Submitted on May 14th, 2015

Submitted values are:

--Section 1: Organization Information--

Name of Organization: Alfred J. Gomes Elementary School

Mailing Address: 286 South Second St

Name of Project Contact Person(s):

Melissa Scanlon (Teaching & Learning Specialist)

Phone: 508 997-4511 ext 2432


Beverly Tavares (PTO Vice President)

Cell: 774-263-2800


Rosa M. Goncalves (PTO Treasurer)

Cell: 508-951-0808


Phone: 508 997 4511 ext 2432


Type of Organization: Public (town, city, municipality, special

district, government agency)

If Other:

Description of Organization and Mission:

The Alfred J. Gomes School has a student population of 746. 142

of those students are identified as Limited English Proficiency

and 647 students are identified as low income. Many of our

school's families lack the language skills and/or money to pay

fees for sports, dance or recreational activities. Most houses

surrounding our school have no yards and physical exercise is

limited to indoor play.

Alfred J. Gomes School will continue to ensure students are

provided with a quality education and meaningful learning

opportunities. As families are the first educators of our

children, we encourage you to continue to be a part of your

child’s education through the various family involvement

activities planned throughout the year. We look forward to

fostering partnerships between students, staff, families, and

community as we work together to educate our children.

On average, how many individuals does your organization serve per

year? 746 students along with their families

How did you hear about the CPC? RWU almuni

--Section 2: Project Description--

Title of the Project: A.J. Gomes School Playground

Project Location (Address, City, State, and Zip):

286 South Second St

New Bedford, MA 02740

General Project Description (you may attach a longer narrative if


At the conclusion of the 2012-2013 school year, our playground on

the north side of the school building was vandalized and burned

down. The building is 1/4 of a mile long and for the preschool

through grade two students loss of that playground has

significantly limited our students' ability to engage in

developmentally appropriate play.

Therefore, we would like to replace our lost playground.

Potential Scope of Work/Tasks for RWU CPC:

Part 1:

*Design a playground appropriate for children ages 3-8

*Design plans/drawings need to be on budget

*Materials used to build the playground need to be appropriate

and safe for children

*Design plans/drawings need to take in consideration the specific

needs of children that have special needs: physically,

academically and emotionally.

Part 2:

*Build new playground

What will be the final product output for this project? (survey,

website, design plans, drawings, etc.):

Part 1: Design plans/drawings for new playground

Part 2: Build new playground

Proposed Project Schedule (when the tasks/project needs to be

completed): We are currently working with our school PTO to raise

money to fund the new playground. We are hoping to begin

construction of the playground early spring 2016.

Please provide the names and contact information for any staff

members or volunteers who will be playing a primary role in the

proposed CPC project.:

Melissa Scanlon (Teaching & Learning Specialist)

Phone: 508 997-4511 ext 2432


Beverly Tavares (PTO Vice President)

Cell: 774-263-2800


Rosa M. Goncalves (PTO Treasurer)

Cell: 508-951-0808


What resources/previous work would the CPC be building upon that

you already have completed? (Please select all items that are


- Strategic Plan

- Architectural or building plans

What active support would your organization be able to contribute

should your project be selected? Funding

--Section 3: Project Outcomes--

Please describe how this project will benefit your organization

and the advancement of your mission: It is our hope to make the

playground a place where preschool, early childhood and children

with disabilities can utilize developmentally appropriate play

equipment in a safe environment. Simultaneously, families can

engage in purposeful and recreational fitness by tending the

gardens and children can build muscle with healthy physical


Please describe how this project might benefit the overall

community, including specific groups that could benefit from this

project (i.e. target populations, neighborhoods, specific

town/city/region).: The projected playground will be utilized

before, during and after school hours. Many parents and

caregivers within our community are in need of transportation or

means of getting to suitable public play areas.

Please explain why you have chosen to seek assistance from the

RWU CPC with your project request, instead of undertaking the

project using fee-for-services from a paid professional: We are

an urban public school that has a very limited budget.

Therefore, we have been utilizing various community organizations

to help us complete this project at the lowest cost possible.

Also, a RWU graduate is part of the school leadership team.

Please describe how this project will benefit RWU students.: RWU

students will have an opportunity to design and build a

playground for students that many high needs. The majority of

our students are limited English proficient and low income. Most

of our students don't have safe play areas for appropriate

outdoor play. RWU students will not only utilized their learned

skills from the classroom but, better the life of 746 urban


--Section 4: Financial Information--

What is your organization’s annual operating budget? Please

include a copy of your most recent budget with the application in

Section 6..: For the playground project all funds have been

raised through our school PTO. The school building budget is

separate and can not be used to fund this project due to a

limited budget.

What are your major sources of funding? Funding raising has been

completed through our school PTO. The school PTO has hosted

various events and school fundraisers.

How much funding from your annual operating budget is set aside

for this project (if any)? Our school building budget is separate

from this project. All funds raised by our school PTO is being

used to fund the playground project.

--Section 5: Private Sector Involvement--

Have you or your organization discussed the project with

practicing professionals (e.g. architect, engineer, planner,

consultants, etc.)? : Yes

If no, please explain why:

--Section 6: Supporting Documents--

Budget for the current fiscal year:

List of current Board members:

Copies of supporting resources identified in section 2 as needed

to support your application:

Additional File Upload:

Additional File Upload 2:

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