Mrs. Kaiser
This week we took the MAP Assessment in reading and math. When I get the results of the assessment I will send them to you.
Thank you to the families that joined the PTA. If you have not done this, I would like to encourage your family to become a member. The PTA provides many activities and programs for the students at Sorrick which allows them to enjoy many fun activities at school.
If you have not brought in your headphones please do so as soon as possible.
What We’ve Learned
Guided Reading: this week we finished are unit Character with Character. We reviewed many of the skills that we worked on since the beginning of the year such as identifying and describing the characters, setting, problem and solution, and being able to go back into the story to understand comprehension questions. We also practiced on how to take a test with multiple choice questions so the students would beprepared to take the first unit test at the end of the week.
Working with Words: this week we worked on the short/i/ sound. We did many activities with rhyming, blending and making new words with the sound of /i/. We continue to review short “a” and short “e” along with practicing short “i”.The words are starting to get a little harder since the students need to start recalling some of the strategies that we have been working on since the beginning of the year.
In writing, we continue to write narratives using words like “first, next, then, and last” to help us tell our story in a sequential order. We also are working on finding where to put a capital and period/question mark in our sentences.
Important Dates:
October 5–Team Day –Early Dismissal -- PTA fundraiser at Culver’s
October 7- Popcorn Day (25 cents a box, limit 4)
October 10- No School – Columbus Day
October 17 – picture retakes
October 17-22- PTAbook fair
Our Schedule:
Monday: Fine Arts
Tuesday: Gym
Wednesday: Library and Gym
Thursday: Gym
Friday: Fine Arts / Dominick, Isabella, Julia, and Zuzanna
/ Math: we continue to work on number sense. We are practicing counting on from any number. This is a great activity for you to practice at home. Give your child a random number and have them count on from that number. An example of this would be 26 and your child would count on from that saying 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. They should be able to count the next 10 numbers from the number that is given. You could also give them a number and ask them to give you one number more and one number less. An example of this would be the number 18. One more 19, one less 17.
Don’t forget to practice addition flashcards up to 10 each night.
The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice. Brian Herbert
We also looked for the major events in the story. It was easy to identify the character and setting but being able to find the major event was a little bit harder. The children wanted to retell the whole story rather than stating the major event.
(What traits does the character have?) What does the character want to do, and why? How does the character change? What exactly happened in the beginning?