Jones County High School
Student Handbook
339 Railroad St.
Gray, Georgia 31032
(478) 986-5444
NGC - 986-3046
Fax: (478) 986-1589
NGC – 986-1504
Guidance Counselor Fax: (478) 986-5401
Mrs. Mary Frances Stewart, Principal
Dr. Jeremy Dockery, Assistant Principal
Dr. Deondray Farlar, Assistant Principal (NGC)
Dr. Dean Hintz, Assistant Principal (NGC)
Mrs. Laura Rackley, Assistant Principal/CTAE Director
Dr. Tiffany Walker, Assistant Principal
Success for All
academic Achievement, responsible Behavior,
and ethical Character
School Wide Title I
On the city’s western border
Reared against the sky
Proudly stands our Alma Mater
As the years go by.
Forward ever be our watchword
Conquer and prevail
Hail to thee our Alma Mater
JCHS, all Hail.
Property of: ______
Address: ______City ______State ______Zip Code ______
Phone #: ______Bus # ______Advisor ______
The information in this book was the best available at press time. Watch for additional information and changes.
Academic Calendar……….….………..…….…...49
Alma Mater.…………...…..…….…….……....…01
Bell Schedule.……….….….………………….…02
Jones County Board of Education Policies……....38
Career Tech/Ag Education (CTAE)…………...…08
Co Curricular Organization/Athletics….………...47
Counselor’s Corner……..…..….……...... 24
Assignment Requests………….……….……...25
Certificate of Enrollment…………….…….….25
College Day……………………………….…..25
Credit Earned……………………………….…25
Make-Up Work Policy…………………….…..25
Redo Policy…………………………………....25
Credit Recovery…………………………….…25
Move On When Ready Program……………....26
Cyber Safety for Students………...... 52
Discipline……..…….………………………...... 11
Behavior Expectations………………………...12
Disciplinary Actions………………………….….13
Discipline “Level Offenses…...... ……….…..17
Disruption of Public School Code……...….…….46
Dress Code…………………...... 15
Electronic Devices……………………...... 20
Faculty Credentials/Certifications…………….…36
Family Educational Rights/Privacy Act………....36
Faculty-Staff………...………….....……...... 51
General Information…..……..….…….……...... 03
Breakfast/Lunch PIN Numbers…………...... 03
Cafeteria. Etiquette………………………….….03
Drug Free School………………………………03
Emergency Drills/Protocols……………………04
Fees-Debts…………………………...... 04
Graduation Information…………………….…..04
Graduation Requirements/Honor Grad…....…...28
Locker Rules.……….…………....….………....05
Lost and Found.……………...... ……….….…05
Prom Information……..………………...... …06
School Bus Code of Conduct…….……….....….21
School Meals/Applications……….……...... …06
Student Parking/Permits…...……………….…...09
Tardy Hall/Saturday School Diagram………...... 35
Use of School Phone………….…..…...... 05
Graduation Timeline…………….…….……...... 50
Media Center….…...……………..…..……………22
Narcotics/Illegal Drugs…………….….………..…39
Other Programs……………………………………27
Parent Notice of PPRA Rights…………………….38
SST/RTI (Response to Intervention……………….36
Section 504 Parent Rights…………………………36
Student Honor Code……..………….……..……....09
Summer School……………………………………31
Tardy Hall Policy………....……….………………34
Teen Age Adult Driver Responsibility Act………..46
Testing/Exemption from Testing…………………..26
Timeline (for graduation)…………………..……...50
Title IX……………………………………………..45
Title I……………………………………….…..….44
Main Campus / JCHS Bell Schedule / Ninth Grade CampusRegular Bell
8:05 – 8:55 1st Period 9:00 – 9:55 2ndPeriod
10:00 – 10:50 3rd Period
10:55 – 11:40 4th Period
11:45 – 1:20 5th Period
11:40 – 12:13 1st Lunch
12:13 – 12:46 2nd Lunch
12:46 – 1:20 3rd Lunch
1:25 – 2:15 6th Period
2:20 – 3:10 7th Period / Regular Bell
7:55 – 8:45 1st Period 8:50 – 9:45 2ndPeriod
9:50 – 10:40 3rd Period
10:45 – 11:35 4th Period
11:35 – 1:15 5th Period
11:35 – 12:08 1st Lunch
12:08 – 12:41 2nd Lunch
12:41 – 1:15 3rd Lunch
1:20 – 2:10 6th Period
2:15 – 3:05 7th Period
Be a GREAThound
Be a GREAThound! / Classroom / Hallway / Restroom / Cafeteria / Arrival/Departure Area
Good-mannered / Listen
To Others / Move with a purpose
Don’t Be a Groupie! / Keep it clean
Let emergencies go first! / Wait your turn in line.
No Cutting! / Maintain
Responsible / Be prepared and ready for class EVERY DAY! / Be in class when the tardy bell rings / Report any misuse! / Put trash in bins / Board/Exit
Arrive on time
Engaged / Be an active participant
EVERY DAY / Get to class on time! / Get in and out quickly! / Find a seat quickly and remain seated until finished / Keep it Moving!
Don’t be a Groupie!
Accountable / Be on time to class EVERY DAY! / Use your assigned locker / Clean up after yourself
Flush before leaving / Keep your area clean / Follow posted rules!
Be on time!
Trustworthy / Do your own work / Have a hall pass at all times / Use facilities as intended / Use your own lunch number / Use respectful language and behavior
Follow sign in/sign out procedure!
General Information
If you desire to have an item announced, please write out the message exactly as you want it read, sign it, and turn it in to Mrs. Stewart (at the main campus) or Mr. Kip Welch (at NGC) no later than 3:25 of the day preceding morning announcement. Items for the rolling announcements should be turned into the Media Center.
Due to safety guidelines set forth, students will not be permitted to carry backpacks between classes. Backpacks may be brought to school and MUST be stored in lockers during the school day. Students will not be allowed to retrieve backpacks before the last bell. Students may use mesh or clear drawstring/athletic bags to transport gym attire to gym class only. Allowable drawstring/athletic bags can be purchased at the school store. Any exception must be approved by administration. Discipline may be assigned as result of this rule infraction.
Breakfast and Lunch PIN Numbers
Pin Numbers are to be used solely by the student they are assigned to. Selling meals to others (including possession of other’s meal) and/or receiving or eating on a free/reduced ID when not eligible will result in School discipline, including but not limited to reimbursement.
Cafeteria Rules and Etiquette
Students are expected to observe appropriate table manners while eating including clearing their place at the table and surrounding area when finished, keeping shoes, bags, etc… off the table. “Breaking in line” is not allowed. Show consideration for your classmates and wait your turn. All students will remain seated while in the cafeteria until dismissed by the bell.
Food is permitted outside the cafeteria in blacktop area only.
DrugFree School
The use or possession of narcotics, alcoholic beverages, or stimulant drugs on school property, or in any vehicle while such vehicle is being used to transport students for the school system is prohibited. Attendance at school events while under the influence of intoxicants is prohibited.
A student shall not possess, sell, use, transmit, or be under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind:
· On the school grounds during and immediately before or immediately after school hours.
· On the school grounds at any other times when school is being used by any school group.
· Off the school grounds while at a school activity, function or event,
· In route to and from school, or
· Off the school grounds while the students is in attendance at school activities or is otherwise subject to jurisdiction of school authorities.
Teachers and staff members are required by Georgia Law to report incidences of student drug use to an administrator. The principal shall notify the parents and any appropriate child welfare agency, including law enforcement. Persons making such reports are immune from civil or criminal liability when the report is made in good faith. Any person in violation of the provisions explained above will be suspended from school and referred to a Disciplinary Tribunal Hearing.
Emergency Drills
The following drills are conducted throughout the school year;
1) Fire Drills
2) Tornado Drills
3) Lockdown Drills
4) Bomb Threat Drills
5) Campus Evacuation Drills
6) Bus Evacuation Drills
Note: Lockdown Drills, Bomb Threat Drills, and Campus Evacuation Drills are never conducted without prior notice to teachers and students. Fire Drills, Tornado Drills, and Bus Evacuation Drills are held without prior notice.
Emergency Protocols
Soft lockdown/alert – Lockdown facility –continue with instruction. Everyone should remain inside. No outside activities. Typically Code Yellow is called when an event occurs in the community or nation that requires close watch and/or further instruction from the BOE or Law Enforcement.
Hard Lockdown – Danger or Threat is imminent. On-site this can include hostage/intruder or terrorism. Lock all doors and move away from doors/windows.
Materials that are part of the basic educational program are provided without charge to students. A student is expected, however, to provide his or her own supplies pens, pencils, etc. At the end of the school year, a student who owes the school a financial debt may have his/her records/report cards withheld until the debt is paid. Students who owe debts may not participate in extra-curricular activities (ex: field trips, graduation). No checks will be accepted after May 1st. Refunds for materials previously paid for and found will not be made after June 30th of the school term in which the payment is submitted. A receipt or other proof of payment is required to get a refund. The student may be required to pay certain other fees or deposits, including:
1. Parking Permit, Senior fees, Club dues
2. Security deposits
3. Materials for a class project
4. Personal physical education/athletic equip.
5. Voluntary purchases; pictures, class rings, yearbooks
6. Student accident insurance
7. Media Center Fees
Graduation Information
· The graduation ceremony will be at Georgia College and State University at the Centennial Center on Friday, May 25, 2017 at 6:00 pm.
· PARENTS will enter through the MAIN entrance (upper level of the Centennial Center).GRADUATES will gather for graduation in the assigned hallways at the Centennial Center. They will enter by the hallway doors downstairs, not the main entrance. GRADUATES need to be there by 5:15 pm.
· All guests, no matter how young, must have a ticket in order to enter the Centennial Center. This includes babies held by adults per Fire Marshall order. Tickets will be distributed at practice.
· The Centennial Center does not allow air horns, balloons, or silly string to be brought into their facility. These items will be confiscated by the Centennial Center and the owner may be asked to leave the program. Female graduates should NOT bring purses as we have nowhere to store them.
o Dark shoes (no sequins or other embellishments) with strap, small jewelry, and a dress or black/navy dress pants (no capris or shorts). NOTE—if you’re wearing a dress, it should be shorter than the graduation gown, and because it can be seen in the split of the gown, it should be a color and/or pattern that doesn’t clash with the purple gown. For your safety, avoid wearing spiked heels.
NO flip flops, house shoes, slippers, athletic shoes of any kind, or cowboy boots will be permitted.
o Also, ladies should wear small, modest jewelry if they choose to wear any. Hoop earrings and clunky bracelets and necklaces are not acceptable.
o Caps MUST be level when the student is holding up her head. They cannot be perched on the back of the head or angled to the side. Bobby pins are suggested to hold it in place.
o Dark shoes and socks, black or navy dress pants, dark tie with a white collared shirt. Athletic shoes of any kind, cowboy or work boots are not acceptable.
o Caps MUST be level when the student is holding up his head. They cannot be perched on the back of the head or angled to the side. Bobby pins are suggested to hold it in place.
ONLY those in proper attire will be allowed to participate in the ceremony. There should be NO ornamentation (other than honor cords/stoles provided by the school) added to the cap and gown. This includes embroidery, glitter, or anything else that personalizes the cap and/or gown.
*All seniors will be required to have completed all graduation requirements prior to graduation, including remitting any outstanding fines and signing a contract of behavior in order to PARTICIPATE in graduation ceremony. PARTICIPATING IN THE GRADUATION CEREMONY IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT.*
Locker Rules
Lockers should remain closed and locked for safety and security. Tampering of locking mechanism will result in discipline/cost of repair. No sharing of lockers. Students will not be allowed to go to lockers during lunch time or on halls where classes are in session. Lockers are still school property and may be searched at any time.
Lost and Found
Items that are lost and turned in throughout the school day are left in the Attendance Office. All unclaimed items will be donated to local charity organizations.
Use of School Phone
Students are allowed to use the phone in the Attendance Office before school, during break, at lunch, and after school. NO student will be excused from class to use the phone. If a student is sick, a school official will notify the parent. Students will not be called out of class to answer phone calls. Only urgent messages (family illness or death, a change of doctor appointments, etc.) will be delivered to student
Prom Information
1. No one over 20 years of age may attend (unless a registered student).
2. Only prom attendees can escort seniors.
3. Seniors who bring a date must go through lead-out with their date.
4. No adults allowed (balcony only) No access to the Prom floor will be granted (restrooms included).
5. Lead-Out begins at 9pm. Parents will enter at 8:45pm
6. All JCHS school rules are in effect at the Prom
7. Application process required to attend
School Nutrition Program:
Providing Healthy Meals for all our Children
The mission of the school nutrition program is to advance the availability, quality and acceptance of the school nutrition program as an integral part of education. Therefore, the nutrition staff of Jones County schools has a very important responsibility. Our staff, known as “Team Nutrition” at each school, is dedicated to helping children stay healthy and be ready to learn. The Jones County School Nutrition Program complies with the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Acts of 2010. This Act requires USDA to establish nutritious standards for all foods provided during the school day, to promote healthier eating habits for growing young bodies for all school ages. In addition, the school meal service is provided to students, staff and faculty daily by a team of professional food service assistants and managers who meet annual training standards to be certified by the national and state School Nutrition Association.