Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Hemphill Independent School District Board of Education met in regular session on Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.for a regular meeting in the HISD Administration Office with the following members present: Lloyd Ford,Janis Speights, Welden Elliott, Tom Beall,andStephen Crowell.
Members absent: Bob Russell and Carolyn Wych.
Also present were Glenn Pearson, Interim Superintendent, Sally Butler, Business Manager, Kelli Barnett,Marc Griffin, Paula Pruitt, Steveand Sandy Cox with Cox Construction Company, Stephanie Corley, Alma McClelland, Nancy Fuller, and Missi Gibbens.
Lloyd Ford, School Board President, called the meeting to order and established a quorum.
Tom Beallgave the invocation.
Lloyd Ford led the pledge to the flag.
Janis Speights recitedthe Hemphill ISD Mission Statement.
At this time Alma McClelland was presented with a High School Diploma.
The Board approved the minutes of theRegular Board Meetingon June19, 2008 on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Welden Elliott, passed unanimously.
The Board approved the minutes of the Special Board Meeting on June 26, 2008 on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously.
Glenn Pearson, Interim Superintendent gave the Superintendent’s Report:
Mr. Pearson reported that there are only 26 days left until the faculty returns to work on August 13, 2008 for in-service.
Summer Progress Reports
Mr. Pearson reported on the many projects that are being completed this summer around the campuses.
Construction Progress
New High School
Payment No. 19 was made to Cox Construction Company for $ 282,754.74 which makes the remaining balance including retainage to be $ 867,510.17.
Mr. Wilcher sent a monthly update on the construction of the NewHigh School.
Furniture will be delivered on Monday for the NewHigh School.
A High School Dedication Program is being scheduled for August 24, 2008 at 2:00 p.m.
The Old Homemaking wing has been completed cleaned out and is being remodeled for a New Administration Office.
New Athletic and Physical Education Complex
The Architect has been working on the sketch for the final approval of the Board before putting out for bids. Mr. Pearson and the Board would like for the plans to be bid out by December or January.
Staff Development
Mr. Pearson gave the Board an agenda for the Staff Development days for the Faculty. The Faculty will report to work on August 13, 2008.
Spring 2008 TAKS Monitoring Program
The Texas Education Agency came to monitor our TAKS Testing and has sent the school a letter stating that the school met all of the required criteria for the administering the tests.
Secure Rural Schools and Communities Act
A report from the National Forest Counties and Schools Coalition reported that Congress did not pass a bill to extend the act to provide the Forest Service Money to the schools.
A report from the Texas Education Agency shows that only a low percentage of Texas students are considered to be in the “Healthy Fitness Zone”.
State Testing for Steroids
Out of 10,407 Texas high school students that were tested this Spring for steroids that only 2 tested positive.
Appraisal District Budget
Mr. Pearson presented the Board with the Appraisal District’s Budget, Pro-rated share of cost for each taxing entity, a Notice of the Public Hearing and a Ratio Study.
Mr. Pearson reported to the Board that he had received the surveys on the Brown and Sanford Properties and would turn them over to the Title Company to finalize the purchase of two tracts of land.
The Regular Board Meeting for August has been changed to Tuesday, August 19, 2008.
Mr. Pearson then presented the Superintendent’s Recommendations:
Mr. Pearson recommended approval of the District and Campus Improvement Plans.
The Board approved the District and Campus Improvement Plans as presented on a motion by Welden Elliott, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously.
Mr. Pearson recommended approval of a renewal contract with the law firm of Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP for the appeal of the Comptroller’s 2009 Property Value Study.
The Board approved a renewal contract with the law firm of Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP for the appeal of the Comptroller’s 2009 Property Value Study on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously.
Mr. Pearson recommended approval of an Engagement Letter from Alexander, Lankford, & Hiers Inc. for the Audit of school district funds for the year ending August 31, 2008.
The Board approved the Engagement Letter from Alexander, Lankford, & Hiers Inc. for the Audit of school district funds for the year ending August 31, 2008 on a motion by Welden Elliott, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously, for an estimated fee of $ 17,200.
Mr. Pearson recommended approval of a Broadcasting Agreement with Radio Station KTHP 103.9 to broadcast Hemphill Hornet games for the 2008 – 2009 season.
The Board approved a Broadcasting Agreement with Radio Station KTHP 103.9 to broadcast Hemphill Hornet games for the 2008 – 2009 season on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Welden Elliott, passed unanimously.
Mr. Pearson recommended reviewing the District’s “Local Investment Policy” CDA, as required by the State’s Legal Policy CDA, and approve a Resolution that the action was approved.
The Board reviewed the District’s “Local Investment Policy” CDA, as required by the State’s Legal Policy CDA, and approved a Resolution that the action was approved on a motion by Tom Beall, seconded by Welden Elliott, passed unanimously.
Mr. Pearson recommended approval for an auction to be held at the Bus Shop for various items owned by the School District.
The Board approved an auction to be held at the Bus Shop for various items owned by the School District on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously. An ad will be placed in the paper on August 6, 2008 and August 13, 2008 and bids will be opened on August 18, 2008 at 12:00 Noon in the Administration Office.
Mr. Pearson recommended a Proposed Tax Rate of $1.03740 for the 2008 – 2009 school year, to be published in the notice for a public hearing to discuss the 2008 – 2009 School District Budget and Proposed Tax Rate, at 7:00 p.m. on August 19, 2008, in the Administration Office.
Mr. Pearson also recommended that the 2008 – 2009 Tax Rate and Budget be adopted at the Regular Board Meeting immediately after the Public Hearing.
The Board approved a Proposed Tax Rate of $1.03740 for the 2008 – 2009 school year, to be published in the notice for a public hearing to discuss the 2008 – 2009 School District Budget and Proposed Tax Rate, at 7:00 p.m. on August 19, 2008, in the Administration Office and also that the 2008 – 2009 Tax Rate and Budget be adopted at the Regular Board Meeting immediately after the Public Hearing and that the Regular Board Meeting be moved to August 19, 2008 instead of August 21, 2008 on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Tom Beall, passed unanimously.
Executive Session: To discuss personnel as allowed in Gov. Code Sub Chapter 551.072 and 551.074.
The Board convened into executive session at 8:30 p.m.
The Board returned to open session at 9:25 p.m.
Mr. Pearson recommended accepting employee resignations.
The Board approved accepting the following employee resignations on a motion by Stephen Crowell, seconded by Janis Speights, passed unanimously.
Ivan Cedillo – High School Teacher – Effective July 7, 2008
Kathy McGraw – 5th Grade Teacher – Effective July 10, 2008
Brad Stevens – Middle School Teacher – Effective July 8, 2008
Jessie Coker – Middle School Teacher – Effective July 10, 2008
Tanyia Click – Middle School Teacher – Effective July 10, 2008
Mr. Pearson recommended employing personnel.
The Board approved employing the following personnel on a motion by Welden Elliott, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously.
Brenda DuBois – 5th Grade Teacher
Tammy Ener – Cafeteria
Susan McCulley – Special Education Counselor
Ami James – Service Coordinator
Gus Harmon – PE Teacher/Coach
Sally Butler, Business Manager, presented the financial report for the month of June 2008.
The Board approved the financialreport for the month of June2008and approved the bills on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Welden Elliott, passed unanimously.
Sally Butler, Business Manager, presented Budget Amendment # 7 for the 2007 – 2008 school year.
199-81-6629-07-999-899000 $ 120,000.00
199-81-6629-08-999-899000 $ 81,000.00
199-00-3600-00-000-800000 $ 201,000.00
To reallocate budget for the funds in the 2007 – 2008 school year for the purchase of Brown & Sanford Property and to give the Superintendent the authority to purchase materials and labor up to $ 120,000.00 for the remodeling of the Homemaking Wing of the Old High School Building into a New Administration Building.
The Board approved Budget Amendment # 7 for the 2007 – 2008 school year on a motion by Welden Elliott, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously.
Sally Butler, Business Manager, presented a Memo to the Board regarding Special Revenue Funds
255-23-6411-00-041-8-24B00$ ( 500.00)
255-11-6411-04-001-8-24C00$ 500.00
To reallocate budgets for TPRI
280-11-6399-00-001-811R00$ (1,854.00)
280-21-6411-00-001-811R00$ 1,854.00
To reallocate budgets for Gear-Up
331-11-6399-01-001-8-22P00$ ( 2,729.00)
331-00-5929-00-000-8-00000$ 2,729.00
To record additional grant money
499-11-6399-00-999-8-11000$ (25,000.00)
499-00-5839-00-000-8-00000$ 25,000.00
To record Technology Grant
There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 10:42 p.m. on a motion by Stephen Crowell, seconded by Welden Elliott, passed unanimously.
Lloyd Ford, President Robert H. Russell, Secretary
Hemphill Board of Education Hemphill Board of Education