CS 331-01 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Homework #2

1. Solve the following recurrence relations and get the equivalent non-recursive definition for T(n) in terms of n. Show steps. No credit will be given if you apply directly the theorem given in class.

(a) T(n) = T(n/3) + n for n > 1

T(1) = 1

(b) T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n2 for n > 1

T(1) = 1

2. There are different ways to perform partition in quicksort,

(a) Trace the Partition algorithm given in class on A = {5,6,1,3,7,2,8,4,9}. Show steps.

(b) Given an alternative algorithm for partition, we call it Partition1, as follows. Trace Partition1 on A = {5,6,1,3,7,2,8,4,9}. Show steps.

procedure Partition1 (first, last) {

pivot = A[first];

vacant = first;

for (unknown = first+1; unknown £ last; unknown++)

if (A[unknown] < pivot) {

A[vacant] = A[unknown];

A[unknown] = A[vacant+1];



A[vacant] = pivot;

return vacant; //pivot position


(c) How many key comparisons does Partition1 do on a subrange of A with k elements?

(d) Given another alternative algorithm for partition, we call it Partition2, as follows. Trace Partition2 on the same array A = {5,6,1,3,7,2,8,4,9}. Show steps.

procedure Partition2 (low, high)


v ¬ A[low];

j ¬ low;

for i ¬ (low + 1) to high {

if A(i) < v {


A[i] « A[j];



pivotposition ¬ j;

A[low] « A[pivotposition];


3. Given two vectors X = (x1,...,xn), Y = (y1,...,yn), then X < Y if there exists an i,

1 £ i £ n such that xj = yj for 1 £ j < i and xi < yi.

(a) Given m vectors each of size n, use divide-and-conquer strategy to write a recursive algorithm RMIN which determines the minimum vector.

(b) Let T(m) denote the number of key comparisons RMIN needs to find the minimum vector among m vectors. Define and solve the recurrence relation of T(m) in terms of m and n.

4. Let x1 < x2 < … < xn be an array of integers in increasing order.

(a) Give a straightforward algorithm to determine if any xi = i, finding such an i if one exists. What is the time complexity of your algorithm in the worst case (use q)?

(b) Write a non-recursive algorithm using divide-and-conquer strategy to solve the problem with q (logn) worst-case complexity.