American Government/Civics

Spring 2017 Teacher: Mr. McGill (Rm. 209)

Course Name: Government/Civics

Textbook Name and Price: United States Government; Democracy in Action ($62.97)


This government course will provide you, the student, with a background in the origins, philosophy, functions, and structure of the United States government and its’ development. Students will also examine the structure and function of the United States government and its relationship to states and citizens. Georgia Performance Standards: To view a complete listing of these standards for American Government, please go to the website and scroll to the bottom of the page and under the heading listed for Grades 9 – 12, click the Civics tab.


Unit 1 – “Why This Form of Government?” (3 Weeks) GPS Standards: 1, 2, 3, 4, 16 & 19

Unit 2 – “The Legislative Branch” (4 Weeks) GPS Standards: 4, 9, 10, 11, 15, & 17

Unit 3 – “The Executive Branch” (3 Weeks) GPS Standards: 4, 12, 13, 14, 17, & 20

Unit 4 – “The Judicial Branch” (1 Week) GPS Standards: 4 & 16

Unit 5 – “America’s Federal System” (1 Week) GPS Standards: 5, 16, 17, & 18

Unit 6 – “Individuals, Groups, and Choices” (2 Weeks) GPS Standards: 6, 7, & 8

Unit 7 – “Civil Duties and Responsibilities” (2 Weeks) GPS Standards: 7, 21, & 22

These time frames may be modified on an as needed basis.


A.  Grades will be based on the number of points accumulated on quizzes, multiple choice tests, written work such as worksheets, maps, and vocabulary, and lastly individual or group presentations. (See letter E)

B.  The ability to follow directions is a quality that will be crucial to your academic and professional careers.

1.  Following instructions- In this class you will need to use a pen at all times and you must print all your work unless specified. Work that is not printed or that is written in any color other than black or blue ink will not be accepted. Typed papers are always acceptable.

2.  Your heading will look like this: First and last name

Month, Day and Year


Assignment and page number

3.  Failing to follow instructions for turning in work may result in a minimum loss of 10 points per assignment. All instructions for completing assignments will be included in the assignment handed out and can be found in the remainder of the syllabus

C.  The grade scale for this class is as follows: A- 90 to 100+

B- 80 to 89

C- 74 to 79

D- 70 to 73

D. If there is an opportunity for extra credit it will be announced prior to the assignment.

E.  Weights for Grades are as follows:

Quizzes: 15%

Final : 20%

Tests: 25%

Projects and

Papers: 15%

Classwork: 25%

F. Late work. All work must be turned in by 3:30 p.m. the afternoon that it is due in

order to receive full credit for an assignment. No papers will be accepted after the

assignments are passed back. You will have one day from the time that you return

from an absence to get any clarification for the work that you have missed. The

number of days that you missed will be the number of days you have to make up the

missed work. Work may be retrieved from my website located on the school’s main

page under teachers; then go to McGill; pick the appropriate class and assignment.

(See Student Handbook)

G. Food and liquids policy will be discussed on the first day of class.

H. You will need a spiral notebook, a 3-ring binder or graphic organizer, will hold

papers that are graded and given back. Your notebook should be divided as follows:



1. Unit 1

2. Unit 2

3. Unit 3

4. Unit 4

5. Unit 5 etc.

·  The spiral notebook should be thin, to fit inside your notebook. This will be for journal entries, the essential question, and notes. Periodically I will ask for both notebooks at separate, individual times.

These are the basic Classroom Rules and Discipline Procedures: Please observe:

·  If the door is closed, you are late. You should be in your seat and ready to work. Detention will be given for the second and third tardy and written referrals afterwards.

·  Come to class prepared. See Overview, B, and H.

·  Disrespectful behavior to teacher and classmates will not be tolerated, to include foul or suggestive language, physical contact, and disrespect of property.

·  No cheating. Cheating (that includes plagiarism and sharing) will result in a disqualification of that score.

·  You will be allowed two bathroom passes for each semester. If you have used up your allotted passes, you may go but it will cost you a detention. Hall passes are $5 if lost. No passes first and last 15 minutes of class.

·  Unless specified, no cell phones.

·  Sleep at home, not in my class.

·  All students are responsible for information in the Student handbook and Syllabus.

Steps taken for minor rules violations:

  1. Reminder
  2. Phone call to parent
  3. Reminder with documentation
  4. Detention
  5. Discipline referral

In the case of minor violations, one or more of these steps may be taken. Serious violations will be referred to the Principal (See Student Handbook).

How do I reach you if I have a question or concern about my child?

You can reach me at If you have issues with an assignment, questions concerning a class policy, or just need some insight, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

How will I know how my child is performing inside your classroom?

Henry County Public Schools publish grades through Infinite Campus. Ignorance of your child’s grades is not a sufficient reason for why your child should pass. Rest assured, your child knows. Approximately every four weeks students will be counseled individually about their grades and what they must do to change the outcome. In addition I am always responsive to emails and open to conferences at your convenience, as the school day allows.

Henry County Schools website:

Infinite Campus: This is on the school website as a link on the home page, on the right.|&NodeID=712&1650Nav=|&NodeID=713

What if I want to contact you by phone?

The number for SHS is 770-474-8747 ext. 339. Leave a message and I will be sure to contact you as soon as possible, but please e-mail!

What about tutorials?

Tutoring is optional and available individually but may become mandatory, depending upon lack of success as the semester progresses.

How do I know if they have homework or not?

The following is link that will allow you to preview/review the assignments that students are given and also serves as an itinerary to stay up to date on your child in this class. A copy of this syllabus with corresponding links will be on the school’s web page under teachers; my name.

What about make-up test and quizzes?

You will have the opportunity to make-up your lowest quiz and your lowest test. Details will be forthcoming.

*This Syllabus may be revised as circumstances dictate*

I have read and understand all of the objectives, requirements, and expectations for the course United States Government/Civics taught by Mr. McGill, and hereby agree to them.


Print Student Name


Student Signature Date


Print Parent (Guardian) Name


Parent (Guardian) Signature Date

______- Work Phone

______- Home/Cell Phone

______- Email

If you were at Open House, please place a check mark here______.