Neffs Boy Scout Troop 57
Coordinator’s Planning Guide
Project Name: Scout Sunday
Timeframe: Late January or Early February
Primary Purpose: Scout Sunday tradition was started to make people in church aware of Scouting, and to allow Scouts to live out parts of what is pledged each week. The coordinator is responsible for making all arrangements for a church visit and service participation.
Brief Description of Project: The Boy Scouts of America celebrate Scout Sunday annually in the month of February the Anniversary of the founding of the Boy Scout program by Lord Baden Powell in England. Scout Sunday was added to the scout celebration around the middle 1940s. Scouting's anniversary is celebrated on February 8. Scout Sunday is always the Sunday preceding the 8th, unless the 8th is a Sunday, in which case the 8th would be Scout Sunday. The Coordinator arranges participation of Scouts and Leaders at one of our sponsored churches each year. We share this event with the Cub Pack. We alternate each year on attending a church service with the Lutheran Church and the UCC Church. [Example – 2010 Lutheran Church, 2011 UCC Church, etc.]
Expenses: None
Tasks: (Check off each box as task is completed):
Pre-planning Tasks:
¨ After the August planning meeting the Coordinator and Committee Chair confirms Scout Sunday date on the Troop Schedule and which Church is being attended that year.
¨ The coordinator contacts the church to schedule and confirm Scout Sunday date. If our date doesn’t work well with the church the coordinator and church agrees on another date as close as possible to the National Scout Sunday date. Tell them the boys would like to be greeters, help with offering, and help with ushering.
Optional – Survey the troop to see if anyone wants to be a reader and or do a short temple talk about Scouts/Scout Sunday. (In the past this has been scouts and/or leaders). Confirm with the church so there are no conflicts and they can schedule and include as part of the service.
¨ Contact Troop Chairperson to confirm you are working on the project and confirm dates. If dates are different then on the Troop Schedule request Chairperson to have the on-line calendar and schedule revised.
Project Tasks (January):
¨ Contact the church and request a Scout Sunday Announcement be placed in their church bulletin for a few weeks prior to Scout Sunday. Include – “All Scouters are invited and to proudly wear their Class A uniform. Include the Troop and Pack Web sites for more information.”
¨ Make 25 flyers (see sample attachment) to hand out to Scouts at troop meetings one and two weeks before event to get the boys to sign up. Send electronic copy to Troop Webmaster to post on the web site. Flyer should include the following info:
· Times for year attending Union Lutheran Church (ULC):
1. Early shift at Lutheran Church between 7:35-10:00AM
2. Late shift at Lutheran Church between 10:00-Noon
· Times for year attending UCC Church:
1. UCC Church (two sets of doors) between 7:35-8:00AM
2. UCC Church (two sets of doors) between 9:45-10:30AM
· Apparel: Class A Uniform
· Requirements: Boys help with the services as ushers, offering gatherers, greeters. At ULC, Troop provides baked goods (make requests to scouts and parents to donate) and hosts fellowship hour between services. Boys maintain coffee and beverage area, chat with church members about the troop.
¨ If there will be the optional temple talk or readers during the service confirm with the volunteer leader or scout that is doing this and schedule them at each service. Suggest you confirm with the church so it is included in their service.
¨ Attend last Troop Meeting before event and collect submitted permission slips to confirm attendance and coverage. Make list of boys attending and which service. Also check with leaders and list which service they will attend to ensure adult coverage. If unable to obtain coverage contact Committee Chairperson.
¨ Contact the Cub Pack weeks before the event to make sure they have been informed and are invited. They are to help with all of the above tasks.
¨ Make sure an adult of the troop has agreed to show up early at the ULC to start the coffee for coffee & conversation (7:30). The Scout Sunday coordinator may also attend the services or request one of the adult leaders to be the lead to ensure everything runs smoothly.
¨ Provide a final report (phone call/email) to the Committee Chair on success of the project, problems, total scouts/leaders that attended. Also look over the Scout Sunday Chairpersons Planning Guide and make changes or improvements based on your experiences with the project. Submit to the Committee Chair.
Union United Church of Christ - Office Secretary - Tara Henninger (610) 767-7128. PO Box 66, Neffs, PA 18065, Neffs, PA 18065
Union Evangelical Lutheran Church - Office Secretary – Cathy Shaffer (610) 767-6884. 5500 Route 873, Schnecksville, PA 18078
Minis Trails Council – (610) 264-8551
Neffs Boy Scout Troop 57 Web Site -
Den/Cub pack 57 Leaders: Dave Horvath Dave DiPaolantonio Doug Albert Dave Althouse
Filename - CPG_scoutsunday.doc
Attachment “A” Below – Sample Permission Slip/Scout Sunday Flyer
WHEN: JANUARY 31, 2010
Troop 57 will show their appreciation to the Union Lutheran Church on Scout Sunday. Scouts will serve as ushers and host the “Coffee and Conversation” hour. Class A uniform is required! Indicate below if you will be there to show your support. Return bottom portion at the next Troop meeting.
____ I will attend the 8:00 a.m. service & stay until 10:00 for some of the coffee hour. (Arrive by 7:45)
____ I will attend the 10:45 a.m. service.
(Arrive by 10:00 for the end of the coffee hour)
____ I will bake for this event & bring ______.
Scout’s Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______