Group leads carers forum (GLCF) Meeting

Date: 09.09.2015

Time:10 – 12.00

Venue:Carers Service, Kingsway

Members of the group

Isma Sajid – Asian Carers group

Diana lillistone – Parent carers group (STEPS)

Jessica Lliffe and Irene Moss – Carers support group

Nan Goodhall – Chair Trustee

Lori Hamayon-Jones - Parents in Partnership (PIP)

Yasmin Khalil – Carers adviser – LD specialisms

Clare Hobley – Drugs and Alcohol carers adviser

Kevin Blackbhurst and Alison Atherton – Men’s carers group and walking group

Waqas Arshad – Mental health carers adviser

Karen Walker – BwD carers service centre manager

Apologies:Christina C, LF, IM, JL, KB, AA

Present: NG, DL, IS, WA, YK, CH, KW


1. Minutes of the last meeting – Agreed

2. A/P outcomes from last meeting

3. Personalisation vs direct payments clarification & Respite vouchers

4. Carers survey

5. Discussion on determining practical support and impact upon carers – Red, Amber, Green system

6. Group leads to ask carers what information is a priority to them

7. Group leads to ask carers what further information they would like to see on the website/in the newsletters

8. Guest speakers to be invited into the CGLF?

9. How can the service evidence that supporting the carer has a direct positive impact upon the cared for?

10. Discussion on templates information including any feedback, issues or concerns arising from the groups – groups to identify any agenda items for the next meetings.

11. Group round robin – plans for the next three months for the website/newsletters? Leads to pass info to KS

12. Any Other Business

13. Next meeting date


1. / Minutes of the last meeting
Agreed as accurate record
2. / A/P outcomes from last meeting
  • KW - New template now completed and sent out to the group. Apart from one all group members have completed, of which, all info will be discussed in this meeting.
  • Group leads have now said sending information to admin for the website -CC needing to send us the information about NAS for the website
  • KW - Q&A for the website – still ongoing
  • ALL- Group members discussed with their groups and the overall consensus was that each group lead would ask any questions from the CGLF forum and feedback but didn’t want to split their groups between emotional support and a working group. KW said this was fine, and we could see how this works out. DL said needed some help with hers as a large group. AP DL and KW to look at this
  • KW - New template completed as above
  • KW – checked what is happening re activities with KC. From Oct 15 the activities for the full year will be put onto the website. Not all will be open for booking at the same time, although booking dates will be highlighted. All carers can submit an expression of interest, although priority will always be given to new carers who have not had a break. After all new carers booked on, KC will allocate further places based on who has or has not had an activity within the past 12 months.
  • KW - In regards to DL question about a staff member attending an activity – this was checked and the only reason the staff member went was due to a carer and their family being unable to attend at the last minute (within 1 hour of setting off). KW confirmed that carers are always the first priority and that this has only ever happened a couple of times, with very last minute situations.
  • ALL - The majority of the group have now provided updated information for the website.
  • KW - Names of people in this group are now included on all minutes
  • KW – Information has now been changed on the website and will happen with all new literature that is developed
  • KW – Pool table now gone. DL has said changed her mind about using the big lounge – she said now changing the layout of the room she uses so more accommodating.
KW thanked everyone for their completed templates of which will be added to the agenda. The group was asked that all templates for future meetings and received at least two weeks before each meeting. / AP1 CC
3. / Lori (PIP) – Personalisation vs direct payments clarification – where guidelines are in public domain.
YK (LD) has also said her group are asking the same questions. KW has already set a meeting the manager of D/Payments team (Pam Lally) to ask the same questions (also including however the need also for more information on respite vouchers KW to update CGLF at the next meeting). / AP KW
4. / Carers survey
KW advised the group that a carers survey is going to be undertaken, as this is needed for the new lottery bid, but will however,be very informative in regards to what carers issues/priorities are, and how we can utilise this information to further develop our support and services for carers. The survey will need to be completed online via ‘Survey monkey’ of which carers will be asked if they could complete. Carers whose emails we have will be emailed and asked to complete, however, a laptop will also be available in the admin office for carers to complete as and when they can if they do not have access at home. The groups can also take the laptop into the group meetings so can be completed. KW to set the questions asap as the survey results will be needed for the end of Oct 15. / AP KW
5. / Discussion on determining practical support and impact upon carers – Red, Amber, Green system
KW advised the group that the borough, as part of their commissioning our service, have asked us to evidence the degrees or levels of support that we provide for our carers. We have advised them that this is usual based on the assessment itself, which includes the results from the outcomes star, whereby carers will be either identified as a Red for a very intensive caring role, an Amber for a less intensive role and a green for a minimal caring role. This information is also utilised to allocate carers respite grants, which ensures that those who need a break the most receive it. This is still difficult however as carers can disagree with the level the assessment has indicated, especially when it comes to allocating the carers respite grants. KW went on to say that sometimes this is difficult as it is not just about the practical support carers provide but also the impact the caring role has on them, and that although a carer may identify as a RED due to the impact upon themselves, it is important that more than respite is looked at: if a carer keeps coming back as a red it maybe that more work with the team needs to be undertaken to look at the overall well-being/skills/confidence of the carer, as opposed to just keep giving a grant.KW therefore asked the group leads if they would ask the carers in their groups what theyfeel constitures a RED, AMBER or GREEN. Several of the group leads said it would be a good idea to have several ‘Made up’ examples of which can then be discussed. AP KW to put some together. / AP KW
6. / Group leads to ask carers what information is a priority to them
This will become part of the carers survey so not to duplicate items
7. / Group leads to ask carers what further information they would like to see on the website/in the newsletters
Each group member to ask their groups and feedback at the next meeting. Again, a laptop could be taken into the meetings to look at and discuss
8. / Guest speakers to be invited into the CGLF?
KW asked if the group would like to invite guest speakers into the CGLF, as information gleaned could then be disseminated to their groups. The general consensus was that this would be useful where a need is identified, although would need to be no more than 30 mins due to the meetings only being two hours bi-monthly. Group to discuss guest speakers as an agenda item for future planning.
9. / How can the service evidence that supporting the carer has a direct positive impact upon the cared for?
KW advised the group that this is another request for evidence from the BwD borough. The service have already included questions (of the carers) at the review stage of their assessments. However, as several of the group identified, there needs to be an opportunity for the cared for themselves to answer the question. KW said she would look at a way of doing this but still asked that the group leads ask the question within their groups to see if any other ideas.
WA provided KW with information that the Mental health team utilise to find out similar information. KW to look into this also / KW/ALL
10. / Discussion on templates information including any feedback, issues or concerns arising from the groups – groups to identify any agenda items for the next meetings.
All in all there was very little on the new CGLF templates due to the six weeks holidays, and due to the fact that no particular questions had as yet gone out to the groups to feedback on. This will change for the next meetings due to the questions being asked as above. Any group issues raised on templates were quite individual to each group so therefore on this occasion will be dealt with individually with each group lead. / KW
11. / Group round robin – plans for the next three months for the website/newsletters? Leads to pass info to KS
Carers support group (Irene and Jessica) Please also see website for further details
  • Guest Speakers: Mrs. Christine Parkinson will be at our meeting on 29th September to give us one of her interesting talks relating to local history.
  • Our meeting on 27th October will be a sale of Body Shop products at discount prices. This is an open event and all are welcome to come and enjoy the benefit of the price reductions.
  • We have planned a visit to Botany Bay for Christmas Shopping on 10th November, This is a “Group only” activity, funded by our Members, for which the coach is already booked.
  • During our monthly meeting on the 24th we plan to make Christmas cards.
Steps carers group (Parent carers – Diana Lillystone):Please also see website for further details
  • Guest speakers: Contact a family – 1st October
Genetics discussion – 8th October
Red Cross – 15th October
BwD Local offer - 5th November
  • Pampering session 12th Nov
  • Chill and Chat 19th Nov
  • Mindfullness taster session 26th Nov
  • Christmas trip – TBA – 3rd December
Men’s Carers group (Kevin) Please also see website for further details
“Clients need to be directed towards groups when they are first referred into the Carers Service”. This item was missed off the agenda so has been put onto the next agenda as this already happens
  • Looking to invite a speaker who can give advice on job finding and applications (this could be an open meeting).
  • Possible visit to Leyland Motor Museum in near future.
Arrangements to do something at Christmas are being discussed ongoing with members.
Mental health Carers group (Waqas Arshad)Please also see website for further details
  • Eid meal – 6th October 1 – 3pm at kebabish
  • Manchester markets – 8th Dec 09.30 – 7pm
  • Jacobs join – 22nd Dec 1- 3 pm at Kingsway
PIP (Parents in Partnership – Lori HJ) Please also see website for further details
  • Meeting arranged with leads on commissioning
  • Nwtd carers act
  • Nnpcf conference
  • Ehc roll out survey/NAS and CAF
  • Forum planning
  • Topic identified for future discussions:
  • In control or people hub
  • Cereba
  • As Lori was unable to attend the meeting KW was unsure of what some of the abbreviations are so will check with Lori
Learning and Disability Carers group (Yasmin Khalil) Please also see website for further details
  • Awaiting further details from Yasmin
Drugs and Alcohol carers group (Clare Hobley) Please also see website for further details
  • Awaiting further details from Clare
Asian Carers group (Isma)Please also see website for further details
  • Awaiting information from Isma
12. / Any Other Business
  • Late agenda item – ‘New Housing development for people with LD and Autism’. This was missed off the agenda so has been placed on the next agenda
  • KW has asked that she be advised if group members cannot attend for any reason.
  • Nan (Carers Service Chairperson) will kindly consider taking over the lead for this group. However it may be next year before she can make this decision.
  • Lois Fitzpatrick not attending anymore as resigned from the PIP
  • NEW agenda item for the next meeting - What is the easiest way for non-staff to update their groups information on the website?
13. / 2nd December 10 – 12 in the Rainbow room at Kingsway