Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants
Executive Office of the Mayor
Government of the District of Columbia
and DC Register
Fiscal Year 2019Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants
Consolidated Grants
District Opportunities
Notice of Funding Availability
Crime Victim Assistance Grant Program (VOCA). The Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants announces the availability of grant funds under the Fiscal Year 2019Crime Victim Assistance Grant Program to improve the treatment of victims of crime by providing victims with the assistance and services necessary to speed their restoration after a violent criminal act, and to support and aid them as they move through the criminal justice process in the District of Columbia. Eligible applicants are non-profit, community-based organizations located in the District of Columbia and/or District government agencies. The Request for Applications (RFA) will be available electronically beginning Monday, April 16, 2018at and . The deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, 2018. For more information, contact Daniza Medina, Grants Management Specialist, Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants at (202) 442-4936 or .
The Services*Training*Officers*Prosecution (S*T*O*P) Violence Against Women Formula Grant. The Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants announces the availability of federal grant funds under the fiscal year 2019S*T*O*P VAWA Formula Grant program. The goal of the S*T*O*P Program is to encourage a coordinated community response between members of law enforcement, prosecution, courts, and victim service agencies to address the issues of domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault and dating violence. Eligible applicants are community-based non-profit, victim service organizations within the District of Columbia and DC governmental agencies. The Request for Applications (RFA) will be available electronically beginning Monday, April 16, 2018 at and . The deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, 2018. For more information, contact Daniel Rappaport, Grants Management Specialist, Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants at (202) 727-8869 or .
The Sexual Assault Services Formula Grant Program (SASP). The Offices of Victim Services and Justice Grants announces the availability of federal grant funds under the fiscal year 2019
SASP Formula Grant. The goal of the SASP is to provide funding for direct intervention and related assistance to victims of sexual assault. SASP directs grant dollars to assist in the support of rape crisis centers and other nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations that provide core services, direct intervention and related assistance to victims of sexual assault. Rape crisis centers and other nonprofit organizations, such as dual programs providing both domestic violence and sexual violence intervention services, play a vital role in assisting sexual assault victims through the healing process, as well as assisting victims through the medical, criminal justice and other social support systems. Funds provided through SASP are designed to supplement other funding sources directed at addressing sexual assault. The Request for Applications (RFA) will be available electronically beginning Monday, April 16, 2018 at and . The deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, 2018. For more information, contact Kelley Dillon, Grants Management Specialist, Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants at (202) 727-3934 or .
LOCAL Appropriations (LOCAL). The Office of Victim Services announces the availability of grant funds under the fiscal year 2019 LOCAL Fund to sustain and/or expand the provision of direct services to victims of violent crime. Eligible applicants are non-profit, community-based organizations and/or District government agencies located in the District of Columbia that provide direct services to crime victims. The Request for Applications (RFA) will be available electronically beginning Monday, April 16, 2018 at and . The deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, 2018. For more information, contact Alina Gomez, Grants Management Specialist, Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants at (202) 727-0957 or .