Appendix 2.02T

Teacher Resource

Key Terms: Safety

Term / Definition
What is a safe, secure environment for children?
safety needs / A basic need for the sense of security
freedom from danger / Feeling free from harm
sense of security / A feeling of being safe
safe / In an unharmed, uninjured, or undamaged condition
secure / Untroubled by feelings of fear or doubt
secure environment / A surrounding or situation where harm, damage, or loss is unlikely
Ways to prevent accidents and injuries
childproofing / To make something safe for children to use, or safe against damage or tampering by children
firearms / A portable weapon that fires ammunition such as a pistol or rifle
food allergies / An immune system response to a food that the body perceives as harmful
food poisoning / Results from eating foods that contain bacteria or their toxic byproducts
suffocation / To deprive somebody of air or prevent somebody from breathing, or be unable to breathe
lead poisoning / A medical condition caused by toxic levels of the metal lead in the blood
asbestos / Hazadous material that may be found in homes build prior to 1978
electronic devices / Relating to devices, systems, or circuits that employ components such as vacuum tubes, integrated circuits, or transistors in their design e.g., are computer, Ipod, etc.
physical safety / Free from bodily harm
Internet safety / Rules for the safe use of the Internet for children

Appendix 2.02T – continued

Teacher Resource

Key Terms

Term / Definition
Specific crises
domestic volience / Violence within the home which includes the use of physical and sexual violence, threats and intimidation, emotional abuse and denying of finances
world events / Things that happen once in a while but are major events
How can children made feel more secure during crises?
communication / The exchange of information between people by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs or behavior
actions / The process of doing something in order to achieve a purpose
United Way / A national network of local organizations that work to advance the common good by focusing on education, income and health
Red Cross / An international organization dedicated to the medical care of the sick or wounded in wars and natural disasters
Social Services / A government agency that provides social services to individuals or a community
Employment Security Commission / An agency that helps people find jobs
Health Department / An agency that provides medical care to people who cannot afford medical help
faith-based group / A group that provides not only financial support but also spiritual, volunteer and community support
Appendix 2.02U
Crossword puzzle / Name:______

Key Terms Assessment Puzzle

Directions: Use the definitions on page two to fill in the terms in the crossword puzzle. These are terms and definitions from key terms.

Appendix 2.02U – continued

Crossword puzzle

Key Term Assessment Puzzle

Across: / Down:
3 - Is an immune system response to food that the body perceives as harmful
6 - A surrounding or situation where harm, damage, or loss is unlikely
8 - Results from eating foods that contain bacteria or their toxic by products
12 - A feeling of being safe
14 - The process of doing something in order to achieve a purpose
17 - A portable weapon that fires ammunition such as a pistol or rifle
19 - Violence within the home which includes the use of physical and sexual violence, threats and intimidation, emotional abuse and denying of finances
21 - Things that happen once in a while but are major events
22 - This group provides not only financial support but also spiritual, volunteer and community support
23 - A national network of local organizations
24 - A government agency that provides social services to individuals or a community / 1 - The exchange of information between people by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs or behavior
2 - A basic need for the sense of security
4 - To deprive somebody of air or prevent somebody from breathing, or be unable to breathe
5 - An agency that provides medical care to people who cannot afford medical help
7 - Relating to devices, systems, or circuits that employ components such as vacuum tubes, integrated circuits, or transistors in their design ---e.g., are computer, Ipod, etc.
9 - Free from bodily harm
10 - Untroubled by feelings of fear or doubt
11 - An international organization dedicated to the medical care of the sick or wounded in wars and natural disasters
13 - Feeling free from harm
15 - To make something safe for children to use, or safe against damage or tampering by children
16 - Rules for the safe use of the Internet for children
18 - Is a medical condition caused by toxic levels of the metal lead in the blood
20 - In an unharmed, uninjured, or undamaged condition