme. Apply the orange variant. Change the theme fonts to Gill SansMT.

3. In the header and footer, insert a date that updates automatically, and the footerEditorial Opportunities. Apply to all slides except the title slide.Tip: To apply to all slides except the title slide, select all slides except the title slidebefore opening the Header and Footer dialog box or mark the Don’t show on title slidecheck box on the Header and Footer dialog box.

4. Display the Slide Master and make these changes to the slide master (the top master,not one of the individual layout masters):

a. Boldface the slide titles.

b. Change the color of the fi rst-level bullet character to Orange, Background 2, Darker50%. (Hint: Just change the bullet character, not the text. You can do this from theBullets and Numbering dialog box.)

c. Close Slide Master view.

5. Go to slide 4 and create a table that has three columns and six rows. Type thefollowing data in the table:

Division Current Year Next Year

History 23 27

Science Fiction 19 23

Literature 12 16

Nonfiction 26 31

Lifestyle 38 43

6. Format the table with the Light Style 3—Accent 1 Table Style.

7. Turn off banded rows. Select the column heading cells, and fi ll them with Orange,Background 2.

8. Center all entries in the center and right columns. Click the Table Tools Layoutcontextual tab, and in the Table Size group, change the table width to 8".

9. Go to slide 3 and format the existing table to match the one you inserted on slide 4.Be sure to also change column alignment and table size.

10. Go to slide 5 and insert an Excel spreadsheet. Enlarge the object so you can see atleast 7 rows and at least 3 columns. Then, starting in cell A1, type the following data inthe worksheet:

Division Current Year Next Year

History 4.65 4.89

Science Fiction 3.77 4.01

Literature 8.92 9.15

Nonfiction4.41 4.79

Lifestyle 3.59 3.95

11. In cell A7 of the worksheet, type Average. In cell B7, type the formula=AVERAGE(B2:B6).

12. Copy the formula in cell B7 to cell C7.

13. Format the values in cells B2:C7 as currency with two decimal places.

14. Format the worksheet as follows:

a. Apply the Wisp theme in Excel (you will fi nd the themes on the Page Layout tab inExcel).

b. Select the column headers in row 1, click the Cell Styles button in the Styles groupon the Excel Home tab, and select Accent2.

c. Boldface the column headings.

d. Center all entries in the center and right columns.

e. Change the font of the worksheet cells to Gill Sans MT to match the text in thepresentation. Change the font size to 18 pt.

f. Adjust columns to a width of 25.

g. Use the Borders button (in the Font group on the Home tab) to apply All Borders inthe range A1:C7. Use the default color and weight.

15. Adjust the size of the worksheet’s hatched selection border to hide any empty rows orcolumns. Click outside the worksheet to deselect it.

16. Display the drawing guides and adjust them so the vertical guide aligns with the 4.5"mark on the ruler on the left side of the slide, and the horizontal guide aligns with the2" marker on the vertical ruler at the top of the slide.

17. On slides 3, 4, and 5, reposition the tables so that their upper-left corners align with theintersection of the guides. Then turn off the guides.

18. SAVE the presentation.

PAUSE. LEAVE PowerPoint and your presentation open for the next project.

Project 2: Charting the Data

You are now ready to create a chart that shows the editorial workload for the current year and yourprojections for the next year. The chart will make it easy for your audience to compare thenumbers.

USE the presentation that is open from the previous project.

1. Go to slide 6, and change the layout of the slide to Title and Content.

2. Click the Insert Chart icon in the content placeholder to begin a new chart. Select the3-D Clustered Bar chart.

3. Insert the following data in the chart worksheet:

Division Current Year Next Year

History 5.8 6.8

Science Fiction 6.3 7.6

Literature 4 5.3

Nonfiction 4.3 5.2

Lifestyle 5.4 6.1

4. Delete the unneeded sample data in column D and make sure the range bordersurrounds only the data you need for your chart. Close the worksheet.

5. Change the chart type to a 3-D Clustered Column chart.

6. Format the chart as follows:

a. Apply Layout 4 and the Style 9 Chart Style.

b. Change the font size of the horizontal axis labels to 16 pt.

c. Display the primary major vertical axis gridlines.

d. Turn off the data labels for both data series.

7. Drag the chart frame’s bottom selection handle downward about one-half inch, to the1.5" mark on the vertical ruler, to enlarge the chart.

8. Draw a text box below the chart slide title and type the text *Books per editor, based on current staffing.

9. If necessary, resize the text box so that all text is on one line, and then apply theIntense Effect—Dark Yellow, Accent 2 Shape Style to the text box.

10. SAVE the presentation.

PAUSE. LEAVE PowerPoint and your presentation open for the next project.

Project 3: Add Diagrams

You are ready to add SmartArt diagrams to display additional information about your organizationand your department’s work processes.

USE the presentation that is open from the previous project.

1. Go to slide 7 and click the Insert a SmartArt Graphic icon in the content placeholder tostart a new SmartArt graphic.

2. Choose to create a hierarchy diagram that uses the Organization Chart design, and addtext to the chart as follows:

a. In the top-level box, type the name Bill Bowen, press Enter, and type the titleManaging Editor.

b. In the assistant box, type Eva Corets, press Enter, and type Chief Editorial Assistant.

c. In the second-level boxes, type the following names, titles, and departments:

Jo Berry Dan Bacon Jun Cao

Sr. Editor Sr. Editor Sr. Editor

History Science Fiction Literature

3. Add a new shape after Jun Cao’s shape, type the name Aaron Con, the title Sr. Editor,and the department Nonfiction. Then add a new shape after Aaron Con’s shape, typethe name Debra Core, the title Sr. Editor, and the department Lifestyle.

4. Apply the Inset SmartArt Style and the Colorful Range—Accent Colors 2 to 3 colorscheme in the Colorful category.

5. Delete Debra Core’s shape, and then change the division information for Aaron Con’sshape to Nonfiction & Lifestyle.

6. Boldface the text in the top-level shape.

7. Go to slide 8, and convert the bulleted list to a Vertical Bullet List SmartArt graphic.

8. Apply the Inset SmartArt style and a color scheme that matches the one you used onslide 7.

9. Change the diagram layout to the Vertical Box List layout.

10. Click in the Notes pane for the slide and type:

We are rolling the production preparation phase into the copyedit phase to saveproduction time and costs.

11. Edit the Copyedit text to read Copyedit and Production, and then delete the Productionitem from the graphic.

12. SAVE the presentation.

PAUSE. LEAVE PowerPoint and your presentation open for the next project.

Project 4: Insert and Format a Picture

Now insert additional visual interest in the form of a picture. You will format the picture to improveits appearance.

USE the presentation that is open from the previous project.

1. Go to slide 2, and click the Online Pictures icon in the content placeholder to open theInsert Pictures dialog box.

2. Use the keyword award to search for a photograph of a trophy. If you do not find asilver trophy on a white background in your results, insert the picture Award.jpg in theplaceholder.

3. Adjust the picture’s brightness to 110% and contrast to 120%.

4. Apply the Perspective Shadow, White Picture Style, and then click Picture Border andselect Green, Accent 4, lighter 40%.

5. Move the picture to the right so that its right edge aligns with the left 0.5" mark on thehorizontal ruler. (Use a guide to help you. If you cannot get the picture to align preciselywith the guide, try holding down the Alt key as you drag it.)

6. Compress pictures in the presentation to the Screen setting.

7. SAVE the presentation.

PAUSE. LEAVE PowerPoint and your presentation open for the next project.

Project 5: Add a Drawing and Finalize the Presentation

You have been asked to suggest a new office layout to reorganize departments on the productionfloor. You can create a simple drawing to show the areas where each department, supportingpersonnel, and production will be placed.

USE the presentation that is open from the previous project.

1. Add a new slide after slide 7 with the Title Only layout. Type the slide title Revised Office Layout.

2. Create the drawing objects shown in Figure 1. You can choose your own sizes forobjects, but they should be similar in scale to the ones shown.


3. Modify your drawing as follows:

a. Make all the department objects—the shapes for Nonfiction & Lifestyle, Literature,Science Fiction, and History— the same dimensions, even though they are differentshapes; that is, they should all be the same height and width. For example, the onesin Figure 1 are 1.25" high and 1.8" wide. Make sure all text displays without breakingafter resizing.

b. Align the Info Desk and Library shapes to the middle of the block arrow. These threeshapes will create a central area for the layout and should all be aligned middle withone another.

c. Rotate the Editorial Assistants shape 90 degrees to the right. The text is nowrotated, too.

d. Use the Text Direction tool on the Home tab to rotate the text 270 degrees so it isonce again running in its normal direction. Widen the shape slightly if needed tomake the word Assistants fi t on one line.

e. Align the Managing Editor, Science Fiction, History, and Editorial Assistants shapesby their tops. Align the Nonfiction & Lifestyle and Literature shapes by theirbottoms. Align the Editorial Assistants and Production shapes by their right sides.

f. Distribute the top four shapes horizontally.

g. Make any other adjustments you think necessary to improve the look of the layout.

4. Apply colors and effects or Shape Styles to the shapes as desired to improve itsappearance. Give each shape a unique look. Figure 2 shows one possible result.